Top Ten Tuesday

A Quick Guide To Belgium For Book Cover Lovers {Top Ten Tuesday}

180703 Guide to Belgium

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Post header background: Designed by Freepik

Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Today’s prompt was to do red, white and blue covers in honor of the 4th of July in the USA. But I’m not actually from the USA and as such don’t celebrate the 4th of July, so I thought I’d change it up and introduce the lovely country of Belgium to all you non-Belgian book bloggers.

And what better way to do this than through beautiful books representing our black, yellow and red flag?

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne YoungThe Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnisBitten by Kelley Armstrong


The Atomium is a landmark building in Brussels, the Belgian capital. It was originally constructed for the 1958 Brussles World’s Fair (Expo 58) and is located on the Heysel Plateau, where the exhibition took place. It was designed by engineer André Waterkeyn and is about 102 m tall (355 ft). The nine steel spheres are connected so that the whole forms the shape of a unit cell of a iron crystal magnified 165 billion times. Five of the spheres are accessible for the public and contain exhibit halls and other public spaces. The top sphere includes a restaurant which has a panoramic view of Brussels.

Ironically, though I don’t live far from Brussels and have passed by the Atomium many times, I’ve never actually been inside myself *oops*.

Forbidden by Tabitha SuzumaThe Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen ChboskyThe Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King


Did you know that one of the most popular fried foods in the world is actually considered a Belgian delicacy? Though the name French Fries implies that this dish can be traced back to France, the origins are actually from Belgium. It is rumored that French fries received that name during WWI. At that time, American soldiers were introduced to the fried potatoes in Belgium, but because they thought they were situated in France (due to the fact that part of Belgium speaks French), the soldiers nicknamed these fried potatoes as French fries.

You can find various stands and shops selling French fries (called frituur) in every city in Belgium and they are usually served with a sauce (mayonnaise being the most popular, though there are many options) Personally, I love to celebrate the end of the work week with some French Fries on Friday evening (it’s frie-day for a reason, right?)

This Is Where It Ends by Marieke NijkampHarry Potter and the Cursed Childthe-crimson-crown-by-cinda-williams-chima


Manneken Pis (meaning Lil’Piddler in Dutch) is a landmark small bronze sculpture of 61 cm high in Brussels, depicting a naked little boy urinating into a fountain’s basin. It’s the best-known symbol of the people of Brussels as it embodies their sense of humour and their independence of mind. It is dressed in costumes, several times each week, according to a published schedule, which is posted on the railings around the fountain.

Although the Manneken Pis of Brussels is the best-known, others exist. There is an ongoing dispute over which Manneken Pis is the oldest – the one in Brussels or the one in Geraardsbergen. Similar statues can also be found in other Belgian cities.

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. MaasMore Happy Than Not by Adam SilveraThe Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh


Another delicacy originating from Belgium!

In North America, Belgian waffles are a variety of waffle with a lighter batter, larger squares, and deeper pockets than ordinary American waffles. In Belgium itself, there are several kinds of waffle, including the Brussels waffle and the Liège waffle.

Brussels waffles are lighter, crisper and have larger pockets compared to other European waffle varieties, and are easy to differentiate from Liège Waffles by their rectangular sides. In Belgium, most waffles are served warm by street vendors and dusted with confectioner’s sugar, though in tourist areas they might be topped with whipped cream, soft fruit or chocolate spread.

The Liège waffle is a richer, denser, sweeter, and chewier waffle. Native to the greater Wallonia region of Eastern Belgium they are an adaptation of brioche bread dough, featuring chunks of pearl sugar which caramelize on the outside of the waffle when baked. It is the most common type of waffle available in Belgium and prepared in plain, vanilla and cinnamon varieties by street vendors across the nation.

     Burning Glass by Kathryn PurdieThe Tiger Orchard by Joyce SweeneyOutlander by Diana Gabaldon

Non-Belgian bloggers, Tell Me:
Have you ever been to belgium or if not, would you like to visit some day? Is there something you already know about belgium?

Fellow Belgian bloggers, tell me:
Am I the only belgian to have never been inside the Atomium before? 🙂


  1. I love how you filled in the rest of the post!

    1. Thanks 🙂

  2. Ooh cool topic! I love that cover for Sky of the Deep. The Atomium looks amazing, by the way. Would love to go there!

    I don’t eat a lot of French fries, but I do like them with mayo (as well as hot sauce and various things). Nice to know I’d fit in with that at least in Belgium perhaps! 🙂

    Love the Manneken Pis! Too funny!

    1. Thanks! Haha, I hope you’ll get to try our Belgian French fries with mayo someday (and see the Atomium and Manneken Pis 🙂 )

  3. I love how you created a Belgian flag with each set of three covers. So cool and I love the color combo too. I’ve not been to Belgium yet but it’s another country that’s on my travel bucket list.

    1. Thanks! I hope you’ll get to visit Belgium someday 🙂

  4. I didn’t know that about French Fries, that’s amazing! I would love to visit Belgium one day :3
    I have this thing on my bucket list where I want to visit the birth place of my favourite foods (so like I want to visit Italy and eat pizza; and while I don’t eat many french fries I do like them when I am eating them XD so now I have to go to Belgium…. there is no avoiding it now)
    I love how this post is set out <3
    Happy Reading! :3

    1. Oh, that’s an amazing bucket list idea (and pizza in Italy sounds great)! Definitely hope you’ll get to try some French fries in Belgium someday 🙂

  5. I had no idea french fries were invented in Belgium. How cool.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Glad to have taught some French fries history 😉

  6. What a great post, Lindsey! I loved this little tour around Belgium. I would love to visit someday!

    1. Thanks so much, Angela! I’ll hope you’ll get to visit and wander around Belgium someday 🙂

  7. I didn’t realise you were from Belgium Lindsey, that’s so cool! It’s nice to see something a little different this week, as even the non-US bloggers (like me) seem to come from countries which have red, white and blue flags anyway! I loved the covers you picked, and getting to learn a little more about Belgium. And yes, I have been to Belgium before, but I was quite young and I don’t really remember it well, so I’d like to go back!

    1. Thanks 🙂 So true, I didn’t even realise most bloggers, even non-US ones, have red, white and blue flags! Hope you’ll get to visit Belgium again someday (and I definitely would love to visit the UK again too 🙂 )

  8. I’ve never been to Belgium but I’d love to visit someday! Thanks for all the fun facts. I didn’t realize that’s how the name french fries came to be! I do love some good french fries. And I love Belgian Waffles – there’s a restaurant where I live called Taste of Belgium. I wonder what you would think being from the country? hah


    1. I hope you’ll get to visit Belgium some day and try the French fries here! Oh, a restaurant calles Taste of Belgium, I am pretty curious about that 🙂

  9. What a lovely post! I, too, changed the topic to suit the colours of my country. I’m from Canada!
    I loved hearing about different aspects of Belgium – it’s definitely a place I would love to visit someday.

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks! Oh, I’d love to visit Canada some day, it’s one of the top spots on my travel bucket list 🙂

  10. I would love to go to Belgium one day! It looks lovely. I love what you’ve done with the post this week!

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you’ll get to visit Belgium some day 🙂

  11. I haven’t been inside the Atomium either, only admired it from a distance. xD (En jeej voor frituur! ;D)

    1. Haha glad to hear I’m not the only one 🙂 En frituren for the win haha 🙂

  12. This is the most educational TTT post. I love your twist on the topic! I want to visit Belgium for the chocolate. Chocolate is one of my favorite foods.

    1. Thanks so much! OH YES the chocolate! I wanted to include chocolate too, but didn’t want there to be too much food in one post (but who am I kidding, I’m all about the delicious food 🙂 )

  13. Yum! I like your books with Belgian covers.

    I like my French fries with ranch dressing. I didn’t know they came from Belgium.

    1. Haha, glad to have informed you of French fries history 😉 I don’t think I’ve tried ranch dressing before, will have to give it a try.

  14. Oh I love this post so much and what a fantastic idea. <3 I have been to Belgium a couple times already (perks of living close-by and having lived like, not even an hour away from it for a couple years, too) and I really loved visiting the different cities. AND THE WAFFLES, the waffles are EVERYTHING. <3 <3

    1. Thanks so much, Marie!
      That’s great that you got to visit Belgium already a few times! I’m happy to hear you loved it 🙂 Especially the waffles, haha 😉
      I’m not that far from France, but unfortunately I haven’t been that much and really only saw Paris. But that means there’s lots still to discover!

  15. Hahaha Lindsey I work in Brussels and I have never been inside the atomium either ? Great post and brilliant ideas with the covers!

    1. Haha good to hear I’m not the only one 😉 Thanks!

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