Today’s Tag Thursday is all about those books that I’ve been meaning to get to, but for some reason… that hasn’t happened yet. So they end up in my TBR pile. And that pile just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. So many books, so little time right? …Right?
So what’s a TBR again? A TBR is:
- an acronym for to be read
- can refer to one book (though unlikely) or a “pile or a “list” (more likely)
- a collection of books you want to read but just haven’t yet, because of reasons like
- the mood just isn’t right
- the book is pretty scary and intimidating
- you are busy re-reading Harry Potter (PRIORITIES!)
- you are distracted by shiny new books
- LIFE happens
Here are some of the books on my TBR!
(The original tag is by Lindsey Rey on Youtube.)
1 What book have you been unable to finish?
Ripper by Isabel Allende
I got about halfway through this book, but then I just never picked it up again. It wasn’t bad, but for a thriller, it just didn’t get me invested the way I would have liked. Perhaps I’ll pick it up again someday, but for now I’ll just leave it be.
What book have you yet to read because…
2 …you just haven’t had the time?
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
This series sounds great and I’m pretty sure I will love it. But I just haven’t started it yet. Because of life and other shiny new books that are demanding my attention.
3 …it’s a sequel?
The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
I know I will love it, but it’s (kind of) a sequel to what happened in Percy Jackson and the Olympians and I read that too long ago. So it is now my mission to first re-read the entire PJO series and THEN I can start this series. It will happen. I’m sure of it! Someday.
4 …it’s brand new?
The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
It’s out this week and I haven’t gotten it yet! I really want to read it because I loved the first one, The Wrath and the Dawn. It was so gorgeous and beautifully written and I actually should quickly re-read it so I am completely up to date again and ready to start the second part!
5 …you read a book by the same author and didn’t enjoy it?
The Young Elites by Marie Lu
Unpopular opinions time: I did not love the Legend trilogy. It wasn’t bad, but I just have no interest in continuing it. The Young Elites looks interesting but I am just not in the mood to start it yet, because of my experience with Legend.
6 …you’re just not in the mood for it?
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
It seems like a very good book but it also seems like it ‘ll be a specific, kind of dark book and I just haven’t been in the mood for that recently. But when the right mood strikes, I’m sure I will love it.
7 …it’s humongous?
The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
I LOVED the first book in The Mistborn trilogy and I really want to continue this series but I am also a bit intimidated because they are 2 pretty big books. Also, the font in my copies is pretty small and reading the first one hurt my eyes (I’m getting old). But no matter, I will get to them soon, even if I have to use a loupe to read them!
8 …because it was a cover buy that turned out to have poor reviews?
The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry
Look at this cover, it is gorgeous! So I bought it. But then I read the reviews and I shouldn’t have. It didn’t have poor reviews exactly, just some mixed reviews. But they have kind of lessened my enthusiasm for reading this book. Which is a pity and I shouldn’t let that stop me, because everyone has a different opinion and I could be one of those people who end up loving this.
9 What is the most intimidating book in your TBR pile?
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
The hype is so intimidating! Everyone loves this book series. Everyone loves the tv show. I want to watch the tv show, but I first want to read the books. But there are so many and they are so big and what if I don’t love them? The pressure is just so high (off to cower in a corner)
I want to try reading Sanderson’s books but they intimidate me SO much. I’m not much of a high fantasy reader at the best of times and those books are so massive. I have no plans on reading Outlander, but those books still terrify me haha. The Heroes of Olympus series is sooo good! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it
Thanks, I’ll definitely give the Heroes of Olympus series a try some time soon-ish