As hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
Hi there, and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday! Since we are almost at the middle of the year, it is the perfect time to reflect upon our bookish goals for 2016, the amazing books already read and enjoyed, but even more than that it is the perfect time to… FREAK OUT OVER ALL THE BOOKS STILL TO COME!
Of course almost every reader has a TBR pile that they are completely buried under. And a never-ending motivation to try to read ALL OF THEM, even if new ones keep on being added on. Not much we can do about that little struggle. However, we can set priorities. These priorities are the books that make us the most excited and most likely to freak out about.
So without further ado, I present to you the ten books I am currently freaking out over the most:
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child By J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany
Expected publication: July 31st 2016
Of course this one is on my ‘most anticipated’ list. I feel like I’ve been anticipating it for ever.
The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson
Expected publication: August 2nd 2016
Honestly, I still need to read book two in the Remnant Chronicles, but I really loved book one, The Kiss of Deception, so I’m planning to binge read both book two (The Heart of Betrayal) and book 3 (The Beauty of Darkness) as soon as the latter is released.
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
Expected publication: August 9th 2016
A book about assassins in a world based on ancient Rome / merchant prince Venice is a must read for me. I also just really, really love this cover.
A Torch Against The Night by Sabaa Tahir
Expected publication: August 30th 2016
I LOVED An Ember in the Ashes and happily go around telling everybody to read it. So OF COURSE I am super excited about the sequel called A Torch Against The Night.
Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
Expected publication: September 6th 2016
I am a huge Sarah J. Maas fan. In fact, I recently did a post with 10 reasons why you should read her books. So to say I’m anticipating this book does not seem to cover the level of intensity with which I’m waiting for this book!
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
Expected publication: September 20th 2016
Three magical queens, only one can survive and become ruler of Fennbirn. This sounds just like the kind of dark and creepy book I would love to read in the Halloween season.
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Expected publication: September 27th 2016
I read Six of Crows in almost one sitting, that’s how freaking good it was! And now I can’t wait for Crooked Kingdom, so I can be reunited with these amazing characters and this completely awesome world!
Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Expected publication: September 27th 2016
Honestly, I hardly know what this book is about and I don’t care all that much. I have full faith in Laini Taylor and I am sure it will be another gorgeously written, completely original and magical read.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Expected publication: November 8th 2016
Marissa Meyer turned me from a cynic into an obsessed fangirl with her Lunar Chronicles series. So of course I have to read her next fairytale retelling as well and of course I have high expectations!
Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes
Expected publication: December 13th 2016
I can’t believe this is already book 5 in the Falling Kingdoms series! This series is filled with twists and turns at EVERY SINGLE PAGE and I am both excited and scared to see what Morgan Rhodes and her 5th book in this series will do to my little heart. (Also: MAGNUS! FINALLY WE HAVE MAGNUS ON THE COVER!)
Morgan Rhodes does seem to get the books out- book 5 already! I haven’t read any of these yet but every time I see those covers I want to. The Pearson books have nice covers too… I admit I’m way too swayed by the cover art!
I completely understand and I think that sometimes it’s really okay to judge a book by its’ cover!
Though I do like these books for more than just the cover of course – but still, it’s a nice little extra!
Is it July yet? Can we read the Cursed Child yet???
I have a feeling July will be the longest month EVER!
I have a few of these on my list too: A torch against the night and Heartless are two that I am REALLY looking forward to!! I also want to read Three Dark Crowns. Great list! Here is my top ten list:
Yes, A Torch Against The Night – I am so excited about this one!
It wasn’t on my list but Heartless is definitely up there for ones I want to get coming up. I have Six of Crows to get to still but happy once I get to it the follow up will be out or close to it!! Great list!
I know, top ten lists are really tough to decide – so many good books out there! Hope you’ll enjoy Six of Crows and I think you’ll be happy you waited until Crooked Kingdom is almost out, because the wait is almost unbearable
Heartless! I am excited for that book as well, it sounds so, so good, I can’t wait to read it
Great list 
Yes, I loved The Lunar Chronicles and so I’m very excited for more retellings by Marissa Meyer
Taylor and SJM made my list too
I’m excited (and a little nervous) for the new HP. I’m not sure how I feel about her continuing the story. Thanks for sharing 
I totally understand! I’m awaiting the new Harry Potter with a mixture of eager anticipation and stressy nerves – but my expectations are sooo high
Great list! We are anticipating many of the same books, haha.
Also can’t wait for Nevernight! That cover is so awesome and the idea of the book is very interesting.
Thanks! The cover for Nevernight is very gorgeous so I hope the story will be equally gorgeous
one of these days soon I’ll actually read Cinder and then the others… and then eventually make it to Heartless lol
I hope you’ll enjoy this series when you start it
The Cursed Child, Heartless and Empire of Storms were all on my list too!
So many great books, so long still to wait
Nevernight has been an almost every list I’ve seen this week, haha. Clearly greatly anticipated. Great list!
Thanks! I’m super excited for Nevernight, I hope it’ll live up to my expectations
There’s so many series books due to be released! I need to catch up, haha! I’m really looking forward to Nevernight, Strange the Dreamer and Heartless. Also nervous and excite for The Cursed Child!
I know the feeling, there are so many great books coming out but I feel like there are still so many older ones I still need to read too. I may never really catch up, but it’s still fun to try