As hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
I think pretty much any bookworm knows the concept of the TBR pile. For those of you who don’t however, here’s a small description of a TBR pile:
- All the books still To Be Read
- Which is basically a never-ending growing pile
- With ginormous proportions
- Which can never, ever be completely conquered
- Even though we will always keep trying
- And don’t always mind that it’s there anyway (to be fair, I’d rather know that there are tons of books still out there for me to read, than to know that there are no more books. Anywhere. Because THAT would freak me out)
Given these characteristics, it’s also very possible for books to get lost in this TBR pile. Books that you meant to get to AGES ago. But you didn’t. Because some shiny, new books popped up and demand more attention. Or because the bookworm in question is a serious mood reader (ahem, me) and is just never in the right mood for them. So those poor little books get buried beneath all the other ones and forgotten. Well, maybe not forgotten, but put in the pile ‘I’ll get to you soon, I swear! No really, soon!’
Well, these are some the books I’ve been wanting to get to for AGES
(but will soon, I swear! No really, soon!):
The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan
This list is in no particular order, however this one is my biggest shame and highest priority at the moment. I first want to do a Percy Jackson and the Olympians re-read before starting this one so that’s why I keep procrastinating because re-reads take time. Even fun re-reads such as Percy Jackson.
Eona: The Last Dragoneye by Alison Goodman
Another one I’ve been procrastinating because it’s a sequel and I. HAVE. FORGOTTEN. EVERYTHING. ABOUT. BOOK. ONE.
The Kingkiller Chronicle Series by Patrick Rothfuss
This highly acclaimed fantasy series is really a must-read, even though it’s kind of big and intimidating. But since the third book isn’t out yet, I’m telling myself I still have some more time to get started with it.
The Orphan Queen duology by Jodi Meadows
I actually bought The Orphan Queen a few months ago, so this one is one step closer to being read!
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children trilogy by Ransom Riggs
I should really get to this soon, especially with the movie coming out later this year.
The Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown
I know, I know. Shame on me. This is such a highly praised series and I have no excuse for not reading it yet.
The Kanin Chronicles by Amanda Hocking
I read the Trylle trilogy by Amanda Hocking almost two years ago and have been wanting to start this series (which is set in the same world) ever since. Buuut, I haven’t.
Ready Player One by Ernest Kline
This sci-fi dystopian book just sounds so special and fun with its’ combination of virtual reality and 80’s pop culture that it really is a must-read.
The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta
As a self-acclaimed fantasy fan it’s a shame I haven’t read this series yet. I will soon though, I promise!
The Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness
I’ve heard some rave reviews about any of Patrick Ness’s book, so I am intrigued. This trilogy especially is one that I’ve been wanting to read for ages, yet I’m never in the right mood for it…
The Queen of the Tearling trilogy by Erika Johansen
Another classic in the fantasy world that I haven’t read yet. But with the third and final book coming out in November and a movie in development, I think it’s time to get started!
What a great list! I quite enjoyed the Kanin Chronicles, and I found them to be quick reads as well. I also love Heroes of Olympus (although they are less quick to read as there are more), Eon and The Name of the Wind (also not a quick read). I wasn’t a big fan of Miss Peregrine’s #1, so I wouldn’t know whether the trilogy should be top priority
Happy reading!
Thanks! I loved the Trylle trilogy, so I’m pretty sure I will like the Kanin Chronicles as well. Same with the Heroes of Olympus – LOVED Percy Jackson and the Olympians. So I should probably start there
Sorry to hear you didn’t like Miss Peregrine’s, but I have indeed heard some mixed reviews so maybe I should not put it on top of my list just now. Thanks for your feedback 
Oh I still need to get to THe Name of the Wind, Red Rising, Finnikin of the Rock and The Knife of Never Letting Go as well. I personally didn’t like The Queen of the Tearling at all, and wasn’t a fan of Miss Peregrine either. I liked Eon but Eona took a nosedive for me.
Thanks for the feedback! I did hear some mixed reviews of Miss Peregrine so I am doubting whether or not to read it. I guess I still will, just maybe not right away
I do hope we will both enjoy Name of the Wind, Red Rising, Finnikin and The Knife of Never Letting Go!
I read Eon a few years ago and have yet to read the sequel. Oops! I’m reading The Name of the Wind now…well, I haven’t picked it up in a month. I’ll finish it soon! I love, love, love The Lumatere Chronicles. <3
My Top Ten
Haha, I totally understand you about Eon – I read the first book so long ago I don’t even remember what happened… oops
Let me know what you think of Name of the Wind, I’d love to hear your thoughts! And yes, The Lumatere Chronicles should be top priority in my TBR!
I LOVED Ready Player One. I listened to it and it was amazing. I am like the only person who didn’t love the Chaos Walking books – I DNFed book 2. I also want to get to MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN TRILOGY and The Red Rising trilogy – but who knows when that will happen!!
Oh maybe it’s a good idea to try Ready Player One as an audiobook – it may make me ‘read’ it faster
Sorry you didn’t love the Chaos Walking trilogy – I’m curious to see what I’ll think. And YES about Miss Peregrine and Red Rising – who know when I’ll get to them? Could be soon, could be not soon at all – when you’re a mood reader you never know 
Oh I am with you for the Chaos Walking. ? I FEEL SO BAD FOR NOT FINISHING IT! I will though!! SOON. And I just bought The Name of the Wind so eeeeep. I’ heard it’s been a million years since the last one was published and the third isn’t nearly out or something like that? But I’m used to fantasy authors being cruel and torturous *howls at George RR Martin* So I shall get stuck into Name of the Wind super soon! And Heroes of Olympus IS SO SO GOOD. THE BEST RIORDAN HAS EVER DONE. *piles them on your head* DO TRY THEM SOMEDAY!!
Glad I’m not alone with the Chaos walking trilogy. But indeed, SOON!

And yes, I heard that too about The Name of The Wind, that it is taking a long time to write. This is good because then I have more time to read it, but it is also bad because I use it as an excuse not to start reading it yet
I know, I know, I MUST start the Heroes of Olympus soon! Like now-ish. Especially since they’re piled on my head anyway
The Heroes of Olympus books are SO GOOD! I did a massive re-read of Percy Jackson last year and then immediately jumped into HOO, and I can say with 100% certainty that that is definitely the way to go! It can be a little difficult at first because of the POV switches, but it’s so great to see other characters. I hope you love it as much as I did when you read it!

My #Shame TTT
Happy Reading!
That’s great thay you also did the Percy Jackson re-read before jumping into Heroes of Olympus! It’s also super motivating for me to actually get started
I remember I ADORED Percy Jackson so I’m sure I will equally love HOO 
Wow, so many great reads here. You’re in for a treat when you start reading these. I especially enjoyed Ready Player One, the first Red Rising book, and the first Miss Peregrine book.
Thanks! Great that you liked these books! I will definitely start them very, very soon
Ready Player One is on my TBR pile too! As are the Tearling books…why are there so many books in the world that need to be read and why isn’t just reading them my full-time job?
I know, I also totally wish I could do this reading books and blogging about them full-time
Well, we can keep dreaming and never say never, right?
This is a great list!! I have the Kanin trilogy, The Orphan Queen, Queen of the Tearling and the Red Rising series all on my TBR!! I read the first book in the miss peregrine series, but I didn’t enjoy it, so I didn’t continue with the series! Hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them
Thanks! I have indeed heard a lot of mixed reviews on Miss Peregrine. I guess I’ll have to start with book one and see what I think
Hope you’ll also get to the Kanin trilogy, The Orphan Queen, Queen of the Tearling and Red Rising also soon!
There are always so many series! I want to read Ready Player One for SURE! I’ve read the first Miss Peregrine book, which I loved, so I really need to read the next two. I’m excited for the movie!
Definitely, too many books, too little time
Glad you loved the first Miss Peregrine book! The movie trailer does look very good 
Nice list of books!!
Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week:
Thanks! Will definitely check out your TTT too
I’m am so behind with everything Rick Riordan. I started Percy Jackson and then lost it after about 3 books and forgot to pick it back up again. I really do want to get back into it though because I hear the rest of the books are amazing!
I have been meaning to read the Red Rising trilogy for forever too!
Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s behind on Rick Riordan books
Will definitely make it a project to catch up soon though.
I think I better by the first book in the Queen of the Tearling series if the movie’s underway, darn-it! Lol. Amanda Hocking and Pierce Brown are also on my ‘must be investigated’ list. So many books, so little time…
I know the feeling of so many books, so little time! I’m not really sure how far into production the Queen of the Tearling movie is, so I think we still have some time though to read it before the movie actually comes out
You’ve featured a lot of series that I’ve been keen to pick up but have yet gotten round too. I notice that a large portion of your list is in fact series, and I think that may be why you haven’t got round to them as of yet – I think with standalone books tend to come before series, at least that’s how it goes for me. Do you tend to read a lot of series?
I actually tend to read more series than standalones
But it is true that series are a big commitment and that’s why they take so much longer to get to. I do hope we’ll both enjoy these ones when we get to them!