Hi guys and welcome to a new Tag Thursday!
I know I’m about a year late to the hype, but I’ve finally given in to the Hamilton craze. If you don’t know , Hamilton is a hip-hop musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton, who was one of The United States’ Founding Fathers.
Now, I resisted listening to the soundtrack for months, even though pretty much everybody and their dog were raving about it on social media. And then one day I was out of things to listen to, and I just decided to give it a shot. I listened to the soundtrack and thought ‘Meh… this is ok, I guess. Not really my thing though.’ But then the soundtrack came to the end and I pressed repeat. And then again. And again…
And now here we are. I listen to the soundtrack at least two-three times a week and one of my goals in life is to memorize all the words to all the lyrics. (And oh boy, there are a lot of words).
So what is the appeal of this musical? Personally, I just love the story. I didn’t think the story of an American politician living in the late 1700’s would be very interesting to me, but it is! It’s a story full of emotion: passion, drive, love, friendship, sadness, mourning, sacrifice and forgiveness. All the stuff I love in books, put into amazing lyrics and to some catchy beats.
So why not mix two obsessions and do the Hamilton book tag? Let’s get to it!
(This tag was created by maureenkeavy on Youtube – you can watch her original video here.)
Book world you would put yourself in
We dream of a brand new start, but we dream in the dark for the most part.
Dark as a tomb where it happens.
I’ve got to be in the room where it happens…
I’m going to be completely unoriginal here, because while I love a lot of book worlds, there is only one that I badly wish I could actually live in and that is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Underrated Female Character
So men say that I’m intense or I’m insane
You want a revolution? I want a revelation
So listen to my declaration.
I’m gonna go with Emily from Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson for this one. Sure, she’s just a regular girl in a contemporary story and not one of those badass heroines in fantasy, but she’s still pretty awesome and great! She’s a perfect example of why the small acts of bravery are just as awesome and inspiring as the big ones.
A character that goes after what they want and doesn’t let anything stop them
Hey yo, I’m just like my country
I’m young, scrappy and hungry
And I’m not throwing away my shot!
Han from the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. I love his cleverness and determination.
A character you wish was still alive
Save your strength and stay alive
SPOILERS for the Harry Potter series! Highlight text to read
I am still not over the dead of Fred Weasley. Nope. Not at all. *goes off to cry in a corner.
The most heartbreaking end to a relationship you’ve ever read
I am watching it burn
The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don’t get to know what I said
SPOILERS for the Throne of Glass series! Highlight text to read.
Celaena Sardothien and Sam Cortland in the Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas. I’m not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but just to be sure I’m counting it as one. I can’t even re-read the book because I’m afraid I won’t stop crying.
That said, I think Celaena and Chaol is a close second. I know it’s not the same, but I still think it was equally devastating. I’m not really over that one either. Man, this Throne of Glass series is breaking my heart and still I love it so much!
Sassiest villain
Cuz when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
How about the Greenmantles in the Raven cycle by Maggie Stiefvater? They were both so sassy and funny, I didn’t know whether to find them terrifying or hilarious.
A book with a twist that you didn’t see coming
Have you read this?
You ever see somebody ruin their own life?
SPOILERS! Highlight text to read.
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I personally did not see that coming at all, even though I totally should have.
A series you marathoned
How do you write like you’re running out of time?
Write day and night like you’re running out of time?
The Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat. And really, I feel like this trilogy is best read all after eachother as if they are one book anyway.
Favorite book with multiple POVs
I remember that night, I just might
Regret that night for the rest of my days
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I liked every single POV in this book and that doesn’t happen much so this is really saying something!
A book/series you feel like will be remembered throughout history
Let me tell you what I’d wish I’d know
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control:
Who lives
Who dies
Who tells your story?
Another obvious one: the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
A relationship you were pulling for from the very start
Look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit
I’m helpless!
Down for the count, and I’m drownin’ in ’em
Emma and Julian in Lady Midnight. They just belong together and I’m rooting for them so badly, but I’m sure we will still go through hell and back before we get a happily ever after. IF we even get one.
Favorite fight scene
If they don’t reach a peace, that’s alright
Time to get some pistols and a doctor on site
Aelin versus Manon in Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. Oh man, I’ve been anticipating these two badasses meeting for a book and a half and when they finally did, it DID NOT DISAPPOINT!
Guilty pleasure read
Nooo, show me how to
Say no to this
I don’t know how to
Say no to this
I don’t think anything really should be a guilty pleasure. I’m a firm advocate for reading whatever it is you feel like and just enjoy it without feeling guilty. You shouldn’t be ashamed of what you like to read!
A series you wish had more books
What comes next?
You’ve been freed
Do you know how hard it is to lead?
You’re on your own
Awesome. Wow
Do you have a clue what happens now?
I want some more books in the Shatter Me world by Tahereh Mafi. I feel like there is still so much left to see there and so many questions still open. Also, I wouldn’t mind more Warner. Just saying.
Favorite BROTP
Here comes the General!
And his right hand man!
Aww man, I love friendships in books! It’s pretty impossible for me to pick one favorite, so here are three:
- Frodo and Sam (Lord of the Rings)
- Dorian and Chaol (Throne of Glass)
- Gansey, Ronan, Adam, Noah and Blue (The Raven Cycle)
A book or series you were late to reading
So what’d I miss?
What’d I miss?
Oh I feel like I’m late to so many books and series, though I’m trying to catch up! This year I finally started a ton of them, including The Raven Cyle by Maggie Stiefvater, the Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab, the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
I’m so glad I finally gave into peer pressure and listened to this because now I’m obsessed ? I really need to do this tag! It’s on my list, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I will forever choose Harry Pottter as the world I’d most like to visit so don’t worry haha!! The Greenmantles were very interesting villains!
Same here, I should have just given in so much sooner
Maybe if I started listening earlier I would actually know all the lyrics by heart by now 

Definitely looking forward to your answers when you do this post! And yes, the Harry Potter world just makes all the other worlds seem insufficient. Why go anywhere else when you could go to the Wizarding World?
Haha, right!! I know Satisfied off by heart and some verses of Take A Break. I’m working on the rest ? And yes, exactly!!! The Wizarding World has everything that you could ever need ?