Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been a part of any book club. In fact, I only know it exists because of movies. Do they really exist? Like people reading a book at the same time and then coming together and talking about it? And is that all there is to it or is there more? Is it just random talking about it, or is there a list of questions? Are there any activities related to the book?
It all honestly feels kind of weird to me. In real life, there is an extremely limited amount of people I can talk to about books. Even less people that don’t give me the “Oh that’s so cute that you have time to read! I’m way too busy for things like that” (Ugh). So that’s why I started blogging. So I can talk about books as much as I want with people who are just as excited about it as I am!
But the idea of a book club still seems kind of cool too. So today I wanted to do a little twist on the topic and talk about the books that I would really want to join a book club for. Aaand… the activities I would do concerning the book. So without further ado, let’s get started!
The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
Yes, this is one of my favorite series. And I talk a lot about it on here. But I want to talk more. I want to discuss every book. I want to talk about the characters. I want to talk about the relationships. I want to discuss some of the issues with the series (I love it so much, but nothing is perfect and I still want to talk about that too) I want to make predictions and bets on what’s going to happen in the final book. I want to colour in the colouring book together. I want to do all that fun stuff.
The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
Honestly, I keep procrastinating finishing this series for way too long already. I need someone to put me on a deadline and I need other people to talk to me about it. I need to be forced to read this because if not I keep putting it off and I am missing out on this amazing series. Ooh, and can we make little necklaces together that look like vials with the metals in them? That would be so cool.
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
I think re-reading this book on a yearly (or multiple times a year) is a really good mental health thing. Seriously, they have classes where everybody just laughs together, right? Why not read this book together? It will have everyone smiling and happy in no time. Also, there MUST be oreos served at every book club meeting. All kinds of oreos to eat and oreo mikshakes to drink. See, I’m smiling already just thinking about it.
The Wrath and the Dawn duology by Renee Ahdieh
Talking about food, I want to read this duology in book club because I want us to make all the yummy food from these books together and then (of course) EAT IT ALL. Because I’ve never read any book with food that sounds as yummy as this one. Also, I still need to read The Rose and the Dagger, so I think food sounds like an excellent incentive. (Food’s usually a good incentive for me, let’s be honest)
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
Confession time: I’ve never read these books. I LOVE the tv show, but the books? Ehh, I just keep procrastinating. A book club would be perfect though. We could read the books, watch the show and talk comparisons, and we could speculate everything that’s still going to happen in the show and make bets on when exactly those final books will be released.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I just want to have regularly scheduled re-reads, combined with a movie marathon. I love this series so much and now that the movies have all been released I’m feeling a big Hunger-Games-sized gap in my heart. We could even combine it with some archery lessons so we can feel like Katniss and then go eat some cake so we can pretend it’s Peeta who made them for us. Mmm, talking about cake…
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
WIth the third and final book coming out next year, I’d really like a re-read and discussion of the first two books. Instead of doing it on my own, we could do it in group and then bake eat all types of desserts. In support of Lara Jean and her love of baking, of course.
The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Well, any Harry Potter fan probably already does a re-read on a regular basis, so why not do this together in a book club? I mean, there’s only so much talking about Harry Potter I can do with friends and family before they roll their eyes and try to get rid of me. Why not do this in group, together with other Harry Potter fans? We could dress up as the characters, watch the movies, drink butterbeer and discuss fan theories. We could go watch Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in London together! (Dreaming here…)
A graphic novel book club
I keep wanting to get into graphic novels, but I find it so hard to know where to start. There’s so many of them and I am intimidated by it all. A book club focusing on graphic novels would be able to give me some guidance on the matter and I would highly welcome it!
Hamilton: The Revolution
What? There is a book. This totally counts as a book club! Ok, I also just really want to talk to other people about Hamilton, the Broadway musical I’ve become sliiightly addicted to. We could read the book and listen to the soundtrack together. We could quiz eachother on which quote comes from which song and we could sing and rap along together. It would be awesome, I’m telling you!
ASDFGHJK THIS IS SOOOO TRUE. The main reason why I started a book blog was just because I had NO ONE TO TALK WITH ABOUT BOOKS. One day I was crying in bed because of some character death and my mom thought I had a panic attack. Say what!!! Maybe we can get together and start a book club. Like people do in movies. Also, great post!!
I TOTALLY understand! It’s so hard when you’re grieving a favorite character’s death and there is NOBODY who you can talk to! A book club would help so much
[…] book club likes _______, but since I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of book clubs, I decided to do what Lindsey was doing. (hope it is […]
All of these would be great. I would LOVE to talk Game of Thrones in a book club- man the possibilities. Same with Hunger games. and graphic novels- I’d be in heaven. lol
As far as GN’s go, I usually hate to recommend because everyone’s tastes are different, but Alex and Ada (there are three volumes) are a great starting point for graphic novels (at least I think). And of course Saga gets all the raves. I’ve heard Rat Queens is good.
This post has made me really wish I actually could join a book club! Though I guess book blogging is pretty good too

Thanks for the tip, I hadn’t heard of Alex and Ada yet, but I’ll check it out! I like three volumes, that’s not too much to get started with
This is such a great list! I don’t have a book club where there is an assigned reading for a certain amount of time, but I am part of a book group. We mostly do our own reading, and post our separate discussion threads for books and book recommendations. It’s actually pretty fun, and we’ve discussed some of the books on your list. There is a facebook dedicated to Hamilton fans from all over the world, you might want to check that out (I know cause I’m in it lmao). haha
That book club sounds great
Oh and I didn’t think about that, but I totally just joined the Hamilton fans Facebook page so thanks for the tip 
I love your list! I’ve read a lot of these and loved them I would love to have people to have in depth bookish conversations with. I’m planning to listen to Simon soon. I keep hearing so many good things about it.
Thanks! Yes, it would be so great to have in-depth conversations about these (and other) books! I loved Simon, hope you’ll enjoy
Great list! I would highly recommend the Game of Thrones series. It’s such a different experience from watching the show, and I read the books first.
Thanks! I have the Game of Thrones series on my shelf, so I really have no excuse not to get started
I am SUPER pumped because I did just join a book club! A local bookstore has one but it was totally full for aaaaaages…but they lost some members, opened it up again, and the first meeting is in a little over two weeks! The first book is Helen Oyeyemi’s What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours, so it’s already stretching my reading since I don’t usually read short story collections
Oh that’s so cool that you got to join an actual book club! I’ll have to check and see if maybe our local bookstores don’t have any… Hope you’ll enjoy the first book AND meeting
I love being part of a book club. I’m naturally terribly shy, and my book club is a great social activity for me because it is a small group of nice bookish people. We all meet at a local coffee shop and talk about a book, and then the conversation just winds on wherever it goes! I don’t always like the books we pick, but it does push me outside of my reading ruts and encourages me to broaden my horizons.
Your book club sounds so great! I’m pretty shy myself, and this would be a great way to combine a soial activity with something I just really love talking about
And it would be ok if I don’t like every book, it would be a great way to broaden my horizons, like you said!
I’m so with you on this. I tried a few local book clubs but they just weren’t what I thought a book club should be, which, like you, is what made me start my blog. I love all of your selections and the ideas/activities you have in mind for each set of books. Yours is a book club I’d totally be into!
At least the book blogging world is just like one giant book club, so that’s pretty nice too
They do exist!! I’m in the bestest book club ever!! We read the same book every month (it’s a FYA book club, so the FYA overlords pick the book— but it’s always YA), and we get together at a restaurant or someone’s house and discuss. We also go to see movies– when YA books have been turned into movies, we have bar-crawls, porch parties, secret santa, a summer scavenger hunt/contest thingy, and other random get togethers. It’s very low-key, so probably 40% of the people don’t read the book each month…. but it’s still fun to get together and talk about other books or just whatever. You should totally see if there’s an FYA book club near you. They have a nationwide list on their site!!
Okay, now that I’ve talked FOREVER– I wanted to say I really really need to read Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. That sounds like a book I would love. Great list!!
Oh your book club sounds like so much fun! I looked up FYA book clubs, but I don’t think there are any in Belgium
But I’ll keep looking and in the meantime book blogging is a lot of fun as well 
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda is one of my all-time favorites, hope you’ll enjoy it!
I went to one where we talked about diversity by use of Simon at a book store. And online (Goodreads) I am apart of a group that picks two books each to read. If I like it I read along. But yeah, I don’t think book club are as popular as they used to be.
Nimona is a great place to start with graphic novels. It is a standalone so you don’t have to commit to a series.
That’s a great tip, thanks! It’s indeed easier to start with a standalone