Hi guys, and welcome to a new Tag Thursday!
As you may or may not know, I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan. It’s one of my all-time favorite shows and it is my number one go-to show when I need some cheering up. So obviously I am also super excited for the revival (NEXT WEEK GUYS, NEXT WEEK!) and in honor of that, I wanted to do the Gilmore Girls book tag!
Watch the original video here.
So without further ado, oy with the poodles already!
1. I JUST GOT HIT BY A DEER – character having the worst day ever
I’m guessing Nathan from the Half Bad trilogy by Sally Green has had a whole lot of bad days. Being kept in a cage and repeatedly tortured every day does not sound like a great day.
2. STARS HOLLOW – wildly eccentric cast
I love the wildly eccentric but oh so lovable cast of The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. There are not that many book characters I love as much as Blue and her Raven Boys.
3. COFFEE – a book you’re addicted to/a character w/ an addiction
Im gonna go with character with an addiction and for that I’m choosing Jesper from Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo and his gambling addiction.
4. SOMEONE DEVIL EGGED MY CAR?! – great act of revenge
The entire Queen of Shadows book by Sarah J. Maas felt like one epic revenge plot and it was awesome.
5. MR. MEDINA – an illicit affair
I’m drawing a blank here. Not sure why – do I have a really bad memory or have I just not read any books with illicit affairs?
6. KIM’S ANTIQUES – a world you’d be afraid to enter
Hunger Games, anyone? Still one of the scariest worlds out there.
7. HARVARD VS. YALE – character who needs to make a life-changing decision
I’m gonna go with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. When Claire is transported back in time she has several tough decisions to make, but one more important than the rest: if she has the chance to go back to her time, will she take it?
8. LUKE’S DINER – a comfort read
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli. It’s my go-to feel-good book and never fails to put a smile on my face.
9. AM I CRYING OR LAUGHING? – a book that messed with your emotions
Half Lost by Sally Green. First I laughed. Then I cried. Then I got angry. Then I pretended it never happened. Then I cried some more. I will never be okay again.
10. EMILY – the HBIC (Head Bitch in Charge)
Manon Blackbeak from the Throne of Glass series is my queen! I mean, Celaena, pretty is great too, but I love Manon just so much more. Not only is she so badass, but her character development is just so amazing <3
11. LORELAI AND RORY – favorite family dynamic
Well, the relationship between Blue and her mother from the Raven Cycle always reminded me of Rory and Lorelai.
12. I PUSHED HIM IN THE LAKE! – a book you’d throw in a lake
I honestly can’t think of one. I haven’t really hated a book I’ve read lately. So I guess that’s a good thing?
13. 1000 YELLOW DAISIES – favorite romance
Uhm, I’m a hopeless romantic. I can’t choose just one favorite romance. Here, have a list of ten of my OTP’s. New additions to that list: Kaz/Inej (Six of Crows), Jesper/Wylan (Six of Crows), Ronan/Adam (Raven Cycle), Cress/Thorne (Lunar Chronicles), Damen/Laurent (Captive Prince), Nathan/Gabiel (Half Bad), Elias/Laia (An Ember in the Ashes) and Emma/Julian (The Dark Artifices). You know, to name a few…
14. JESS – an unpopular opinion
Please don’t judge me, but I didn’t LOVE The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler. I’ve heard so many rave reviews about that one and I just… didn’t feel it. But it’s definitely an ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ kind of feeling. I can see why people love it and it had some really great elements. But I just did not fall as in love with the story as I would have wanted.
15. FIRST SNOW – snowy or holiday read
Harry Potter! Sure they work all year long, but something about snowy days just screams Harry Potter to me.
16. HEP ALIEN – book centered around music
P.S. I Like You by Kasie West. The main character is a lyricist and the main romance is built around the love of music both characters share.
17. HE’D BETTER HAVE A MOTORCYCLE! – your book crush
Well, I would say I have 3 book crushes and they are all Sarah J. Maas characters. I don’t know who I love more: Rhys, Dorian or Manon <3
Also, check out these amazing artists:
– Rhys by Merwild
– Dorian by Taratjah
– Manon by Charlie Bowater
18. IT’S REPETITIVE AND REDUNDANT – a book that could have been shorter
Well, I do love The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelly Armstrong, but I always felt it could have been a duology instead of a trilogy.
19. KIRK – the weirdest book you’ve ever read
Ehh, haven’t read any weird books that I can recall right now, but I do think Vassa in the Night sounds pretty weird. Haven’t read it yet, but the synopsis sounds weird to me.
20. IT’S A LIFESTYLE. IT’S A RELIGION – that one book that means more to you than any other
One book? How about several?
The Harry Potter series.
The Throne of Glass series
The Hunger Games trilogy
The Grisha trilogy AND the Six of Crows duology
The Captive Prince trilogy
The Raven Cycle
Oh my, this was actually pretty difficult. I have read a lot of books, but when answering these questions I felt like I had a brain freeze and kept coming back to the same books over and over again. Or maybe it’s just the Gilmore Girls excitement that is getting to me. Yes, that must be it. So anyway…
I love your answers
I have to agree, these Raven Boys are something, I love them so much, especially when they are all together. They’re so different yet complete each other in a way, and… I just love reading about their adventures so, so much. Did you read the whole series ? 
Thanks! I adore the Raven Boys <3 I started the series earlier this year and I fell so in love with those Raven Boys that I pretty much immediately binge-read the entire series :) And I LOVED IT. It was hard to say goodbye to these characters, but I'm so happy we still have the new Ronan-centered books to look forward too!
I love all of your answers! haven’t watched Gilmore Girls yet but I promise it is on my list! Plus, I love The Raven Boys so so much <3
Thanks! Yes, the Raven Boys are so amazing <3 I definitely recommend Gilmore Girls so I hope you'll enjoy it :)