Book Review

Series I Still Want To Finish / Catch Up With Before The End Of The Year


Let’s celebrate! Last week I officially reached my Goodreads goal of reading 70 books in 2016. Yay! So, with that challenge complete and still a whole month to go before the end of the year, I figured I’d set myself another challenge. Why don’t I try to finally finish and/or catch up with some series that have been on my TBR for too long already?

Also, I actually wanted to read some of these books already for the Tome Topple Readathon, but that readathon started November 19th and I haven’t started any book yet so I kind of failed  big time there. But hey, I figure that if I still read them before the end of the year, it’s still ok-ish…

So without further ado, this is my rather ambitious TBR list for the rest of the year:

The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

I read The Final Empire in December 2015 and loved it but have been both too intimidated and distracted by other shiny books to continue. NO MORE! If I only make one promise to myself this year, it’s to finally finish this series and give it the love it deserves.

The Snow like Ashes series by Sara Raasch.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch frost-like-night-by-sara-raasch

I loved book one but was honestly very disappointed by book two. Nevertheless, I still really want to know what happens next in Frost Like Night and how this trilogy will come to a close.

The Wrath and the Dawn duology by Renee Ahdieh

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh

I read The Wrath and the Dawn but still have to read The Rose and the Dagger. I LOVED The Wrath and the Dawn, so I must finish this gorgeous duology still this year. Except… I’ll definitely need to refresh my memory because… what happened again?

The Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab a-gathering-of-shadows-by-v-e-schwab

Okay, this is the only one that isn’t complete yet (book 3, A Conjuring of Light, will be released in February), but I want to be ready! I loved A Darker Shade of Magic and I hope to still finish A Gathering of Shadows before the end of the year.

The Royals trilogy by Erin Watt

paper-princess-by-erin-watt broken-prince-by-erin-watt twisted-palace-by-erin-watt

This is a little bit of cheating since I’m basically almost finished at the time of writing. But don’t they always say it’s a good thing to put things on your to-do list that are already done, just so you have the satisfaction of checking them off? Or is that just me? Anyway, I still really want to have this addictive series finished before the end of the year.

The Off-Campus series by Elle Kennedy

The Deal by Elle Kennedy the-mistake-by-elle-kennedy

the-score-by-elle-kennedy the-goal-by-elle-kennedy

Technically this is just a series of stand-alones, but I’m considering it a series and am going to try to finish it still this year. I only have the last book, The Goal, still to go so this should be doable, right?

So the total tally is 7 books that I still want to finish before the end of the year. Should be totally doable right? Except for the fact that I have major moodreaderitis so we’ll see. I’ll defnitely be starting this challenge full of hope and motivation!

What about you?
What are some books/series you still really want to finish this year?


  1. Congrats on completing your goal??
    My god, Ice like Fire was so disappointing, I do not really think I am going to read Frost like Night anytime soon.

    1. Thank you 🙂
      Ice Like Fire was really disappointing but I’m currently reading Frost Like Night and I must say I like it a lot better. Though, honestly, it’s not blowing me away yet either…

  2. I still need to finish the Snow Like Ashes series. I’ve only read book one though. Also, someday I need to read the ‘Wrath/Dawn’ duo. I hear amazing things about it. 🙂

  3. The Rose and the Dagger was amazing, you’re going to love it! I also need to finish the Snow Like Ashes series XD Great post ^_^

    Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles

    1. I’m so looking forward to starting The Rose and the Dagger, because I LOVED The Wrath and the Dawn. I am going to have to look up a recap though, because the details are a little hazy and I don’t want to be lost while reading the sequel 🙂

  4. Congrats on completely your GR goal, Lindsey ?? You definitely need to read A Gathering of Shadows 😀 It’s sooooo good.

    1. Thanks, Lauren! I am definitely starting A Gathering of Shadows soon! I am so excited to start and I am proud I managed to wait this long but NO MORE 😉

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