Top Ten Tuesday

Holiday Gift Guide: What To Get The Book Lover In Your Life {Top Ten Tuesday}


Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

The Holiday Period is upon us, guys! Time for all the fun (and some maybe not-so-fun) traditions that come along with the period. One of those traditions is probably the gifts.

So, how about a little gift guide to help you get some inspiration on what to get the book lover in your life?

*Note: if YOU are the only book lover in your life, these gifts are also perfectly acceptable to get yourself. Just saying…



Umm. Of course! If you are thinking about a gift for a book lover, the first thing that should come to mind is probably books. I always say to my own friends and family that I am by far the easiest person to shop for gifts for, and so is probably every other book lover. I mean, we all have TBR lists that are bigger than we are. So just ask the book lover in your life for a list of books they would still like. Chances are, you will leave with a list of about a hundred books. So there is even still an element of surprise!

What if they don’t give you a list of books? Well, if they have Goodreads, you can always check their TBR shelf. Easy-peezy. If they don’t, well then best is to ask for their preferrred genre if you don’t know already. It’s a big book world out there and not everybody like the same type of books!

Books – Special editions and boxsets



Yes, I am counting this separately. This is something I personally don’t buy for myself. I mean, I have my eyes on this gorgeous Harry Potter boxset for months now. But I have all the books, so I can’t justify me buying them again. But then again, I have practically every single Harry Potter book in a different edition and even language, so this boxset would look a lot nicer on my shelf… So basically, I’m waiting for someone to buy it for me so I don’t feel guilty about buying doubles… I’m strange like that.

But anyway, there are so many gorgeous boxsets or limited editions out there. Most bookworms will not say no to a gorgeous looking book so this is definitely always a good gift idea!

A Book Box Subscription


There are a ton of book box subscription services out there and they are the perfect book lover gift! They usually come out once a month, centered around a specific theme and contain a book and some bookish merch. Depending on the book box, you can probably just order one, or you can subscribe to get the box for a few months. Best is of course to do some research and search for one near you, to keep the shipping costs as low as possible. I’m in Belgium and I fell in love with Fairyloot, which is a book box subscription located in London. But be sure to also check out some of the other book boxes out there, such as Owlcrate, Uppercase or The Book(ish) Box.

Book Boyfriend or Girlfriend Lip Balm and/or soap

Behind The Pages Dorian Behind The Pages Manon

Behind The Pages Feyre Behind The Pages Feyre

Most book lovers probably also have a ton of book boy- and/or girlfriends. So why not get some lip balm that reminds you of them? Or shower with ‘their’ soap? Behind The Pages can help you out! I have the Elias lip balm myself and I am in love with it. It smells good AND it looks beautiful so I definitely have my eyes set on more (I’m thinking Dorian, Chaol, Manon, The Darkling and Rhys. You know, as a start. Because one can never have too many lip balms)

Bookish Candles


When you’re done with the lip balm and the soap and you’re already smelling like your favorite book boyfriend/girlfriends, what can be the only next logical step? Make the entire room smell like your favorite book! Bonus points because it’s super cozy for reading! Check out Meraki Candles for more! They also have a monthly subscription box if you’d like to get a monthly supply of candles.

Funko Pops

Fred Weasley Funko Pop George Weasley Funko Pop Katniss Funko Pop Niffler Funko Pop Keychain

Warning: it may start with one Funko Pop. But then you just have to complete the set. And then there are other sets to collect. And keychains. So prepare the necessary shelf space.
These little collectibles are just too cute! And of course collecting them is half the fun. The bookish collection isn’t that big yet – if there are bookish Pops, it’s most likely because there was a movie adaptation. But does that dampen the fangirlish excitement even a smidge? Nope.


Happy Hello Art Bookmarks

Happy Hello Art Bookmarks

A book lover is ALWAYS in need of bookmarks. Sure, you can use any random piece of paper, receipt, grocery list, a pen, your phone or the tail of your pets (warning: pet tails have a tendancy to disappear when the owner walks away so time is of the essence there) BUT nothing beats a beautiful and cute bookmark. There are tons of amazing bookmark designers out there, but my favorite is probably Happy Hello Art. Because they are super cute and collectible! Check out these gorgeous Throne of Glass/Celaena or A Darker Shade of Magic bookmarks!

Books on t-shirts, posters or tote bags

litographs-throne-of-glass-t-shirt litographs-throne-of-glass-scarve

Next step: wear your favorite book with you everywhere. Litographs is a cool shop which basically prints actual text from books on t-shirts, scarves, tote bags and more. It looks nice and intriguing and you always have something to read with you wherever you go!

Bookish Merch

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many amazing bookish designers out there and sites such as Society6 or RedBubble allow them to sell their art on everything from t-shirts to mugs to notebooks to tote bags. So just browse those sites for a bit and I’m sure you’ll find something you like! Here are some of the items on my wishlist to already give you an idea.
(click the image to go to the RedBubble page)

Books Shirt
design by booklover1
design by abcmaria
Cabeswater notebook by Wxnderless
design by wxnderless
design by eviebookish

What’s on you holiday gift guide?
would you love giving or receiving one of these gifts?


  1. Yes to all of these!! The Harry Potter box set is simply gorgeous <3 And funko pops are cute! All these are gifts every book lover will love! Great list 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by at Books.Bags.Burgers. 🙂

    1. Thanks! The Harry Potter boxset is gorgeous <3 and I love Funko Pos, but they are also way too addictive! I do have my heart set on the Fred and George Funko Pops though <3

  2. Books of course! And I love boxed sets- they look awesome on the shelf. Funkos- yes I am totally on about those now. See I started with just one, and that was it lol. I thought I’ll just get this Rogue One Funko, cause you know… now I want a ton!

    Bookish candles… how cool. I saw one somewhere with like a Rivendell scent. I would buy that! And those book crate subscription things. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but that’s a great gift idea.

    1. Books are definitely always a hit! And boxsets just look so amazing!
      I completely understand! It always starts with just the one Funko, but before you know it, you need them all 😉
      Oh a Rivendell scented candle, that sounds amazing! I would definitely want one as well!

  3. I am in awe how you post everyday Lindsey. ? I post like once in 2 weeks lol?? Anyways this list is so cool, I JUST WANT EVERYTHING. We do not really celebrate Christmas in India, but my birthday is just six days before Christmas so I get money from people and BUY WHATEVER I LIKE AS I AM THE BOSS HERE. Also, I have quite a lot of money these days because of so many festivals in October, I just want to buy everything. THE NIFFLER KEYCHAIN OMG❤️❤️ I need it ASAP. Do they have a Funko Pop for the Niffler? Guess I will buy that…..
    Amazing post!! I am drooling over everything.?

    1. Aww thanks! That’s cool that your birthday is almost coming up! Then this list can definitely give you some ideas 🙂 I know, I am in love with the Niffler keychain as well <3 They do also have a Funko Pop, along with Newt and the main characters of Fantastic Beasts. I'm definitely tempted to just get the whole collectoion myself ;)

  4. We have a lot of the same things on our lists! I am a big fan of HappyHelloCo and Evie at Society 6, too.

    1. Great minds think alike 😉 The HappyHelloCo bookmarks are just too cute and EvieSEO has some amazing designs!

  5. Great list!!! I love subscription boxes and would love that as a gift. I am also a big fan of Bookish merch like mugs, notebooks, etc. I want a bookish scarf so bad!

    1. I’ve been getting single purchase of Fairyloot for a few months now and I always thought it would be a nice gift as well, because it’s always such a nice combo of a book and some cute merch 🙂 I love bookish merch! And yes, a bookish scarf is definitely on my wishlist as well!

  6. I love your list, Lindsey! I went with a similar topic. 🙂 I really need to get that HP box set. It’s so beautiful. I’m a little obsessed with bookish candles. I plan to buy lots after the holidays are over!

    My Top Ten

    1. Thanks! The HP boxset really is gorgeous! I’d probably get this as a present to myself someday 🙂 Bookish candles are great! I’m just really difficult about scents so I wish there was a way to test them before buying… but then again, the surprise is half the fun 🙂

  7. Great list! I LOVE the lip balms – so cute! And my husband isn’t a reader, but he would totally love those Funko Pops!

    1. Thanks! The lip balms are really great – handy AND cute 🙂 Funko Pops are definitely a nice collectible gift for both readers and non-readers!

  8. Yes to all the special editions and Funko Pops! I actually want basically everything on this list! Thanks for sharing 😀

    1. I so understand! I have to restrain myself to not buy all the things for myself right now 😉

  9. What a great list! I love how you’ve included many things for a bookworm! Spoilt for choice!

    1. Thanks! Shopping for a bookworm is always fun 😉

  10. That HP boxset is to die for…someday…lol

    1. I know! It’s been on my wishlist for so long already! Someday 😉

  11. Ahh so many amazing stuff! Boxsets are life and scarves look so pretty! But let’s be honest, funko pops are a must!

    1. Yes, Funko Pops are amazing! So cute and collectible 🙂

  12. That Harry Potter set is gorgeous. I have hardcovers for 3-7 that all match then one and two are the sad little paperbacks i got when I was 11(ish). The matching needs to happen soon lol. Also, that journal is super pretty and will go great Also , those bookmarks are adorable and also now a necessity being that I have somehow lost all of mine.

    1. Exactly! I love my Harry Potter books, but they are a chaotic mess and how could anyone say no to a beautiful boxset like that? Also, I have like one bookmark that I’ve been reusing for 2 years already so I hope I never do lose it but just in case I should maybe get some extras 😉

  13. I love this weeks topic, mostly as it is helping me find more and more things I want to buy for myself. I absolutely love your picks! So many of these are items I want to get this year. I am obsessed with Funkos and need more. I literally just asked my fiance to buy me Funkos for Christmas. They keep releasing new HP ones and I need them all. I also want more bookish mugs. I LOVE Happy Hello Arts bookmarks, they are all so cute. You can check out my gift guide here.

    1. I know, this week’s topic is so great, except I find a lot of gift ideas for myself and not that much for my family and friends who don’t read… but oh well, sometimes getting gifts for yourself is also fun 😉
      I so understand the Funko obsession! I started with the Harry Potter trio and I thought that would be enough… but now I need them all!
      Happy Hello Arts bookmarks really are the cutest! They are just like the Funko Pops: cute and addictively collectible 😉

  14. Awesome! Have you seen the Harry Potter Trunk Collection–all the books specially bound and housed in a fabulous trunk. Very pricey but cool–I had them in a post a few weeks ago here:

    1. Oh my, that Harry Potter Trunk collection is absolutely gorgeous! I love how you can get them personalized per house <3 Definitely adding to my wishlist so thanks for the tip ;)

  15. Great list! I especially love the idea of a book box subscription. That’s one of those things I think are fabulous but would never order for myself. Someone else buying it for me though, that’s a whole other story. 🙂

    1. Thanks! I love book box subscriptions – I tried a single purchase of a Fairyloot box his year and fell in love with it!
      But I feel the same way about the limited editions of books! If I already have the book, I’d never buy a double just because it has a new cover or looks beautiful. But I would be so thrilled to receive them as gifts 😉

  16. So many great things on your list. I also love how you wrote it. 😀

    1. Thanks! This is definitely both a gift guide for others and a wish list for myself at the same time 😉

  17. Oh I love EvieBookish’s work!! HER DESIGNS ARE FLAWLESS OMG. And I totally love that books is first priority on your list. 😉 It always amazes me when people are like “but you’ve read so many books don’t you want something else?” like…um,…no??? I want books??? I LOVE the boxset idea too!! I’ve been eyeing off the Six of Crows duology for aaaaages. THOSE STAINED PAGES THOUGH OMG.

    1. Exactly! Books will always be on my wishlist 🙂 Before, people were like “Oh I know you like books but I don’t know what you’ve read already so I just didn’t get any books” and so now when people ask what I want, I just provide them with a book wishlist of about 50 books. Everybody wins that way, right? 😉 The Six of Crows duology looks so pretty! I have the paperbacks without stained pages, and I’m still trying to justify buying double copies to myself because they are just too gorgeous. I’m sure I’ll convince myself someday soon!

  18. Funko pops are great! I’ve always thought about collecting them but I feel that it might spiral out of control quickly, haha. And of course, special editions are super awesome to have as a gift! They’re usually a little out of my price range. I wonder how they come up with the smells for bookish characters? Sounds like it would be a fun thing to try out.

    1. Yes, collecting Funko Pops is definitely something that can spiral out of control very fast – caution is definitely recommended 😉
      I love special editions, but they’re also not something I would easily get myself. But they do make amazing gifts!
      Good question about the bookish character scents! I think in some books there is a description of what people smell like, but most of the time it’s probably some brainstorming. I have an Elias (An Ember in the Ashes) lip balm and I must say it does seem to fit. The description says it smells like spice and rain and it does remind me of the character and the book… but who knows, maybe another scent would have fit as well 🙂

  19. “*Note: if YOU are the only book lover in your life, these gifts are also perfectly acceptable to get yourself. Just saying…”

    TOO TRUE^!

    FUNKOS! I told myself I would not get addicted to these, and yet, here we are. They’re taking over my bookshelf! 😉 I really *need* to get a couple of the magnetic bookmarks on Etsy. They’re so darn cute.

    Thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lindsey. 🙂

    1. Thanks! 🙂 Yes, Funkos are definitely addictive! It only takes one and before you know it you need the whole set 😉
      Those bookmarks are super cute indeed!

  20. GAHH I love your list *too* much actually. Because now, I need all these things, you see. I NEED the candles. And I always justified not buying the chapstick because my lips are weird about stuff but SOAP? Soap I need. And always Society6 stuff. ALWAYS. And Funkos… I have all The Hunger Games ones, but if they would hurry up and make The 100 ones, I would buy ANY character. ALL the characters. AND I wish they’d make an expanded Hunger Games line too. So I can be extra broke 😉 Seriously, awesome picks!!

    1. Haha I totally understand the stuggle 😉 Making this list was not a good idea, because now I want them all for myself! That’s so cool that you have all The Hunger Games Funkos! I hope to collect them too one day 🙂 I only have the Harry Potter trio for now, becaue I thought I could just buy those three and have enough. But no, now I NEED MORE! And The 100! OMG I would buy them all as well! I adore that show <3

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