Top Ten Tuesday

Most Anticipated Books For The Rest Of 2017 {Top Ten Tuesday}

170530 TTT Most Anticipated 2017

Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
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Hi guys, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Today is all about my most anticipated releases for the rest of 2017!

Also, it came to my attention that, while I had about a hundred anticipated releases for the beginning of the year, I have suspiciously few anticipated books for the rest of 2017. So this begs the question: did most authors just already release their books in the beginning of the year or have I grown out of touch with upcoming releases?

If the answer is the latter, then this topic has a perfect timing because now I can browse everyone else’s posts for books to add to my TBR. So thanks in advance to my fellow bloggers, and in the meantime, enjoy my list!

The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King

The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King

Release Date: 1 June

The cover drew me in, but the description has got me hooked. Sounds like a perfect blend of everything I love: gorgeous fantasy, hidden magic, kickass women and swoon-worthy romance. I’m in!

Want by Cindy Pon

Want by Cindy Pon

Release Date: 13 June

Described as an edge-of-your-seat sci-fi thriller, set in a near-future Taipei, this book has me excited by that description alone.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

Wonder Woman Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

Release Date: 29 August

It’s Wonder Woman. A coming-of-age story for Wonder Woman. A coming-of-age story for Wonder Woman, written by Leigh Bardugo, one of my favorite authors. Yes, yes yes!

They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

Release Date: 5 September

Adam Silvera is pretty much an auto-buy author for me. His books have a tendency to break me and have me sobbing, but I still adore them to pieces.

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Release Date: 5 September

The Throne of Glass series continues with a book completely from Chaol’s POV. My love for Chaol has no bounds. Ergo, I need this book. (Also, a cover soon, please?)

Warcross by Marie Lu

Warcross by Marie Lu

Release Date: 12 September

Honestly, I didn’t like Legend and haven’t even read The Young Elites, but I’m still super excited for this one!

27 Hours by Tristina Wright

27 Hours by Tristina Wright

Release date: 3 October

I’ve been a little low on sci-fi lately – just haven’t discovered many that can catch my attention. But this one? An epic new sci-fi series with a big cast of wonderfully diverse characters? BRING. IT. ON!

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

Release Date: 10 October

“An East Asian fantasy reimagining of The Evil Queen legend about one peasant girl’s quest to become Empress–and the darkness she must unleash to achieve her destiny.” SAY NO MORE, I NEED THIS!

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Release Date: 7 November

Secret Identities. Extraordinary Powers. Vengeance. Marissa Meyer. All my buzzwords 🙂

Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes

Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes

Release Date: 12 December

It’s the final installment in the Falling Kingdoms series, which has been my favorite guilty pleasure read over the past few years. So OF COURSE I’m highly anticipating this (not to mention slightly terrified for the fate of my precious babies)!

what books are you still highly anticipating? Do we have any in common?


  1. I didn’t add Renegades to my list as it sounds a bit superheroish and I usually don’t end up liking those. But it is Marissa Meyer so I will probably end up reading it anyway.

    1. Haha, it does sound kind of superheroish now that you mention it, but then again I have a thing for superhero clichés so I probably won’t mind 😉 Hope you’ll still enjoy it if you decide to give it a try!

  2. Great list! Wonder Woman made my list as well. I forgot to add Warcross and Renegades, but those are two that I’m also looking forward to reading.

    1. Thanks! They all sound so great, I’m super excited 🙂

  3. I love how you included the release dates. That is very thoughtful!

    1. Thanks! Now, let’s hope they won’t change anymore 😉

  4. I almost put Renegades and Warcross on my list too. They sound so good!!

    1. They absolutely do! I can’t wait 🙂

  5. Lots of great ones here!! I am interested in the new Adam Silvera and Marissa Meyer for sure. Great list!!

    1. Thanks! I’m so looking forward to them as well 🙂

  6. OMG there are so many amazing books set to come out! I am super super excited for Warcross and Now I Rise as well as the ones you’ve mentioned like Warbringer, Want and Forest Of A Thousand Lanterns! Thanks for sharing Lindsey!

    1. Oh yes, Now I Rise! I still have to read And I Darken, but if I hurry I can binge-read both of them 😉

  7. So so excited for They Both Die at the End and 27 Hours!!! Super looking forward to Warcross and Renegades too.

    1. Yes, They Both Die At The End and 27 Hours are definitely my top most anticipated releases 🙂 Can’t wait!

  8. 27 Hours looks like it’s going to be awesome

    1. It does sound sooo good 🙂

  9. I didn’t know Marissa Meyer had a new book coming out – I’ll have to check it out!

    1. I only just found out last week or so myself, and it immediately jumped to the top of my list 🙂

  10. I totally just padded my TBR for the rest of the year! I love your list. I’m a huge sci-fi fan and it’s hard to find good YA sci-fi. Excited to see a few on your list 🙂 Also I didn’t realize Meyer had a new book coming out. Adding that to my TBR as well. The Hundredth Queen looks amazing and your description has me sold. Thank you for sharing. Great list!!

    1. That’s so great, glad I could help your TBR 😉 I only just found out about the new Marissa Meyer book last week or so myself, and it immediately jumped to the top of my list ? And the cover for The Hundredth Queen is so gorgeous <3

  11. I’m so excited for The Hundreth Queen, Wonder Woman, and Forest of A Thousand Lanterns. They should be some good reads. I want to want to read Marie Lu’s book. But the video game world just isn’t my thing. I wish it was though.

    1. They do sound amazing! That’s ok, not every book is for everybody – I’m surprised myself that I want to read Warcross while I have no interest in The Young Elites 🙂

  12. I need to read more Adam Silvera. I’ve only read his debut and fully intended to read more from him. I hope you enjoy these books when they release! Thanks as ever, for stopping by my blog!

    1. Oh if you loved his debut, I’d definitely recommend his other work as well 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy when you get to it!

  13. The Bardugo Wonder Woman and Warcross I think are must buys for me. I’ve never read Marie Lu but I just like the sound of that one, and everyone says try her. And Renegades looks fun.

    1. I think both Leigh Bardugo and Marissa Meyer are auto-buy authors for me! I personally wasn’t that big a fan of Marie Lu’s other work, but Warcross sounds like a lot of fun so I have to try it! 🙂

  14. Tower of Dawn was on my list this week too!

    1. Haha, can’t say no to more Chaol 🙂

  15. Wonder Women is not normally my favorite, but I’ve seen Warbringer mentioned on another blog and it does sound interesting.

    My TTT:

    1. It does sound interesting, I’m really curious to see what Leigh Bardugo will do with the character 🙂

  16. Love these choices! They Both Die at the End, Warcross, and Forest of a Thousand Lanterns look so good. And I also want to read 27 Hours and The Hundredth Queen. I have tried to tune out more of the Throne of Glass books, but damn, I do have a soft spot for Chaol, so… ::sigh::, I will need this too, I am sure. Hope you love them all!

    1. Thanks! They do all sound so good! And I totally understand – I did love the Throne of Glass series but it has a LOT of issues. However, I just can’t say no to more Chaol 😉 Here’s hoping it’ll do him justice <3

  17. Sarah J. Maas is one of the authors I’m planning on giving a try. I’m curious about her series. Anyway, awesome list, Lindsey. ?❤️

    1. Oh, I hope you’ll love her series! They are pretty flawed, but I still do love them a lot 🙂 Thanks!

  18. WONDER WOMAN! Love seeing this one on SO many lists this weeks. Makes me think has no choice but to live up to how good it looks and sounds. 🙂

    Despite the fact that I’ve not read any of Marissa’s novels, I’m curious about “Renegade,” and of course, “Warcross” made my list this week.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lindsey. 🙂

    1. Haha, yes, Wonder Woman is extremely hyped at the moment, but I’m sure it’ll live up to our expectations 😉
      Hope you’ll enjoy both Renegades and Warcross as well!

  19. OH MY GOODNESS. My TBR is exploding with this week’s TTT posts!!!

    I cannot WAIT for Wonder Woman and Chaol’s Book… Bring on the end of August/early Sept!

    Forest of a Thousand Lanterns was new to me but is totally on my TBR now. Thanks!

    A few others are on my TBR already. Also – I didn’t know you loved Falling Kingdoms! Did I? It’s been on my TBR a while and I just haven’t managed to get to it. I guess I’d better pick it up sooooooon! 🙂

    Great list!

    1. Haha, yes, this week’s TTT posts have definitely made our TBR explode 🙂
      I’m so excited for both WW and more Chaol as well. So hope they’ll live up to our expectations <3
      You're welcome for adding to your TBR 😉
      Oh, I highly recommend the Falling Kingdoms series! It's by no means perfect, but it's sooo addictive! And now that the series is almost at an end, it's the perfect time for some binge-reading 😉

  20. YES! <3 Warcross and Renegades are two of my most anticipated books too, and I am so glad to see them on your list. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3

    1. So looking forward to both of them! Hope they’ll live up to our expectations! 🙂

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