Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
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Hi guys, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!
Today is all about procrastination. I’m actually pretty good at making a plan and sticking to it. But when it comes to books… there are just too many that I want to read and I get distracted easily by shiny new books. The result is of course that there are a million series which I’ve been meaning to start… but haven’t. For some I’ve even already purchased the first book. For some I’ve even already purchased the entire series (*cough* Heroes of Olympus *cough*). And still… no reading is being done. Even though I keep saying I’ll read them next.
So consider this my post of shame and let me present to you: the ten series I’ve been meaning to start FOREVER (but haven’t)!
(Titles link to Goodreads page for more information)
The Study series by Maria V. Snyder
This YA fantasy just sounds like it has everything I love and I even have the first book, Poison Study, ready to go on my shelf. But still, I haven’t started it yet.
The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown
I got the first book, Red Rising, for my birthday TWO YEARS AGO. Why haven’t I started this yet? I do not understand myself sometimes.
The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
Seriously, Lindsey? SERIOUSLY?
The Others series by Anne Bishop
I have book one! And every time I see someone raving about this series I tell myself “Come on, the next book you pick up is this one” and then… I don’t.
The KingKiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss
MUST. READ. Also, a bit intimidating, which may be why I keep procrastinating this one.
The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta
Again, I have book one. It was a Christmas present. But it was last Christmas, so I still have some time, right? SHAME ON ME!
The Air Awakens series by Elise Kova
These covers look so prettyyy! I want to read them! I really, really do…
The Ruined series by Amy Tintera
Ruined was one of my most anticipated releases last year. And now I still haven’t read it and the sequel is already out, and why? Will I read these books before book three comes out? WHO KNOWS?
The Historians series by Trisha Leigh
OK, to be fair, I only discovered this series last year. So it hasn’t been on my TBR too long right? RIGHT?
The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
This may be the worst of them all because a family member lent me the first book (well, techically the prequel) for this over a year ago. And I still haven’t read it. I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON!
I ~technically~ started the Heroes of Olympus series, but I barely remember it, so I don’t really count it. I’ve heard really good things about the Magnus Chase series, but I don’t know if I can go down the rabbit hole that is Rick Riordon.
Haha, I know, it’s quite a rabbit hole, which makes it so intimidating! But I did love Percy Jackson and the Olympians so I still hope to continue some day soon
The Study series looks great, and so does Ruined. And Wheel of Time- wooh!
The Historians are supposed to be pretty good I guess. I wanted to read the first one when it came out but never did…
They do look so great, which is why I’m so bummed I still haven’t read them
And yeah, Wheel of Time is defnitely A LOT!
Hope we’ll both get to The Historians some day
Oooh You must read The Heroes of Olympus AND The Others. Especially The Others. I still have to start the Kingkiller Chronicles as well but the third isn’t out so I don’t exactly have to hurry or anything. Lol. And you just made me put The Historians on my to read list. It sounds great.
They’re both definitely on the top of my list! I even already have them on my shelf and everything. Just need to start reading…

That’s true though about the Kingkiller Chronicles! Maybe it’s also part of the reason why I keep procrastinating
The Historians sounds great indeed! Argh, so many books, so little time
Most of these books happen to also by on my TBR! I really want to get to The Name Of Thw Wind soon and Red Rising! Also to Poison Study because it looks so good! Thanks so much for sharing! <3
Oh, I hope we’ll both get to them some day soon
The only one I’ve started is the Study series (I’ve read the first two so far). Highly recommended! I love Maria V. Snyder’s writing. <3 Great picks!
Cass @ Words on Paper
Thanks, I’ll definitely be bumping up the Study series to the top of my TBR
It’s one thing to post the first book in the series, like I did. But when I see all the books in the series…well, whew!
Haha yes, it’s a bit intimidating like this isn’t it?
I’ve been meaning to read Finnikin of the Rock for AGES. I LOVE her book Jellicoe Road as well as Saving Francesca and I’m really looking forward to seeing how she writes in the fantasy genre. Knowing Melina Marchetta, it’ll undoubtedly be fantastic!
Oh I haven’t read her other books yet either *shame* Must get to them soon
Same for the Red Rising! I totally forgot about Patrick Rothfuss but Rick Riordan is everything!
Glad I’m not the only one who still needs to get to Red Rising
Rick Riordan is amazing, I can’t believe I haven’t read more of his books yet!
I keep meaning to read the Well of Time series as well. I’ve heard so many good things about it.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Yes, me too! I think it’s definitely one of those must-reads… Hope we’ll both get to it some day
The Others Series is one that has been n my radar forever. Maybe one day! Great list!
Hope we’ll both get to The Others some day
My husband LOVES The Kingkiller Chronicles and got me to read The Name of the Wind. I got about halfway through the book and set it down and never ended up picking it up again. I do want to pick it up again one day and finally finish it tho. So many great ones listed here! Great list! Hope you love them all when you get around to them
Ah, that’s what I fear too, as huge books like that tend to take too long for me to read and then I might put it down and not pick it up again… But I hope we’ll both pick it up and finish it one day
I have The Study series sitting on my TBR too. I don’t even remember when I got it. Awesome list!
Hope we’ll both get to the Study series soon
The Red Rising series made my list too! I definitely want to read it, it’s just not quiiiiite to the top of my very very rigid TBR
I know, it just keeps being pushed down my TBR by other, more urgent books too
I really enjoyed The Heroes of Olympus, but Riordan has so many different series coming out that I have a hard time keeping up with the others. I vote for more standalone books
My TTT link
Yeah, he definitely has so many series, it’s intimidating to keep up with all of them
More standalones sounds like a good compromise!
The Air Awakens series looks so good! I put her other series, the Loom Saga, on my list this week. Great post! Here is my T10T!
Ah yes, I hope to read The Loom Saga as well, but I think I’ll start with the Air Awakens series. Hope we’ll both get to our Elise Kova series soon!
I really want to read Red Rising and Ruined too! I don’t actually own Ruined yet, but every time I go to the bookstore I stare at it longingly…. and inevitably convince myself to buy something else. I’ve had Red Rising on my shelf for an eternity though, so I have no real excuse for why I’ve yet to read that one. You should definitely pick up Air Awakens soon, I adore all of those books!! They’re super fast fantasy reads with a lot of drama and action, I highly recommend them. Awesome post! <3
Here's my TTT!
Haha we’re definitely the same when it comes to Red Rising and Ruined! I don’t have Ruined yet either and I always want to buy it but end up talking myself out of it. And Red Rising’s been on my shelf for over two years, so that’s just way too long
So happy to hear you love the Air Awakens series though! I need to get on that soon 
Ah, you have to read THE STUDY series straight away – It’s my ultimate favourite fantasy trilogy… although there is now a follow on trilogy plus side trilogy too (And they are also good lol). But the Air Awakens books, plus Rick Riordans Percy Jackson series is also high on my own TBR. Hopefully I will get to them this year! Thanks for reminding me lol – Happy Reading!
Haha, I think having so many books in a series kind of intimidates me, which may be why I haven’t started it yet… but it sounds amazing and I’m also so happy to hear you loved it so much, so I definitely need to pick this up ASAP
Hope we’ll both get to the Air Awakens and Rick Riordan books soonish 
The Heroes of Olympus books are so awesome, better get on that soon Lindsey! I also really want to read the Study books, they sound amazing.
I know, I should get on that ASAP
Hope we’ll both get to the Study series soon as well!
I forgot to put it on my list but the KingKiller Chronicles is one I’ve been meaning to read for a while now. I’ve started Red Rising and Air Awakens and really enjoyed those and need to continue. Hope you get tackle some of these soon
Glad to hear I’m not the only one still needing to read the Kingkiller Chronicles! But at least the series is not complete yet, so we still have some time

Happy to hear you enjoyed Red Rising and Air Awakens! Hope you’ll enjoy the rest of them as well! And hope I’ll get to them soon myself too
You need to read the Study series! I loved that one!
Red Rising is on my list too.
Heroes of Olympus!!! I agree, Seriously, Lindsey? SERIOUSLY?
I too want to read The Others! I’ve seen so many good things plus I just like the covers.
Patrick Rothfuss…. I desperately want to read it although I’m not sure I’m ready for another big series that I have to wait YEARS for installments for… Because.. Game of Thrones.
I’ve actually seen QQuintana of Charyn around but not the others. I didn’t realise it was an entire series. I’ll have to check it out.
I’m also guilty of not having read Elise Kova yet… oops
And Ruined is on my TBR!
The Historians and The Wheel of Time aren’t really on my TBR but if you read them and love them then they will need to be checked out!
Great list!
So many people have told me they loved the Study series, so I guess I really need to get to it

Heroes of Olympus – I know, I know… *OH THE SHAME*
The Kingkiller Chronicles – Exactly! I think that’s why I keep procrastinating reading them – I just tell myself I still have a lot of time *oops*
Hope we’ll both get to all those books still on our TBR such as Red Rising, The Others, Elise Kova and Ruined sometime soon-ish
Lindsey I’m your book procrastinator twin…All of these are in my TBR too but OMG PICK UP POISON STUDY!! I’ve read books 1 and 2 and I loved them <33

I NEED to start Heroes of Olympus though! Maybe we could buddy read those sometime? We'll make sure we both read the series
Also I hear so much good stuff about The Others series!! AAAH my TBR will be the death of me!!
(P.S. Sorry about not having visited in so long..I've been sick :/ but that helped me read a lot so a kinda yay?
Ah, so many people ave told me they loved the Study series, so I guess I really need to get to it!
That’s actually such a great idea to buddy read The Heroes of Olympus! I’ve never done a buddy read before, but it sounds like the perfect way to motivate me to actually pick up the books and start reading! We could motivate eachother and finally get through the series. Feel free to let me know when you’d like to start! (I have the books already on my shelf, so I’m good to go
I know, The Others sounds so good as well! Death by TBR definitely feels like a very plausible end for us bookworms
Also, I’m so sorry you’ve been sick! Even if you get to read more than usual, it’s still not fun. Hope you’re feeling better now though!
Oh yay!! I have all the eBooks so I’m good to go too
We could start on the first of July? start of the month
And we’ll have to decide where we’ll discuss everyday? Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, Hangouts and are all good places for me
just let me know which works for you and we could get started!! Oh also we’ll have to decide on timings of when to discuss! I’m mostly always free from 6-9 PM IST If you’re free at a different time, lemme know and we can make it work!! Pardon all the info dumping
I’m so excited!!!
The first of July would be great! Though I’m going to a concert that day so I don’t think we’d be able to discuss that day, so maybe our first discussion should be second of July instead?

It sounds super fun and I’m already motivated to get started haha 
All of those are good for me, but I think I prefer Twitter just a bit more if that’s okay
Hmmm timing may be a bit tricky because I just started working again, so I’m less flexible during the day. But I’d be able to discuss every evening normally after 6 PM CEST – though that would be after 9:30 PM IST so I’m not sure if that would still work for you or if that would be too late? We could talk earlier too, but then I’d probably be really slow to answer…
How would it work, do we set goals per day to read or do we just try to encourage eachother to read as much as possible? I’m sorry if I ask a lot of questions, but I haven’t done a buddy read before so it’s all a little new
I am so excited too though! I do hope we can find a way to make it work
That’s totally okay
And Twitter sounds good
Lemme message all details there! We’re literally clogging up your comment box
And oh yay I’m honored to be part of your first buddy read