1. Ah, yay Lindsey! So glad you’re participating in this one too 😀 I can’t wait to see what you think of Mark of Athena 😀 I loved that one so much!! Also I really need to read Red Rising so looking forward to seeing your thoughts on that one too!

    1. I’m so excited for this challenge too! I’m counting down the days till we can start, haha 🙂 I’m looking forward to all these books so much, but especially The Mark of Athena!

  2. This looks like so much fun! I saw this reading quest on one other blog so far. I really want to try something like this one day. I hope it goes well for you!

    1. It does seem like such a fun reading challenge, I just couldn’t say no 🙂 Thanks!

  3. This is like THE COOLEST readathon ever, and I was so sad I couldn’t do it this time! So good luck 🙂 you have a great TBR! Glad you’re buddy reading Red Rising, I’ve recently read it and gave it a 5+++ rating 😀 it was just so good. Super curious about your review!

    1. Wait, I’m silly, you just commented on that review of mine xD lol

    2. It really is so cool! So sorry you can’t participate! But I’m so happy to hear you loved Red Rising and I’m super excited to FINALLY start it myself 🙂

  4. I’m so excited that you’re doing the reading quest too! It’s going to be my first reading challenge and I can’t wait for this Sunday haha. I’m doing the mage path too. Good luck with your challenge!

    1. That’s so great that you’re participating as well, and yay for Team Mage 😉 Haha, I can’t wait for Sunday either cause I really want to get started already 😉 Good luck to you too!

  5. YES I’M DOING THE MAGE TOO! And I hope you enjoy WANT, it was such a fantastic read! Also I need to read Poison Study and Red Rising!

    1. YAY FOR TEAM MAGE! 😉 I’m so happy you loved Want, I can’t wait to read it 🙂

  6. Oh gosh! This looks like an awesome challenge! And your TBR looks amazing! I hope you will love Poison Study (I did!) and The Mark of Athena (Yay PJ!) and Red Rising and The Others are both on my TBR! I can’t wait to see how you go with these!

    1. It does look like such an awesome challenge! I don’t do a lot of challenges, but I couldn’t say no to this one 🙂 I’m so looking forward to all of these and happy I’ll finally be getting to them since I’ve been procrastinating most of these for AAAGES already 🙂

  7. This challenge is SO cool, I wish I had time to participate. Best of luck for it! I so want to read Want, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about that one 🙂 Happy reading 🙂

    1. It is such a cool challenge! And I’m looking forward to reading Want too 😉 But your travels sound so awesome too, so I’ll hope you’re having a great time! Happy travelling <3

  8. I had said I wasn’t going to participate in this challenge because I’m already in two others, but boy it’s so tempting because it’s one of the best challenges I’ve ever seen. Have fun with it!

    1. Haha I totally get what you mean! I don’t usually participate in a lot of challenges because of my mood-readerness, but I coldn’t resist this one 😀 Thanks so much!

  9. I just found out about this challenge today and quickly looked at my TBR stacks to figure out if I could complete it. I chose the Mage too. I’m excited for it!

    1. Yay, I’m happy you chose to participate! It’s such a fun challenge 🙂 And go, team Mage 😉

  10. This looks like such an awesome challenge! I’m dying to read Poison Study, so I hope you love it.

    Happy reading, Lindsey 🙂

    1. It is such a fun challenge! I actually just finished Poison Study and really loved it! Definitely recommend 😉

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