Hi guys, and welcome to my October wrap up!
Sadly, my reading slump did not improve in October. But I still got to read 2 books, so it’s not all that bad. Hopefully November will be a bit better. I’m not participating in any readathons at the moment and I have promised myself to only read what I want to be reading. I’m putting aside any thoughts about my TBR and will just focus on some Annette Marie books that I’m hoping will break my slump. But if I want to binge-watch Netflix instead of reading, I will be doing that. (I still need to watch the second season of Stranger Things!). Basically, I’m gonna try not putting any pressure on myself whatsoever and hope that’ll work.
But in the meantime, here’s what I did in October!
They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera
I think… Adam Silvera is slowly but surely becoming my favorite author. Each book I’ve read by him is so wonderful and heartwrenching and amazing and I’m still thinking about them weeks and months later. They Both Die At The End may be my favorite story by him to date. I fell head over heels in love with these characters and the writing and yes, I was sobbing my heart out by the end of it and am still sobbing a month later, but I can’t help but adore this to pieces.
Rating: 5 stars | Check out my full review here.
Stalking Jack The Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
Hey, at least I finished 1 book for the Halloween Readathon, right? But it was a great one, because even though it took me a long time to finish, I LOVED Stalking Jack The Ripper. It was the perfect amount of creepy and atmospheric, and the main character was absolutely wonderful. Oh, and I may have a new OTP as well. Only downside for me was that I could predict the identity of Jack The Ripper about 20% in. But even though this was a bit predictable for me, it was still a fun adventure to go on!
Rating: 4 stars | Full review to come
- 31 October 2017: Favorite Fictional Creatures of the Night
- 24 October 2017: Title Love – Books With Unique Titles
- 17 October 2017: Top Ten Delicious Food Mentioned In Books
- 10 October 2017: Book Covers To Get You In The Mood For Fall
- 3 October 2017: Top Ten Character Crushes – The TV Edition
- The Dark Side of Blogging – On Blogging Doubts, Insecurities & Frustrations (read)
- Halloween Readathon TBR (read)
Do you remember those times that I actually had these varied playlists with loads of different genres and artists each month? Weren’t they fun?
Yeah, you’re probably bored to death when I say that I once again mostly listened to BTS this month. But then again, I’m still obsessed with their music and I have no regrets. So here’s their latest album again!
BTS! Hah! But seriously, I love this song and I love this performance. I’m not saying it has anything to do with the bandanas, but it may have something to do with the bandanas.
And since my dance team has been preparing for a new show, here are some of the dances we’re covering and that have been on my Youtube playlist daily (see, it’s not all BTS?)
The Shannara Chronicles (Season 1)
I actually started watching this last year but then stopped after 3-4 episodes for some reason. But this month my husband was looking for a new show to watch and we decided to watch this again from the beginning. I did really like this season and enjoyed it a lot, even though it is just a tad predictable at times. Still looking forward to starting season 2. Oh, and am I the only one who LOVES Eretria? Her and Ander are my favorite characters by far since I don’t really care about the rest of the characters that much *oops*. Though I love Malese Jow, who has a role in season 2 so looking forward to her as well.
Jessica Jones
After watching Daredevil season 2 in my preparation to watch The Defenders, I moved on to Jessica Jones. And oh man, I was NOT expecting to love it this much. I ADORE Jessica. She is precious and deserves the world. All the characters in this were so amazing and well-rounded and interesting. I loved the diversity, I loved the atmosphere. And Kilgrave may just be one of the creepiest villains ever. I’m seriously considering just skipping Luke Cage and Iron Fist now because I need more Jessica, stat.
- I had a huge disappointment when there was a Korean festival in Belgium early October and I was looking forward to it sooooo much. I had been counting down the days for months already. There was Korean food and activities and shops and dance classes and a dance contest and I wanted to see and try it all and even got my husband so far as to come with me. It was all lining up, until we got stuck in traffic on the way there and literally arrived just 5 minutes after it was sold out completely. There was no way to get tickets in advance and everybody, including me, was completely surprised by the huge popularity. I was so bummed. At least there was one food stand outside, and I got to try some tteokbokki, which was so good. I wanna give it a try to make it myself. And well, next year I’ll go bright and early so I can get in hopefully.
- In general, October wasn’t all that great. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but I’ve been struggling mentally. The feelings of self-doubt, the insecurities, the loneliness and loss of purpose I started feeling when I lost my job almost a year ago are still so present and I’m not sure how to deal with them. People keep telling me I should be over it by now, and I thought finding a new job would help, but it didn’t. One day at a time, I guess?
- In more fun news, I had my birthday on Halloween, so yay! I didn’t do anything special though, just went to work and fell asleep by 9 pm because I’m wild like that.
- My dance school’s Halloween show is this weekend so there’s been a lot of extra practices this month. I love it though, it’s by far my favorite show of the year. Because… well, Halloween! It’s made me even more behind on blog stuff, so cue the blogging guilt, but I’ll catch up soon!
I’m sorry you’ve been struggling – I can relate to losing a job and having it take awhile to recover. I hope November is a better month for you!
I loved Jessica Jones, too! Probably my favorite of the Marvel shows! Kilgrave was an awesome character.
Thanks so much Angela! Glad to hear you relate – I feel like mostly everyone IRL is not understanding and saying I should just be over it already…
Kilgrave was such an amazing villain!
Jessica Jones is so amazing! I think it’s my favorite Marvel show as well, I also REALLY loved Daredevil, but Jessica Jones just took its’ number one spot
Hope you’ll have a great November too!
I had no idea there was a Korean festival here?? I’m sending you all the hugs and love, and hope that November is a better month for you than October was. (I love those Hit the Stage dances!)
Yes, I was so surprised to find out as well! It’s called Hallyu Wave and took place in Antwerp, though for next year they may look for a new location that houses more visitors (they were sold out after 1000 visitors, which I was not expecting so many people to come). Here’s the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/455749861443686/
Thanks so much Jolien! <3
Yeah, those Hit the Stage dances are soo good!
Happy late birthday!!! I just got out of a reading slump myself so hope you’re able to soon
ahhh BTS <3 MIC Drop performance is one of my faves! YEs , the bandanas, I love them so much on them! That sucks about the Korean festival, maybe next year
Thanks so much! Yeah, reading slumps suck, so I definitely hope to get out of it soon
Mic Drop is one of my faves too! The bandanas are such a great look on them
Yes, I definitely hope to have better luck next year for the Korean festival.
Happy birthday! I’m sorry you’ve been struggling. I hope you feel better in November. I still need to read that Adam Silvera book, but I’m worried it might destroy me.
Thanks so much! I’d highly recommend any Adam Silvera, but it’s definitely a destroyer of a book so beware
Hey Hun, Happy belated birthday! So sorry to hear you are having a tough month. I think the trick is to not force yourself to do anything. Have some you time and just do things that bring you joy … like reading Annette Marie books lol. Also remember, you are an awesome person, with an awesome blog, and you have exceptionally good taste in both books and music
Keep your chin up! Love & Hugs
Thanks so much Sarah! <3 You are so nice to say that, thank you!!
And read Annette Marie books, which has gotta work, right? 
Yes, I'll definitely try not pressuring myself at all this month
Hope you'll have an amazing November!
I’m sorry you are struggling. Nobody should tell you, you should be over it. Your feelings are valid. Lots of hugs for you.
Thanks so much Annemieke! It’s nice to hear that, it really helps <3
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling this October, Lindsey <3 I'm sending you all the positive vibes and love for November! <3 <3 <3
Thanks so much Marie, I really appreciate it! <3 Hope you'll have a great November too!
Happy belated birthday!! I am so sorry that you have been struggling. I feel like October was really rude to a lot of people. I hope you do start to feel better- but those people who think you should be “over it” are wrong. That isn’t how that stuff works, at all. You take all the time you need to feel better. Hugs.
I feel you with the slump, but I think you and I are having opposite problems- I can read, but can’t find a 5 star book for the life of me haha. Also! I started Shannara, then stopped around episode 3 too, and you have me considering starting it up again!
Thanks so much Shannon!
Yeah, what is up with October? It’s supposed to be my favorite month of the year! But thanks, it’s good to hear I’m not that weird to not be over things so easily…
Ah those kinds of slumps suck too! I hope you’ll find a really good 5-star read soon! Maybe even several in a row
I hope you’ll enjoy Shannara if you decide to pick it up again! It’s not an all-time favorite for me, but it was still pretty enjoyable and I’m looking forward to season 2.
I love Kpop, but my Cpop is also very good!
I love, gosh what’s the name again….I forgot, but the rapper is called Jackson Wang! He’s soo good. I forgot the name of the band he’s in.
I really should read ‘They Both Die At The End’.
The title does sounds very sad, I might just get emotional as well reading the book.
Jessica Jones is really good, right? I really enjoy watching the series. Is season 2 already on air?
I should google it. I also love THE SHANNARA CHRONICLES! Season 2 started airing, but I haven’t had the time to watch it. They show it now around 10 and everytime I forget! I probably will binge watch it when every episode has aired.
Ah I must admit that I don’t know any Cpop (yet) but I’m always open to any recommendations that you have for me! Jackson Wang, I think he’s from GOT7, they’re definitely great and I should listen to them some more

Hope you’ll love season two!
They Both Die At The End is for sure very emotional but I’d still really recommend it (but prepare lots of tissues nearby)
I don’t think there’s a season 2 for Jessica Jones already, but maybe they are filming it or it will air soon? I hope so, cause that would be amazing
I hope to watch Shannara season 2 soon as well! But binge-watching is the best, so I may wait a bit too
Oh man, I’m sorry October didn’t seem like the best month for you, even more so that you missed out on the Korean festival
But at least I can say Happy (belated) birthday!! It also sounds like you read some awesome book! I’m pretty much convinced now I NEED to read They Both Die at the End, and I’m going to have an enormous pile of tissues ready and waiting for me before I do.
Crossing my fingers that November is a better month for you
I’m certain things will get better!
Thanks so much Rebeccah!
I’d DEFINITELY recommend They Both Die At The End, but yes, you for sure need to prepare a lot of tissues before starting
Thanks, I hope you’ll have an amazing November too!
When in a reading slump, the answer is always K-Pop! I had no idea you loved K-Pop too! We must talk groups and biases at some point!
I feel like everyone (including myself) is in a reading slump right now. It’s been difficult but hopefully we’ll all come out of it.
Great post, thanks for sharing!
~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
Ah yay a fellow K-Pop lover! I’d definitely love to talk groups and biases! I don’t know that many people who also love K-Pop (most just look at me a little funny hah), so I’d definitely love having someone to fangirl with
Hope we’ll all get out of our slumps soon!
So sorry to hear you’re in a slump as well right now! I always felt like fall was the season were I got the most reading done for some reason, so this feels really weird right now
I’m sorry to hear that October wasn’t a great mental health month for you. I really hope you start to feel better soon. That’s a real bummer about the Korean festival too since it sounds like that had the potential to be a major mood lifter.
Thanks so much Suzanne! Yes I was soo disappointed about the festival, but better luck next year. Hope you’ll have a great November too!
Happy belated birthday! I hope November is better to you than October was. You may not have read many books, but it seems you enjoyed the ones you did read. You know what they say, it’s the quality, not the quantity.
Thanks so much! And yeah, quality is definitely more important than quantity
Lindsey! I feel like I’m constantly apologizing for being such an awful blogger lately. Life has just been crazy busy this year!
I hope November has been good for you, and I hope you’ve been enjoying Annette Marie’s books! That series helped me catch back up to my reading goals this year! And it was so amazing. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
Will be around your blog more soon!
Di!! Don’t apologize! I’m always super happy to see your comments and it’s only normal that sometimes life gets busy

I am absolutely OBSESSED with the Steel and Stone series! I’ve been reading pretty much nothing else, and taking any free minute I have to read. I still love the Red Winter series just a tad more, but both series are just soooo addictive and fun and not to mention, great at beating reading slumps! So thanks for giving me that final push I needed to pick up that series