Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!
One of the (many) joys of reading is being able to discover so many beautiful new places, without even having to set a foot outside the door. However, sometimes the places just sound so absolutely wonderful that we wish they could be real so we could visit them (maybe even live there) for real. For me, that’s totally the case for the following ten settings from books, movies, or tv:
The Shire (Lord of the Rings)
“I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable: I shall know that somewhere there is a firm foothold, even if my feet cannot stand there again.”
Hogwarts (Harry Potter series)
“The singing grew louder as they approached the church. It made Harry’s throat constrict, it reminded him so forcefully of Hogwarts, of Peeves bellowing rude versions of carols from inside suits of armour, of the Great Hall’s twelve Christmas trees, of Dumbledore wearing a bonnet he had won in a cracker, of Ron in a hand-knitted sweater…”
Camp Half Blood (Percy Jackson series)
“Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be.”
Cabeswater (The Raven Cycle)
“If one squinted into Cabeswater long enough, in the right way, one could see secrets dart between the trees. The shadows of horned animals that never appeared. The winking lights of another summer’s fireflies. The rushing sound of many wings, the sound of a massive flock always out of sight. Magic.”
Velaris (A Court of Thorns and Roses series)
“Where are we going?”
Rhys’s smile widened into a grin. “To Velaris—the City of Starlight.”
Stars Hollow (Gilmore Girls)
“So one night, cold and black with no light to guide them, they both snuck out of their homes and ran away as fast as they could. It was so dark out that they were both soon lost and it seemed as if they would never find each other. Finally, the girl dropped to her knees, tears streaming down her lovely face. ‘Oh, my love. Where are you? How will I find you?’ Suddenly, a band of stars appeared in the sky. These stars shone so brightly they lit up the entire countryside. The girl jumped to her feet and followed the path of the stars until finally she found herself standing right where the town gazebo is today. And there, waiting for her, was her one true love, who had also been led here by the blanket of friendly stars. And that, my friends, is the story of how Stars Hollow came to be, and why we celebrate that fateful night every year at about this time. Now, we still have a little time left in our story hour. Who wants to hear about the time I danced in a cage for Tito Puente?” – Miss Patty
Red London (Shades of Magic trilogy)
“Flowers and hearth fire, spiced wine and underneath, the scent of home.
A place of strength and beauty, laughter and music and the steady hum of magic. Power in balance, and balance in power. The palace arcs over the glittering Isle, the river like a ribbon of red light beneath. The regal House of Maresh sits on the throne. And a magician stands behind it.”
Halloweentown (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
“Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song”
Highgarden (A Song of Ice and Fire)
“You need to come south. You need a taste of summer before it flees. In Highgarden there are fields of golden roses that stretch away as far as the eye can see. The fruits are so ripe they explode in your mouth—melons, peaches, fireplums, you’ve never tasted such sweetness.”
Ravka (The Grisha trilogy)
“Ravka is grateful for your service,” Sturmhond said as they turned to go. “And so is the crown.” He waved once. In the late afternoon light, with the sun behind him, he looked less like a privateer and more like… but that was just silly.”
Love that you’ve mentioned Stars Hollow. I’d love to be able to visit there too.
Hogwarts is a must too. If only it wasn’t fictional!
Yes indeed, I wish these places could be real too! Luckily we can always visit them by reading (or watching in the case of Stars Hollow)
One of my someday places to visit would be Prince Edward Island because of the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ (80s) films. Also, Narnia – because, it’s NARNIA!!
I’ve not read the ACOTAR series, but if that image is any indication, it looks beautiful! Also, AWWW, Stars Hollow. What a cozy place. Who wouldn’t want to visit this little haven?
Fun list, Lindsey!
Yes, definitely Narnia! I must admit I haven’t read (or seen) Anne of Green Gables, but I should try it for sure!
I know I’d definitely want to visit (if not live in) Stars Hollow
Yes, yes, yes, yes… haha. I agree with all of this! Hogwarts will forever be my dream, and Camp Half Blood would be amazing. I’m also happy you included Cabeswater! I feel like I would need to learn Latin first, though.
Haha yeah, I kind of forgot about the Latin needed for Cabeswater
I couldn’t agree with you more! There are so many book settings I would just love to visit. Hogwarts and Velaris are places I would just love to visit. By the way, that picture of Velaris is so beautiful! The Shire would also be so fun to visit. The place the movies were filmed is on my bucket list.
Great list! I loved how you used quotes ?
I also chose to do book settings in my Top Ten Tueday
Velaris sounds so wonderful and there is so much amazing fanart about it
And the Shire, I’d love to visit those film locations as well!
The Shire- so much yes. I’d happily go live there lol. And Highgarden- I think that might be one of the coolest placers in Westeros we haven’t seen yet? It sounds fabulous.
Love the pics!
Yes, I’d definitely want to live in the Shire as well! It sounds so peaceful
Westeros is usually on the list of places people DON’T want to visit (for good reason), but Highgarden just seems so nice (at least from the description and the few looks we had in the tv show)
Great list. The Shire and Hogwarts both made my list as well. And while I was vehemently against visiting Westeros as a whole, if I was going to make a trip, Highgarden would be my destination.
Have a great week.
Haha yes, Westeros is usually on the list of places people DON’T want to visit (for good reason), but Highgarden seems so nice and maybe even safe… (in comparison to the rest of Westeros anyway) ?
I’d never have thought of Highgarden but that illustration is stunning and, now I think about it, has definitely jumped to the top of my list! Halloweentown, Camp Halfblood and Stars Hollow would all be wonderful too.
My TTT this week
Yeah, usually Westeros is on the list of places people DON’T want to visit, but Highgarden seems so nice and (relatively) safe…
I think I’ll just stay this side of the story, thank you very much. I don’t really want to live in a world where orks live just outside my door!
Haha yeah, I defiitely wouldn’t want to live in a world with orks either
I’d love to visit The Dawn Court because it is my favorite of all!! Great list. Ravka is one of my favorite ones as well. Too bad that it’s not real ?
Here’s mine TTT
Oh yes, the Dawn Court definitely sound so nice too!
The Shire and Hogwarts made my list as well! Great list. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
They do sound like great location! Thanks!
I really need to read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings!! I totally forgot about Cabeswater, but that is also such an exciting place to visit!
Does Stars Hallow actually exist? Is it called that? It’d be the best thing ever to go there and re-live the Gilmore Girls experience! Halloweentown and basically ALL of Tim Burton’s movies (including the Christmas one) freaked me out so much as a kid. But I still need to give them a re-watch because they were super interesting! WOW, I love your list! Fantastic post!
Thanks! I don’t think Stars Hollow is a real town, but I sure wish it was! And yeah, Tim Burton movies are kind of freaky, but a town based on Halloween is just something for my Halloween-loving heart
The Shire seems like such a blissful place! And Camp Half-Blood would be really cool, too! Highgarden is probably one of the better (safer?) places in Game of Thrones!
Yes, I’d love to live in the Shire, it just sounds so peaceful
And if I’d have to move to Westeros, I’d definitely prefer Highgarden to King’s Landing, Winterfell or any of the other places!
Yes, I’ve always been convinced that Stars Hollow is the place for me. After growing up in a small town and hating it, I’m surprised that I would love to live in one again.
Haha yeah, I think actually living in a small town may also have its downsides, but Stars Hollow just looks so perfect
The Harry Potterverse was on my list of places to visit as well, but I love your idea of Star’s Hollow! That series always made me want to live in a quaint little town in Connecticut.
Yes, Stars Hollow is one of those places that alwyas come to mind when I think about where I’d love to live… you know, if it were real
Awesome list! I would also have The Shire, Hogwarts, and Red London on my list! Not sure about Ravka, thought – still seems a dangerous place! Well, at least if your Grisha, which I might be. I love this theme!
Yeah, Ravka might be kind of dangerous – but a visit with safety guaranteed might be nice
The Shire and Stars Hollow are definitely dream destinations!
Oh so many good ones. But no matter how pretty High Garden is, you could not pay me a million dollars to go anywhere near Westeros or that world, haha. The Shire would be a lot of fun.
Haha yeah, I definitely wouldn’t want to get involved in any politics, wars or tussles with white walkers in Westeros either! Buth Highgarden just sounds so.. pretty and peaceful (even though it’s not…) The Shire, I could definitely see myself living
Trying to decide on just one place for LOTR was impossible, and Lothlorien JUST squeaked out over the Shire for me but I really want to see it alllllllll
Oh yeah, Lothlorien sounds soo good too, so I can definitely see why you picked that one!
Oh oh!!!! Take me to Hogwarts someoneeeee!!!
Loved your list!! <3 Shadowhunter universe and Narnia are my other favourites!
Yes, still waiting for that Hogwarts letter
Oh, the Shadowhunter universe and Narnia are such great picks too!
Oh some great places. I would love to feel tall in the Shire and really want to visit Hogwarts even if it is only at Universal Studios! LOL Great list!
Haha yeah, we’d definitely feel sooo tall in the Shire. And yes, even Universal Studios would already be so fun to visit
My Top 10 Tuesday
My mind’s pretty much always ready for Halloween
YES to Red London. I’d love to see all that magic.
Yes, how magical would it be to be able to visit Red London?
AHH AMAZING PICKS! I’d love to visit all of them <3
Thanks so much
Hogwarts is dominating the topic, I would totally go there, and pretty much everywhere on your list!
Haha yes I think Hogwarts is definitely on top of most people’s wishlist
I love your list, especially Camp Half Blood and Stars Hollow!
Thanks! Yes, I definitely wish those were real so I could visit them
Quite a few of these were on my list this week too!
They’re some popular destinations indeed
As much as I love The Grisha series I’m not sure I’d want to go to Ravka… though it might be worth it to meet Nikolai haha.
This is a great post, thanks for sharing!
~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
Haha yeah, honestly I was pretty much only thinking about Nikolai when I chose Ravka *oops*
I love all of these choices although I haven’t read The Raven Cycle yet.
I think I’d love to see Ravka as it is now… BTW – DYING to read the new series she is working on!!!!!!!!! I need more Nikolai!
I’d ESPECIALLY love to go to Ravka to see Nikolai
And OMG YES I’m so, so excited for more Nikolai! It’s been the only thing I wanted ever since finishing the Grisha trilogy and now my wish is coming true and I am so HAPPY!