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Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today I’m putting all my shame out there and presenting you with the twelve books I totally meant to get to in 2017, but didn’t… (and the worst part is that I had to cut down this list so badly just to get to only twelve… *nervous laughter*)
But here we go! Feel free to point out the books you read and loved and feel like I should absolutely just READ ALREADY.
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
In my defense, I did start reading this in 2017… at the worst possible time, namely in the mid of my reading slump. I’m about a hundred pages in and remember liking it, I just really need to pick it back up.
Written in Red by Anne Bishop
I know I’ll love this series. It’s got everything I love. Multiple fellow book bloggers I trust rave about this series. I just need to start!
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
I have no excuse. This is terrible. I promise I’ll get to it before the movie comes out!
Ruined by Amy Tintera
It’s been on my posts-of-shame for years. I’ll get to it. Someday. And I’m sure I’ll love it.
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
How did this happen? I don’t even know. I blame the 2017 reading slump. And maybe also an overdose of ‘mates’ and ‘feasting’… But it’s also Chaol and I love him.
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
Well, at least the wait for book three won’t feel as long now haha…
Warcross by Marie Lu
It’s on my kindle. I just need to… you know… start it.
Wonder woman: WarBringer by Leigh Bardugo
In my defense, I did see the Wonder Woman movie AND read Leigh Bardugo’s Language of Thorns in 2017? Yeah I know, it’s a poor excuse…
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
What happened in book one again?
Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
It’s the end of an era and maybe I’ve been procrastinating this one because I’m afraid of what can happen. Or maybe I’m procrastinating because I remember close to nothing about the previous books. Who knows?
Lucky In Love by Kasie West
I binge-read every single Kasie West book but haven’t started this one. Keeping it for when I feel a reading slump coming too close for comfort….
Eliza And Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
I just know I will adore this one to pieces. It’s a 2018 must, ok?
Warcross is pretty awesome, and I need to read the Tintera series as well.
I heard so many great things about Warcross, I hope to get to it soon 🙂 And hope we’ll both enjoy the Tintera series!
I really need to read the 2nd and 3rd Lara Jean books. I loved the first one so much and need a little sweetness in my life.
IDK how you SJM fans keep up with all her giant books. I give you props that you are all the way caught up that you only need to read the newest book.
Yes, I’m definitely saving the Lara Jean books for those days I need that sweetness as well!
And haha, yeah those SJM books are huge indeed, but I love them so that helps 🙂
A big yes to Hate U Give. What a voice that author has.
Hope to read it soon!
So I`m not the only one that has not read The Hate U Give yet, good. I`m 99% sure I`ll enjoy it, so I have no idea why I haven`t picked it up yet.
Haha yes I’m glad I’m not alone either 🙂 I’m pretty sure I’ll love it too, I’m not sure what’s stopping me so far…
Red Rising is on my list for this year – I just know that so many other bloggers have loved it, so I’m hoping it will be amazing!
Hope we’ll both get to Red Rising this year! 🙂
Written in Red. Come on now! Ruined was pretty good though different from what I was expecting. Hope you will get to these in 2018.
I know, I know, I have no excuse! I’m sure I’ll love it PLUS it’s on my shelf so I should just start it already. Glad you liked Ruined, hope I’ll love it as well 🙂
I want to read The Hate U Give as well. I’ve been trying for years to read Cassandra Clare and haven’t managed yet. Maybe in 2018? 😀
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
Hope we’ll both get to The Hate U Give in 2018! I love the Cassandra Clare books, but they are quite big and there are sooo many already, so if I hadn’t read them already I think I’d be procrastinating on starting them myself 🙂
Trust me, your did-not-get-to list could not possibly be longer than mine, so don’t feel bad! I’m sitting here just struggling to get through all the amazing books people were raving about 5 years ago, who has time for the hundreds of books being published NOW!?! But then, I tend to avoid most series nowadays because they’re just such a time commitment ?
Haha yeah there are just so many great books coming out all the time, it’s impossible to keep up! But that’s a good problem to have I guess 🙂
I don’t think it’s a bad thing you haven’t finished “Red Rising” yet, now you can binge all the four books when “Iron Gold” comes out next month ;D
“Godsgrave” made it onto my list as well, I’m a little bit afraid I already have forgotten too much of what happened in “Nevernight” and I’m not sure I can already handle all those footnotes again XD
Haha yeah, that’s definitely a good way to look at it 😉
I have the same problem with Nevernight, but even though I loved it I’m just not up to re-reading it already, so I’ll just try my luck with Godsgrave and hope a lot of memories come back 🙂
THUG is definitely worth a read!
Glad to hear you enjoyed THUG, I definitely hope to get to it soon 🙂
Honestly at this point I wish I hadn’t read Lord Of Shadows like IMMEDIATELY after it came out because the waiting is the WORST.
I hope you get back into Red Rising though, especially since the new one is coming out and I like when we all yell about the same book at the same time!
I’m also gonna have to add some of these to my TBR this year!!!
Haha yeah not having to wait too long between books is definitely an upside to procrastinating on reading the books in a series 🙂 Ah, I’m definitely hoping I’ll be able to yell with you about the new Red Rising soon 😉
Haha I called mine the list of shame as well! I’m glad I’m not the only one left to read Wonder Woman, Tower of Dawn and THUG. Thanks for visiting my post earlier 🙂
Haha it is a list of shame indeed 😉 But glad to hear we’re not alone!
Nice list of books!! I hope you read them all in 2018!! Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week:
Thanks, I’ll definitely try to 🙂
I have Wonder Woman: Warbringer on my list! And there are few on your list that are on my TBR (Lara Jean, Lucky In Love ) that I am also hoping to get to in 2018. I have read Warcross (it is so good) and THUG which is amazing and probably my favorite book of 2017. The audiobook was amazing and I would highly recommend the audiobook if you listen to those.
Ah both Warcross and THUG are for sure on my top priority list!
You should definitely read Lord of Shadows and Godsgrave! Both books were really awesome 😀
I definitely hope to get to them very, very soon 🙂
Written is Blood is amazing! I love this series by Anne Bishop. I hope you love it as well – I confess that there were a few times I wanted to slap the MC, but in the end I warmed up to her and the world building is incredible!
I wanted to read Wonder Woman: Warbringer, The Hate U Give and Always and Forever, Lara Jean last year too, but, sadly, I just didn’t find the time (too many books, so little time). However, I started reading the Lara Jean’s last adventure today – I think I was also a bit afraid of picking this one up because, as you mention, is the end of an era. I hope it doesn’t disappoint.
Happy readings! 😉
Ah I’ll definitely try to get to Written in Red soon! Hope you’re enjoying the last Lara Jean book 🙂
I;m another one that says that The Hate You Give is a must read. It made me think and is an impressive book debut by the author!
THUG is definitely on my top priority list 🙂
The Hate U Give is amazing. I had mixed feelings about Eliza but I hope you love it along with the others! ?
Thanks, I hope I’ll love THUG and Eliza 🙂
I really loved THUG and Warcross! I read Wonder Woman: Warbringer as well and liked it, but didn’t necessarily loved it. Curious to see what Batman: Nightwalker will bring me, to be honest. Especially since the reviews on that one have been on the meh-side as far as I’ve seen.
Definitely some on here that I have yet to get my hands on! Eliza and her Monsters is probably the main one since that one’s rec’d to me all the time and I still haven’t bought it, haha. I’ve heard amazing things about the Red Rising-books and Nevernight-books. Have yet to get my hands on the first; but I do own a copy of Nevernight so I’m hoping to read that one this year!
Lovely list; hope you get to read all of them! 😀
THUG and Warcross are definitely on my MUST read list, I’ve heard nothing but good reviews! Hope Eliza and Her Monsters will be amazing too 🙂
Ahh this is such a great list – you HAVE to read Warcross whenever you can, it was such a cool book, I loved the concept, the world-building and the characters were amazing 🙂
I can’t wait for you to read the last book in the Lara Jean series, it really was the perfect end to the series, adorable, bittersweet <3
AND YES Eliza and Her Monsters is a 2018 must for me as well, I can't wait to read that one 😀
Ah I’m happy to hear you loved Warcross and Always and Forever Lara Jean! Can’t wait to dive into them! And definitely Eliza and her MOnsters too, it sounds like a book that could become a new all-time favorite 🙂
Lot of great reads on your list so you’re in for a treat when you get around to them 🙂
At least I still have a lot of great books to still look forward to 😉
Need to read a lot on your list too! Whoops. 🙂
Haha glad to hear I’m not the only one 😉
AHHHHH YOU’VE GOTTA READ THE HATE U GIVE IT’S INCREDIBLE!! I really need to get to Godsgrave too and Red Rising. Warcross and Wonder Woman should hopefully be good too!!
Ah I heard so many good things about THUG, I’m sure I’ll love it!!!
I really enjoyed “Lucky in Love.” SO cute and fun. Still really need to read the entire Jenny Han ‘Boys’ series (and really ANY book by her), and I did sneak in “Warcross” at the end of the year. SO (unexpectedly) impressed with that one. Happy 2017-in-2018 TBR-ing, Lindsey. 🙂
Thanks so much for the recent Finding Wonderland visit!
I’m so hoping to get to Lucky in Love soon! I love Kasie West so I’m sure this will be no exception 🙂 Glad to hear you loved Warcross too! And hope you’ll get to Jenny Han’s books and of course that you’ll love them!