
Lindsey Reads Turns Two!! — Blogoversary Giveaway

Lindsey Reads Turns TWO!

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Hi everybody! As you may have already understood from the title, this little blog is turning two years old today! Hooray!


On New Year’s Eve of the year 2015, after years of looking up to book bloggers and after years of doubting whether or not I had what it takes to become a book blogger myself, I finally made the resolution to start my own book blog in the new year.

And lo and behold, on January 12th of 2016, my first post went live! Was it any good? Ehh, it definitely needed some work. But over the years I have been growing and learning and though I still have so much more to learn, I am pretty happy with where I am with this blog today.

But even more than that, I am thankful for what I gained by starting: the love and support of the most wonderful and amazing book blogging community. Every single thoughtful comment I received has made me smile. I have been inspired every day by your creativity and intelligence. And I appreciate every single online friendship I have formed with you.

So…  this would be the perfect time to give something back. And that’s why I am organizing my SECOND BLOGOVERSARY GIVEAWAY!

I will be giving away one book of your choice from The Book Depository.

The rules:

  • The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships to your country
  • You must be either over 18 years old, or have permission from your parents or legal guardian to give out your address.
  • Addresses will only be used to enter delivery information and will not be stored.
  • The winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter
  • The giveaway will run for two weeks – the winner will be contacted on 27 January 2018.
  • The winner will be contacted per e-mail – if there is no reply in 5 days, another winner will be selected.
  • You can choose ONE book, for a maximum of € 20 from The Book Depository.

Or click here to go directly to the giveaway page

  2. And what is one book blogger you love and think I should definitely visit?


  1. Happy second blogoversary!!!! <3 Hope you blog for many more years to come!

    A book I would get would probably be an anticipated release of 2018 that comes out within the next few months or a book release from 2017 I never got the chance to purchase. Two blogs you should check out is and !

    1. Thank you so much Savannah! <3

  2. Happy Blogoversary!!!

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

  3. Yay, congratulations on two years of blogging!!

    1. Thanks so much Angela! <3

  4. Woohoo happy blogiversary!!! <33

    And umm….I'd probably choose The Light Between Oceans if I won! As for a blogger….. Emily @ Paperback Princess is really great 🙂 Her link:

    1. Thanks so much Amy! <3

  5. Oooo I’d probably get the UK paperback edition of The Girl In The Tower…I had an ARC of that book and LOVED it and the UK cover is just so pretty! Also, I feel like a lot of people already read her, but I love Sarah’s Book Shelves!

    1. Thanks so much Gabby! <3

  6. Congrats on hitting 2 years!! What a fun giveaway 🙂 If I won I’d probably go for Scarlet by Marissa Meyer since I just finished Cinder and I don’t want to fall behind haha.

    1. Thank you! And ah, that’s a great choice 😉

  7. happy 2nd blogiversary lindsey!!! my two year one is coming up really soon too!!! your blog is one of my absolutely favourites so i’m very glad you made the decision to start blogging ♥ thanks so much for the giveaway too!!

    1. Aww thanks so much Lauren! <3

  8. Happy blogiversary! Two years is a great number already. 😀
    Oh right now I’d say The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. But this changes so often. haha. I
    If you don’t mind reading a book blog in Dutch from a fellow Belgian, from Liesbet would be great.

    1. Thanks so much Annemieke! <3

  9. Happy Blogoversary! *throws confetti* 😀
    I would choose Tamed by Alice Roberts. It’s the one book I haven’t been able to buy for myself yet that I really, really want. And a blogger you should visit is Booklover’s Tea Party ( ♥

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie! <3

  10. Reese says:

    Happy Blogoversary! Here’s to many more years, cheers!

    I think I’d like to get Graceling or A Darker Shade of Magic, but there are So. Many. Great. books, it’s hard to choose, isn’t it?

    As for bloggers, I’d say people should check out Teainthetreetops dot com, because they have reviews and also a podcast, and it’s so nice to actually be able to hear people gushing about the books they’ve read!

    1. Thanks so much! 🙂

  11. Congratulations on two years! W00t! Your blog blows me away with its awesomeness. Keep going because you do such a good job!

    1. Thanks so much! <3

  12. Happy blogoversary, Lindsey!! The years really do fly by, don’t they?

    One of my favorite bloggers is Cristina over at Girl in the Pages ( Her blog is gorgeous and she always posts really deep and thoughtful reviews and analytical posts.

    I hope you have a lovely third year of blogging and thanks for the giveaway!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thank you so much! <3

  13. Bube says:

    Happy Blogiversary!
    Best wishes for many more great and wonderful blogging yeas ahead ?
    Maybe Misconduct by Penelope Douglas,or Punk 57, or I will see ?
    One of my favorite bloggers is Alleskelle Blogs But Mostly Reads (

    Thank you for your generosity ?

    1. Thanks so much!

  14. Happy blogiversary! Hooray! 🙂

    1. Thank you! <3

  15. Lindsey, congrats on your second blogoversary!!! So happy to have you in this book blogger community and to have gotten to know you via Top Ten Tuesday. 🙂 All the best in 2018; looking forward to what’s to come.

    1. Thanks so much Rissi! So glad I got to know you and your blog as well! ❤️

  16. Happy anniversary!!!

    1. I got so excited to say congrats I scrolled right passed the giveaway! haha

      I would love to win a copy of The Chalk Man. I just finished reading it and I LOVED it! I definitely need to get a copy for my shelves soon! And hmm, one book blogger I love and think you should definitely visit… have you visited

      1. Haha, good luck with the giveaway! And I’ll definitely have to check out Olivia’s Catastrophe!

    2. Thanks so much! <3

  17. Yay, Happy Blogoversary to you! I love your blog so I hope it will be around for many years to come!

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne! <3

  18. Congratulations! So exciting for your blog! I don’t know which book I would pick yet, it takes me so much research to commit to a book that I get to keep! Novel Visits and Sarah’s Bookshelves are two blogs that I read often to keep up with new books coming out and I have similar tastes as those ladies!

    1. Thanks so much! 🙂

  19. John Smith says:

    “What book would you love to get if you would win? And what is one book blogger you love and think I should definitely visit?” There are so many books I would like–especially that series of graphic novels about the young woman who is an undergraduate at some UK university! The youtube book vlogger NodinBookinIt is very good and does good reviews of fantasy books and so forth!

    1. Thanks, I’ll have to check it out!

  20. I remember when your blog turned one, and it feels just like yesterday! Time really flies, doesn’t it?
    Congratulations on two years of blogging, Lindsey! I wish you many, many more <3 <3
    One book I'd love to pick if I won is The Raven Boys, by Maggie Stiefvater. And one blogger you should definitely visit is Suzanne, from The Bookish Libra – I love reading every single one of her posts 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Antonela! <3 Time does fly 🙂
      Oh yes, I love The Bookish Libra as well, her blog is amazing!

  21. Grace says:

    If I won, I would love to get Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland ? And make sure you check Jeann, Aila and Jenna’s blog, Happy Indulgence. It’s amazing! Happy blogiversary, Lindsey!!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Grace!

  22. Happy two years! Amazing work and I’m so pleased to have found your blog in that time.

    Thanks for being a wonderful part of my digital life. ??

    1. Thanks so much Di, I’m so happy to have met you online as well <3

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