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Today is a freebie topic and I have chosen to do the 5 star TBR prediction. Basically, I take a look at all the books on my TBR (more specifically in this case, my 2018 release TBR) and predict which books I think are very likely to become 5 star reads for me.
Though I personally would like to extend this to 4,5 to 5 star ratings. Why? Because in my personal rating system, there is not that much difference between a 4,5 star rating and a 5 star rating. The difference is really only in my reading experience. I could love two books equally and see no flaw in either, but the 5 star book I may have enjoyed so much because I could read it in one sitting and was totally immersed while reading. While the 4,5 star book I may have loved equally, but didn’t have the time to read in one sitting so I had to spread it out over 1-2 weeks of annoyingly interrupted reading. Meaning my reading experience for the 4,5 star book just wasn’t as fulfilling as the 5 star book, but that is in no way the book’s fault. I can’t blame my reading experience on the book now, can I? Nor is this something I can predict in any way.
So basically, what I’m trying to say is: these are the 2018 releases I’m predicting to give a 5 (or 4,5) star rating! I’m already super curious to come back at the end of the year and see how right (or wrong) I was
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Why? It’s Becky Albertalli and I LOVED her previous books. It’s a book set in the Simon universe, and we will see Simon and Blue again. Also, it features Leah, who I may already have a soft spot for since reading Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda.
Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Why? I haven’t read a Morgan Matson book I didn’t love so far. Plus there’s a wedding and shenanigans and I’m sure there will be a deeper message as well. I can already see myself reading this and rating it high.
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
Why? Mackenzi Lee’s The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue was a solid 5 star read for me. Her new book features Felicity, whom I already adored in the previous book. Plus, I have a feeling this will have some solid ace rep and I am here for that.
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
Why? It’s two of my favorite authors writing a book together. It HAS to be a five star read. I’m just not sure yet if it’ll be a smiley 5 star or a sobbing 5 star.
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
Why? As much as I did have my issues with this series, it’s still the final book of one of my all-time favorite series. It has to be a 5 star. At least, if nothing terrible happens to Dorian, Manon, Chaol or Lysandra. Okay?
The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde
Why? It’s a story about the rock band life, a bi drummer girl and a genderqueer love interest written by the author who wrote the ADORABLE Queens of Geek. I mean, I am convinced already.
Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
Why? Vikings, kickass warriors and a hate-to-love romance? Sounds like my kind of 5 star book.
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir
Why? Because it is the third book in the Ember in the Ashes series and I rated both the previous books 5 stars. I NEED this to be a 5 star read as well. Also, Elias <3
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi
Why? It has a lot of talking about feelings, but through text messages instead of in person. I think this may be the key to my soul, ergo 5 stars!
City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
Why? Victoria Schwab + ghost hunter family + ghost best friend = 5 STARS!
Circe by Madeline Miller
Why? A new Greek mythology retelling from the author who still has me sobbing over the absolutely gorgeously written The Song of Achilles. Plus it just has so many amazing reviews already!
I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman
Why? Alice Oseman described this “as a book about obsession and hero worship and an internationally famous trans musician” It sounds awesome and just what I love to read about!
Wow. What a list of five-star books. You must have a teetering pile if you have this many at the top! Ha! Favorite Reads of the Past Ten Years
Haha, yes, the TBR is definitely huuuge
THIS TOPIC – SO FUN!! Loved how you put together this week’s “blogger’s choice” topic, Lindsey. Pretty sure I’m going to have to remember this one next time we choose a topic
“Emergency Contact” is a book only recently on my bookish radar, but it sure sounds fun. Also, like you, I’m anticipating Morgan’s book! It sounds amazing, and every time I see that cover, it makes me smile, so I do have high hopes for that one!
Thanks Rissi! It’s definitely a fun topic to do and I’d love to see your take on it
Emergency Contact does sound fun, doesn’t it? And Morgan Matson’s book covers always make me smile too!
Lady’s Guide and Leah <3 Eagerly awaiting those as well with the hope of 5 star reads. I am also very curious about City of Ghosts.
Yes, I’m so hoping they’ll live up to our expectations (but I’m sure they will
Nice topic! The Brightsiders looks awesome and I just saw it for the first time the other day- I didn’t know Jen Wilde had another book coming so soon! Circe is one I need to get. And Alice Oseman has a new one too? I loved Radio Silence. Glad I saw this post lolol.
Haha glad to add to your TBR
They do sound amazing though, hope they’ll live up to our expectations!
I hope you adore all of these books! It’s always exciting to find something to read that you think you’re going to love.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
Thanks! And yes, I definitely hope I’ll love these ones as much as I think I will
I can’t wait to get to City of Ghosts. Looks like you got a lot of good books in your future!
City of Ghosts does sound amazing already
So many books on your list that I am SO dying to read. I just read an interview with the Emergency Contact author, and now I NEED that book. I’m pretty sure I’ll adore Leah on the Offbeat, What If It’s Us, and THE LADY’S GUIDE TO PETTICOATS AND PIRACY as well. And for the latter, I totally think Felicity is ace, and that would be awesome!
Ah yes they all sound so good! And I am so hoping we will get a confirmed ace Felicity
Amazing list! I’m super excited for many of these books and I’m also expecting some 5-star reads, especially from Reaper
Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
I am sooo excited for Reaper!
ME TOO! I wish I could just read them now already
Oh I LOVE your list SO much here! I got lucky enough to read I Was Born for This and it was a 5-stars read for me, I just loved everything about it so much. Really hope you will love it!!
I also am so impatient to read Save The Date, Leah, What if it’s Us and The Brightsiders, I’m sure I will love all of these… as for Emergency Contact, I’m going to start reading it today or tomorrow and I CAN’T WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Ahh I’m so happy to hear you gave I Was Born For This a five star rating! I can’t wait to read it. And yay for Emergency Contact, I hope you’ll love it!
Amazing list Lindsey
I am so excited about Leah and What If It’s Us. Actually, most of these books are already on my TBR
I have heard amazing things about Circe. I recently read the review for I was Worn for This by one of my favourite bloggers and now I can’t wait to read it 
Leah and What If It’s Us definitely are some of my most anticipated reads this year! I’ve only seen rave reviews about Circe so far so that’s already saying something and I’ve also seen a great review for I Was Born For This too so I can’t wait to dive into that one too
I also predicted that I would give Sky In the Deep 5 stars and I was so happy after I read it and found out that it definitely exceeded that amount! It was such a wonderful read and i’m sure you’ll love it as well! I reaaally need to read Emergency Contact also since it sounds so freaking cute and YAY to a college setting! Lovely post
Ahh I’m so happy you enjoyed Sky In The Deep so much! Looking forward to reading it
I agree that so many of these could be 5 star or 4 star reads!
My WWW Wednesday.
Yes definitely!
Great topic this week and I agree with you on so many of these, especially Leah on the Offbeat, The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, and What If It’s Us. Those are 3 of my most anticipated upcoming reads.
Thansk! So looking forward to all of these, let’s hope they’ll live up to our expectations
Oh! This was an awesome idea for the top ten! I haven’t read any of these yet, and there’s a few I haven’t heard of, so I’mma have to add them to my TBR. Great list!
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Thanks so much!
I want to read Sky in the Deep also!! Great topic, very different!!
Thanks so much! Hope you’ll enjoy Sky in the Deep!
I’m glad you added 4.5 stars to the list. Usually it just has one tiny flaw (like a cliffie) for me to take away that .5 star. Totally get it. You also have several books up there that are on my want list. I really need to get reading!
Yeah exactly, those 4.5 star books need some loving too
Circe, The Lady’s Guide and I Was Born For This are definitely 5-star predictions for me too. I’m looking forward to reading them all because I adored the authors’ previous work… I actually just received my copy of Circe and I’m hoping to pick it up soon. I hope you’ll actually end up loving them all
Ah I hope you’ll enjoy Circe! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!
Sky in the Deep was brilliant! I’m looking forward to Circe so much, ! loved The Song of Achilles so I’m hoping this one will be a hit too!
Ah so glad you enjoyed Sky in the Deep! Yes if Circe is even half as good as The Song of Achilles it’ll be absolutely amazing!