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Hi everybody! Today is the first installment of a new idea on my blog. Since I have a thing for quotes, I thought it would be nice to feature a random book quote each week.
Today I feature a quote from my recent read Big Little Lies, coming from my favorite character Madeline. I love this quote for its honesty and sassiness and because I think it just beautifully shows part of Madeline’s character. And though I may try to be forgiving and let go and all that, when it comes down to it, I do think I can hold a mean grudge just like Madeline…
Awesome idea for a blog series! I look forward to the posts!
I love this quote so much. It’s so Madeleine, and I relate to it a lot too (even though I probably shouldn’t
I also love how Reese Witherspoon says it in the TV series – it’s hilarious.
Thanks! Yeah, Reese Witherspoon is so the perfect Madeline
Oh, I love this quote! I think it depends on how angry I am to keep a grudge…
Haha, I get angry pretty easily so oops
I love this new feature! Can’t wait to see what quotes you feature next.
This quote could be about my sister – she is a queen grudge-holder!
Thanks! Haha, must be tough to be family with a queen grudge-holder sometimes
I love this quote! And I definitely can hold grudges but I also know when to let things go, depending on the situation.
That’s great! I definitely need to work on the ‘letting things go’ part
I love the quote. I am not a grudge holder but this one is a funny way to go about it.
Yeah, I try not to hold grudges, but it happens sometimes and I thought this quote was so relatable and funny
I really love this quote and found it pretty relatable too. I don’t always hold grudges but when I do, man, I can hold them forever, lol.
Haha, yeah I can hold a mean grudge too, though I try not to
I love quotes too! I also like the quote even though I don’t think grudges are a good thing to hold.
Thanks! Yeah keeping grudges is definitely not a good thing, but I do find myself guilty of it sometimes too