Top Ten Tuesday

A Trip Down Memory Lane, Featuring… Books! {Top Ten Tuesday}

180724 Memory Lane Trip

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Post header background: Designed by Freepik

Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Today’s all about books with sensory memories, meaning I have vivid memories of where I was and what was going on while I was reading them. Sometimes the reading of a book becomes just a vague memory, where you know you read that book but you no longer have any idea when you read it or what was going on while you read it. But sometimes, for some reason, a book still brings back vivid memories of the time you read them. Here are some of mine!

The Seven Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima

My husband and I got married in September 2015, and I vividly remember reading the Seven Realms series in the days before and after our wedding. Before, they were my way to unwind and destress during all the wedding planning stuff.

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater and The Deal by Elle Kennedy

In September of 2016 my husband and I went on our belated honeymoon to one of the top placed on my bucket list: the Amalfi Coast in Italy. We stayed in Sorrento and went on trips to Positano, Amalfi and Pompeii among others. I brought my physical copy of The Raven King, which I finished during the first two days and which had me feeling  a little book slumpish afterwards so I read The Deal, my first foray into the world of New Adult, afterwards. And it was a perfect choice, because I read this almost every bus trip we took and finished it before the end of our trip.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

In 2008, my best friend and I took our first huge trip together and went to California together. We went to LA, Santa Monica and Santa Barbara and did all the touristy stuff. We fell in love with Subway during that trip, but we also went to a Borders bookstore (do they still exist?) I bought the (then still a) trilogy of Eragon – Eldest – Brisingr (because of course it’s a good idea to buy 3 heavy books when you still have to fly across the world with them) and started reading the first book Eragon, right then and there. I ultimately became obsessed with the books and binge-read them all in the days after the trip. (I have since bought but never finished the fourth book, so a re-read is in order).

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Aww man, though they are not linked to a specific trip or even a specific time, I have so many good memories connected to these books. I fell absolutely in love with these and have spent several years obsessed with them. I remember reading the first book till way into the night. I remember binge-reading them all and trying not to look up spoilers. I remember sitting on my couch reading Mockingjay and having to put the book down at THAT part in the book because it was just too much. I remember following any news about the movies religiously. I remember re-reading them again and again and again.

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

In 2008 (seems like this was the year I travelled a lot) I went to Rome for a long weekend with my mother. Rome is one of the cities I am forever in love with, it is absolutely gorgeous and I hope to be able to visit it again someday soon. But a book I will always connect to this trip is New Moon. In 2008 I was in my Twilight phase and I was OBSESSED. I couldn’t imagine waiting a whole weekend before reading more, so I brought my current read with me and read as much as possible during our downtime at the hotel (which wasn’t a lot, because we were in freaking Rome, but I made the most of it)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor and Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

For my previous job, there was a fair bit of travel involved. On average once a year, I got to go to a big fair or event in another country such as Germany, Italy, Spain or even the US. These trips were pretty exhausting, but I still found a bit of time each evening in my hotel room to read. Though I can’t pinpoint the exact time and location where I read some of these books, I know I read them on these trips. Examples are Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor or Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. But also the Trylle trilogy or Love, Rosie are books that were read during these work trips and they will always remind me of those times.

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

As you may or may not know, I love to dance and have been a member of a dance club since I was a little kid. In the summer of 2016, our dance club was invited to come and perform at a Belgian theme park called Plopsaland. It’s a theme park specifically for the smaller kids featuring some of the most popular Belgian animation figures. We were invited to dance in small groups and in different costumes thoughout the day in the middle of the park and do one final show at night on the central gazebo. It was a hot, but fun experience. But other than the dancing, I will always link this memory to Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson which I read (and finished) on the 2-hour bus ride there and back again.

The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas

Though not a particular exciting or thrilling memory, I do vividly remember reading this book. It was a hot summer day and one of the rare occasions when I read outdoors. I even made an instagram post saying it was a book with a title to fit the weather!

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

This book is one of my all-time favorites, but unfortunately it will also forever be linked to a somewhat sad memory. In december of 2016 I lost my job of almost 10 years. A job that was a dream job to me in many ways, so you can imagine I took it pretty hard. Somewhat luckily though, we had just arranged the next weekend to take a trip with family to the Belgian Ardennes. I was feeling pretty down, but I was also happy to have the opportunity to get out and do something, and be among people instead of just wallowing on my own at home. It was at this trip that I finally read the sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic and though I liked the first book, I didn’t really fall in massive L.O.V.E. until I read the sequel, A Gathering of Shadows. I still see myself sitting there on the cozy sofa, surrounded by family but still completely immersed in my book. It was a tough time, but this book and the people around me made it so much better.

Reading Spot

And then there is the memory that most books hold. The memory of my trusty little couch, the place where I do most of my reading and as such most of the magic happens. I remember cozy winter nights spent there, reading in my onesie and sipping a nice cup of tea. I remember falling in love with so many world on this couch. I read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens agenda there in one day, while my husband was watching tv. I read all the latest Throne of Glass books there. I fell in love with the Red Winter trilogy there. I mean, it’s my spot and it is connected to so many amazing reading memories, I just can’t not mention it.

Tell Me:
What is one of your biggest reading memories? Do you read a lot while travelling? Do you also have a particular reading spot that gives you Happy reading memories?


  1. I love it when books are part of awesome memories! And ooh the Amalfi Coast- that’s definitely on my list of go-to places! I can relate about the Hunger games too- even though I’ve only recently read them, they were definitely memorable reads!

    Great post!

    1. I hope you’ll get to travel to the Amalfi Coast some day, it’s absolutely gorgeous there! And yes, The Hunger Games are definitely memorable 🙂

  2. This is so fun, Lindsey! Such a cute way to put this all together. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Rissi!

  3. Awww, I love the way you did this post! The graphics are so cute and I loved this insight into your “non-blogger” world, if that makes sense. ♥

    1. Thanks so much! <3

  4. What a lovely post Lindsey! It was a great trip down memory lane!

    1. Thanks so much Chrissi!

  5. Wedding and honeymoon books! I feel you there. 🙂

    The graphics in this post are killer. So cute! 🙂 Also… geez girl you deserve extra bookworm points for lugging The Inheritance Cycle on a plane… those books are HEAVY.

    1. Thanks! Haha, yeah I didn’t really think that one through when I got them! Luckily, my friend had some extra luggage space so she could take one at least already 🙂

  6. This post was laid out so beautifully! <3
    I always read on my bed. If only because it's the comfiest place I can go that isn't really loud (My siblings give loud a new meaning tbh). It's good because of all the pillows and blankets and I feel so relaxed. It's bad because I feel so relaxed I could fall asleep. XD

    *raises wine glass filled with orange juice, because I don't really like wine but ssshhhhhhhhhhhh* Here's to many more happy reading memories!

    1. Thanks! Haha, yeah I totally understand about falling asleep while reading in bed 😉 It’s just sooo comfy.
      I don’t drink wine either so I’ll join your toast with some orange juice as well!

  7. I love your tales and thanks so much for sharing them. I do most of my reading on the couch but we bought a new one last Christmas and it just isn’t that cozy!

    1. Thanks so much! Aww, sory to hear about your couch. Hopefully it just needs some more time to ‘break in’?

  8. How often do you reread The Hunger Games trilogy these days?

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Honestly, I think my last re-read is about two years ago – so it’s definitely time for a new re-read! 🙂

  9. What a fun list! I love that you have books associated with your wedding and honeymoon! You’ve done a lot of traveling!

    1. Thanks! Haha yeah, I’ll definitely never forget about reading those books! I’ve been so lucky to have been able to cross off a lot of places from my travel bucketlist – but of course there’s always more places to go and discover 😉

  10. I love that you can remember certain moments and times where you read specific books. I really need to sit down and think about this. I can remember a few different ones, but if I really think, I’m sure I could come up with more. Losing a job you’ve had for so long – and really loved – sounds awful, but it’s great you had family and a book to get you through. I JUST recently read the Shades of Magic series and it’s seriously one of my favorites now. Love it. And I really want to go to Italy – my aunt was in town over the weekend and she asked what was next on our bucket list – it was London, and she came with me, my mom, and sister -and I said Italy and everyone agreed they’d like to go, so maybe!


    1. Yes, definitely! A few ones came to mind immediately to me too, but a few came when I thought about it a bit – I’m sure there are still more if I think about it.
      Losing that job was (and honestly, still is) awful indeed, but luckily there are books and people to get me through indeed. So glad to hear you loved the Shades of Magic series <3
      Oh, I hope you'll get to go to Italy someday soon! I'd definitely highly recommend the Amalfi Coast. And Rome of course. Honestly, there are so many gorgeous places in Italy!

  11. At first I thought you read the books at your wedding 🙂 Great idea to put it together like this.

    My TTT:

    1. Haha, that would have maybe taken it a bit too far 😀 Before and after the wedding was enough for me 😉

  12. Love this post! I think the books you read while travelling are definitely some of the ones you remember most, just last year I read the Upside of Unrequited while on vacation in North Carolina, and now whenever I think of that book I think of the mountains. You’ve been to some really awesome places, I hope I get to travel to some of them someday! <3

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks! That’s such a beuatiful memory (and book) too! North Carolina is definitely on my bucket list still 🙂 Hope you’ll get to travel to all your bucket list places too!

  13. That’s awesome that you got to do all of that travelling with books! I have several books that I read while on vacation as well.

    It’s nice when there’s a book to pick you up when something bad happens, like losing a job. Great post!

    1. Yeah, books are definitely often linked to travels! And it’s definitely awesome to have a book to get us through bad times 🙂

  14. I just finished a Gathering of Shadows and loved it. It sucks that you lost your job but that is an awesome example of how healing books and family can be!

    1. So happy to hear you loved AGOS! Yeah, books and family are definitely a healing combo 🙂

  15. Great to see how books are connected to some of your memories. I specifically remember reading bits of Sunbolt when I was in the hospital, before and after my c-section.

    1. A c-section definitely seems like one of those times to be vividly remembered, so good you had a book to distract you just a bit 🙂

  16. Such lovely memories, I love that! 😀

    1. Thanks so much! 🙂

  17. I love how your did your post and especially how you included all of those fun personal pics. Great take on this week’s topic 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne 🙂

  18. Aw this was such a lovely post! I adored A Darker Shade of Magic – I’m not sure why I haven’t read the sequels yet! <3

    My TTT post!

    1. Thanks so much! Hope you’ll love the Shades of Magic sequels as well 🙂

  19. I love how you formatted this post. You’ve gone to a lot of interesting places. I never finished Eragon, but I remember trying to read it while visiting my grandparents in Florida.

    1. Thanks! That’s so cool that you have your own memories of Eragon too 🙂

  20. Gosh, you are so right! I was just thinking the other day how SMELLS are so incredible and that I remember different things at random times because of smells, but READING is so similar!

    I love this post and thanks for sharing all these moments!

    1. Yes, smells are definitely also so good at making you remember moments from years ago! I love when that happens.

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