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Today’s all about the dreaded reading slump. We all have them. Even the biggest bookworm will eventually face it. But don’t fear, a reading slump is never forever. There are ways to help it go away even faster.
As someone who’s had and gotten through several major reading slumps (I still remember ‘The Great Summer Slump of 2017’…), I do have a few little tips and tricks in my sleeve on how to beat that terrible reading slump back into oblivion. Here they are:
#1 Think about it
Not every reading slump is the same. Are you in a slump because your head is still in your last, perfect read and nothing will ever compare? Or is it because you’d rather Netflix? Maybe you’re in a slump because you’ve read it all and everything is starting to blur together into one big, predictable book? Or maybe you’ve challenged yourself too hard and you’re having a bit of a reading burn out? Give it a moments’ thought. Depending on the reason for your slump, you may have better luck with one plan of attack or another.
#2 Step away from the books
If you’re not feeling it, then you’re not feeling it. It’s okay. Take the time to do something else. Bingewatch Netflix. Lose yourself in that kdrama. Bake a cake. Go out with friends. Don’t force yourself to read when you’re not in the mood, because you might make your slump even worse. Take all the time you need, be it a day, a week or a month. Most likely, if you’re not stressing yourself out to read and thinking about other things instead, you’ll be back in the mood to read before you know it!
#3 Take it easy
Don’t dive right into a 600-page book or a ten-part book series. Take it easy. Read a short book. Try a novella. Maybe now’s the perfect time to try a graphic novel or comic book. Or read that perfect piece of fluff you’ve been wanting to read for ages. As the age-old saying goes: “Anything light and breezy will make reading come easy.” (confession: it’s not really age-old. I just made it up)
#4 Revisit old favorites
Sometimes you don’t want something new, no matter how short or fluffy. Sometimes, the only cure to a reading slump is to revisit your old favorites. For example, re-read Harry Potter. Or just re-read some of your favorite scenes from you favorite book. Revisiting an old favorite usually reminds you of your love of reading and will rekindle your excitement to read something new.
Some examples that usually work for me:
#5 Booktube! Bookstagram! Bookblogs!
When I’m in a reading slump, this is something that almost always does the trick for me. Because what better way to get excited about books again than to watch others flail and rave and get all passionate about books? Watch some fo your favorite booktubers. Revel at those gorgeous bookstagram feeds. Visit your favorite bookish blogs and read their rave reviews. Because that kind of excitement will definitely be contagious!
#6 Just listen
Maybe your reading slump happened because you’re just so busy that the physical act of picking up a book seems to be too much. Or you just don’t have the time to read, which gets you all demotivated in return. In that case, try an audiobook. Try it while driving to work, try it while doing housework. You’ll get to do your chores AND you’ll get to absorb a story in the meantime. Win-win.
#7 Get creative
Just because you’re not currently reading, doesn’t mean you can’t stay in those bookish worlds in some other way. Design your ideal reading spot. Re-arrange your shelves. Make a bookish playlist. Create an aesthetic. Write the story you want to read. If you get creative in some way that has to do with reading, you’ll probably be back on the reading track in no time.
#8 Visit a bookstore
When it comes to a reading slump, sometimes the best therapy is retail therapy. Visit a bookstore or library and browse the shelves. Pick up some books you don’t know and read the blurb to see if you’d like it. Just being around loads of books can bring back your reading mojo in no time.
#9 Read outside of your comfort zone
Perhaps you’ve had an overdose of one specific genre. It happens to all of us, no matter how much we love a certain genre. I personally love to switch up my fantasy with a contemporary now and again. It keeps things fresh and exciting for me. So why not try something new? Try that thriller. That mystery. That poetry collection. That non-fiction book. Who knows, you might fall in love with something new.
#10 Buddy read
Now, I wouldn’t buddy read if you’re really slumping hard and are not even remotely interested in reading. In that case I refer you back to tip #2 – step away from the books. But if your slump still has you feeling like you WANT to read and you just need that extra push, then try a buddy read. Reading a book together with a friend will both give you that needed incentive to read AND will give you someone to talk and rave and rant about, which will definitely get you excited about reading again.
This post is so much fun, Lindsey! I love your tips and suggestions. Usually I press on because I have so many books I’ve agreed to read. That said, if I didn’t, I’d have zero issue taking a break! Or most the time I feel like reading a “silly” (cute or romcom) read usually does the trick. It’s those types of books that always make me smile anyway!
Thanks so much, Rissi! I found that pressing on doesn’t work for me, because I used to do it and only made it worse *oops* But if it works for you, that’s great! A cute romcom usually does the trick for me too
Great tips! I haven’t really been in a big slump in a while but there are some weeks where reading isn’t as easy. Usually taking it easy helps me then. That and comics haha. To jump start my reading feeling.
I’ve had to learn to take it easy when it comes to reading slumps, because forcing it only makes it worse
Comics is such a good one, and one I definitely need to implement more myself!
I do have to step away sometimes and let my Netflix binging take over, lol. And yeah rereading a favorite or picking something shorter- a graphic nove, or novella- definitely helps sometimes! Or just a genre change.
These are all great tips. I like the visit the bookstore one too- because sometimes you find a book that’s totally not on your radar there, and end up getting it! I’ve had that happen a few times, even when I’m NOT slumping…
A good Netflix binge is good for so much, haha
Yes, finding a hidden gem in a bookstore is the best!
Fabulous post Lindsey, with some great advice! I quite often find myself in a slump if I’m not enjoying a book and struggling to get through it. DNF-ing really helped me!
Thanks Chrissi! DNF’ing is a great tip! And I definitely need to learn to DNF more easily, because life’s too short to read books that just aren’t for you
Yes to everything on this list! Sometimes you just need to watch Netflix, and that’s fine, but I agree that the easiest way I can get out of a reading slump is by watching some of my favourite booktubers talking about books; their enthusiasm reignites my enthusiasm, and before I know it I want to read ALL THE THINGS. Great list!
I know, booktube is AMAZING! No matter what or how bad the slump, I watch 2-3 videos and I’m like ‘I NEED TO READ ALL OF THESE!’
I took the same approach. I don’t re-read a lot so I don’t really have go-to books for slumps. Getting creative is a great idea and one I didn’t think of. Nice list – very helpful!
Thanks so much!
I can really only remember one bad reading slump – and that was pre-blogging days. I definitely have days where I don’t want to read or don’t feel like reading a lot, but it doesn’t tend to last too long. I think it’s good to sometimes step away from reading – just do something else that you love and and don’t worry about reading. Your love hasn’t gone away forever! These are all great ideas though.
That’s great that you haven’t had any really bad slumps lately! I try to be extra careful now and whenever I start to feel just a bit slumpy I move away from the books for a day or two (or more). You’re so right that the love hasn’t gone away forever, it’s usually back very soon
Wow some really great tips for getting out of reading slumps! I haven’t had a really bad one since 2015, when I had my A Levels and started Uni, but I do occasionally have slumpy months or just feel a bit off after finishing a book I struggled with. I tend to stick to the shorter book or book by a favourite author tactic if that happens.
Thanks! I can definitely see how starting UNI can cause such a big slump – I had one myself after graduating high school that lasted a few years so probably also my biggest one!
Great post, Lindsey! I definitely think stepping away from books for a little while is a good idea. Instead of getting frustrated with everything you’re trying to read, just do something else for awhile. Reading old favorites helps me, as well as reading something outside my comfort zone.
Thanks, Angela! Yes, I definitely had to learn to step away from the books, because stubborn old me was always trying to keep going and reading more and only making it worse in the process
So now I really try to work on that whenever I feel a bit slumpy.
These are some great suggestions! I find that heading to a book store generally is good for both curing my reading slump and lightening my wallet. Not that it being heavy is ever exactly a problem. xD You’ve got lots of great tips here. I hadn’t thought of buddy reading, but that’s a good one! Definitely a fun way to motivate you to read.
Haha yeah bookstores are great for reading slumps but bad for wallets
Great tips! Getting out of my comfort zone helps a lot. Reading too many similar books will give me book burnout.
Definitely! I love switching it up (though admittedly, I could probably switch it up even more haha
Lots of great tips here. I especially the idea of reading a novella or some other short read to get back into the swing of things and trying a book out of your comfort zone.
Thanks! Yeah a short read often does the trick
Hahahaha Lindsey you are concious visiting a bookstore is a very dangerous thing right? But in Belgium we don’t have so many English bookstores unfortunately so my wallet is safe. Except when I go to Waterstone LOL Great advices here! And I love how you said “think about it” because yes, not every slump is about us being fed up with books
Haha I know but you’re right the selction in Belgium isn’t THAT dangerous
I’ve never been to Waterstones, but I’m thinking I should keep it that way for my wallet’s sake 
I love your take on this post. I don’t know if there’s ever really been a time when I didn’t want to read, but there are times when I don’t want to read what I was planning on reading next. Maybe I already use some of your tips without realizing it. Like right after I read the first three Ember in the Ashes books (in three days) and then I read a holocaust story… I was so not into reading another dark book after that, so I read The Kiss Quotient.
Well, coincidentally I just got The Kiss Quotient and was saving it to read when I felt a slump coming up, so I’m happy to hear it worked for you
Ugh, reading slumps are the worst aren’t they!? I love your list of tips and tricks!
#3 is definitely one that I like to try as well as #4 and I think checking out blogs and bookstagram is a great option too!
Plus Buddy Reading? That can be the absolute best when you need a little push and I love that chatting and ranting or fangirling over something can really get you back into the swing of things! Awesome post!
Reading slumps definitely suck! I’m trying really hard to avoid them since I hate not reading, but then again it happens so it’s good to have some tricks up my sleeve for when it does

I love buddy reading! There’s nothing quite like raving and ranting with someone over a book that gets the reading excitement going