Top Ten Tuesday

Baby, It’s Cold Outside (So I’m Staying In Reading, Duh) — My Winter TBR {Top Ten Tuesday}

181219 TTT Winter TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
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Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Let’s be real for a minute: winter is not my favorite time of the year. In fact, I’m one of those people who wish they could just hole up inside of the house for the duration of winter. Or go somewhere sunnier. Anything to escape winter, which has everything I strongly dislike: freezing temperatures that leave me in a perpetual state of chill and feeling like I’ll never ever feel warm again (#dramaqueen), having to get up even earlier to scrape the ice of my car (ugh), too many layers of clothes that I have never been able to combine in a flattering way (need fashion advice on winter survival, stat), having to face my fears of driving in the snow (nightmare), constantly chapped lips and dry hands and endlessly dark days with no sunshine to boost my morale…

Nope, I’m not a fan of winter. Thankfully, there is one bright side to winter and that is the joy of being able to curl up on the sofa, snuggled under a nice warm blanket, cup of hot cocoa nearby and a great book in your hands. Plus, some of my most anticipated books ever are being released this winter, so in a way, I’m also weirdly looking forward to it…

Without further ado, I present to you the books that I’m hoping to be the beautiful highlights of the next few wintery months…

— NEW Winter releases —

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

Umm, I still can’t believe my FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER got his own series and I’ll be able to read the first book this winter #blessed

The Wicked King by Holly Black

The Wicked King by Holly Black

It’s been too long since The Cruel Prince and I need more Jude and Cardan in my life okay, I just need more of them now.

Two Witches and a Whiskey by Annette Marie

GCS3 Two Witches and a Whiskey- AnnetteMarie GR

Oh boy, am I looking forward to the third book in the Guild Codex series because I can’t wait to be reunited with Tori and her three mages. And I’m totally hoping for another character’s return as well…

99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is without a doubt my favorite romance novel to date. I’ve read it multiple times already so I have high hopes and expectations for Sally’s next novel!

Slayer by Kiersten White

Slayer by Kiersten White

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my earliest obsessions. I’m so looking forward to dive back into the world of vampires and slayers and Kiersten White’s take on it.

Heartstopper Vol 1 by Alice Oseman

Heartstopper vol 1 by Alice Oseman

Alice Oseman has many books still on my TBR, but I’ve been craving some adorable fluff lately and this webcomic-gone-to-print has been hailed as super adorable and cute and I need it soon. Just looking at that cover gives me hearteyes.

— From the backlist —

What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera

What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera

Two of my favorite authors wrote a book together and I haven’t read it yet? MUST. FIX. THIS. SOON.

Ruined by Amy Tintera

Ruined by Amy Tintera

How long have I been saying I need to read this book? This winter is the time, though.

Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Seriously, I’m angry at myself for keeping this book on my bookshelf without reading it for FOREVER. I know I’ll love it, I just need to START.

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

Somehow, this feels like a fall read (just look at that cover), but since I failed at reading it this fall I’m saving it for winter instead.

Tell Me:
What’s on your winter TBR?
Do you like winter or are you waitng for it to be over soon like me?

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  1. I agree, curling up with a mug of something and a good book is one of the few things to like about winter. 🙂 Slayer looks great, and I’ve got The Cruel Prince to read here hopefully soon… plus the Guild Codex series might be calling to me too, they look fun!

  2. Read Written in Red now! And ugh there are just so many good books coming out at the start of the year, I seriously can’t keep up.

  3. Yes, WRITTEN IN RED! Read it, it’s so good! I’m also looking forward to reading King of Scars, although I think I might reread the Grisha trilogy first…

  4. Great ideas! I will post mine in few hours.

  5. My favorite winter pasttime is snuggling up in front of the fire with a good book so I’m right there with you. Your list is fantastic too. I mainly only included ARCs I have to get through on my list, but I hope to get to King of Scars, Slayer, and The Wicked King at some point over the winter months as well.

  6. Poinsettia says:

    Winter is a great time to stay in and read! An Enchantment of Ravens sounds really good! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. Yes, you need to get on the Bishop book. It’s a perfect winter read. I love that series so much (but keep putting off the 5th book because I don’t want it to end). And yes, I know there’s a spinoff series but it won’t focus on my favorite wolf! I’m not a huge fan of winter either. I’m okay with some snow, but HATE bitter temps. Hopefully we’ll have a mild one. At least you have some good books planned.

  8. I do want to read Heartstopper! And I’ve wanted to read Written in Red for YEARS so I really should get on that. lol


  9. I love that cover for Two Witches and a Whiskey.

    I’m not a fan of winter when there’s no snow involved…and I only like the snow for like a day or two, so I’m pretty much with you.

    Hope you have a great week.

  10. I’ve got An Enchantment of Ravens to read next year as well, but I’m saving it for later in the year, since as you said, it seems like a very “fall” book-let me know how you enjoy it! I also want to read King of Scars, I need to catch up on the Grisha trilogy in January before it comes out.

  11. I’ve just recently come to realize winter is NOT my season either. It’s beautiful and I do love Christmas, but in my four seasons ranking, it’s low. ;D

    I haven’t read “The Hating Game” but given all the hype and praise for it, I think I’d like to give it a chance. Also, because of its stunning cover ‘Ravens’ is one that interests me, but I don’t really know much about it. Hope you enjoy all of these!! 🙂

  12. I love Christmas, but I’m a summer girl myself. The Wicked King is one of the books on my list for winter.

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