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Hi everybody, and welcome to a new blog post!
It’s become somewhat of a tradition to set some bookish resolutions every year. This starts with the typical Goodreads reading challenge of how many books I want to read and goes on to include many other (bookish) things. Last year, I just got out of a huge reading slump, so I wanted to keep it casual and kept my goals extra vague. I wanted to read more on a whim, read more diversely and read more backlist books. Did I reach those goals? Uhh, I guess so, but no way to really tell, of course. This year, I wanted to challenge myself with some actual measurable goals. Let’s do this!
Reading goals:
1. Read 50 books total in 2019
Honestly, I haven’t been doing so good with my total reading goal. In 2016 I read 81 books. In 2017 I didn’t reach my goal of 75 books and only read 60. In 2018 I just barely made my goal of 60 books (and that was including 12 short comic books). So I don’t want to stress it in 2019 and focus on my enjoyment and ways of reading rather than the number of books I read, luckily I found an article about kratom and all the benefits, include relaxation, pain relief, improved mood, and increased energy. 50 seems like a nice, doable, stress-free number.
2. Read 12 audiobooks
I’ve been saying I want to try audiobooks for YEARS now. This year the opportunity presented itself to me on a golden platter: with my new job, I will spend more time in the car every day. So I decided to use that time to listen to an audiobook. It’s the perfect solution to make the daily commute go by faster. Or at least, I hope so, cause I’m totally new to this audiobook thing. But an audiobook a month seems like a good start. Any audiobook recommendations for me?
3. read 12 new-to-me/unpopular/unhyped authors
I’ve always been terrible at picking books up on a whim. I always stick to the authors I know and love, or the books that have been hyped around the community. This year however, I want to deliberately pick up unknown (to me) authors, or books I don’t see around the blogosphere a lot. You know, so I can actually write a complete top ten list on underrated, hidden gem books that are more than just an Annette Marie rave… (though there will also be plenty more Annette Marie raving in 2019 for sure )
4. read 12 comic books or mangas or graphic novels
In 2018, I tentatively got into manga and comic books a tiiiny bit. In 2019, I want to REALLY go for it. I want to read manga, I want to read graphic novels and I want to read comic books. I’ve already read the Fence comics by C.S. Pacat, which I LOVED. I started the Deathnote manga (hearteyes) and got the first two volumes of Tokyo Ghoul. If you have any recs, I’d love to hear them!
5. read 5 non SFF or contemporary books
I love me some fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary. But I want to branch out. Try some mystery, thriller, or horror. Read some non-fiction. Read more romance (or does that fall under contemporary?). This will be tricky, since I tend to stick to what I know I love (anyone else always go for the same exact dish at the restaurants you know and love?), but I want to TRY and 5 books seems like a nice try.
Blogging goals:
7. Work on new blogposts once a week
With our new house renovations and starting my new job, I’ve been slacking in the blogging department lately. In 2019 (at least as of March, when we have moved and I hope things will settle down a bit) I want to become a more active blogger again, starting with working on new blog content regularly. I want to find a schedule where I can AT LEAST work on new content once a week. It’s still not a lot, or close to enough, but let’s start with one and see where we get, alright?
8. Bloghop at least once a week
Even worse than slacking in the content creation department, is slacking in the commenting and blog hopping department. As with the content creation, I want to find a schedule again where I can sit down and bloghop AT LEAST once a week. Preferably more.
9. share the love and support fellow bookbloggers
Going on my resolution to bloghop more, I also want to do more to share the love and support my fellow bookbloggers. I’m not sure how yet so this resolution is still a bit vague, but I’m hoping to figure it out as I go. This could be an extra feature on bloggers in my monthly wrap up. It could be a new feature where I talk about a favorite blogger. It could be me more actively sharing other blogger’s posts. There are so many ways I could share the love and I want to work on that in 2019.
It’s been so long since I read any manga! I really recommend checking out the series Fruits Basket, it’s what got me into the style in the first place. Good luck with all your goals!
Lotte |
These are some amazing goals! *_* I’m also going to try to work on blog posts once a week and schedule posts for the future.
I’ve also branched out my reading the past two years. I started getting into comics and non-fiction, which has been great!
Good luck with all of your goals and with those house renovations! I have a goal to try more audiobooks this year too. I’m finding that I really like them for contemporary reads so I’ve been using them to move through some of my backlisted books.
Great goals! Blog hopping is always so hard to fit in. I’ve been struggling a little as well. When I do end up blog hopping I always have my monthly wrap up open so that blog posts I want to share in there I can put right in there. Otherwise I’d keep forgetting what I wanted to share again.
What great goals, Lindsey! I especially love your goal to read new-to-you authors! Good luck with all of these!
These are all great goals! I really like reading authors that aren’t as well known or don’t get as much attention. I hope you can find some good books that fit under that category this year! I still need to share my goals post, but it should go up this week!
I posted my resolutions last week. Good luck with these! I also need to get better at supporting bloggers. I try to feature a few interesting posts in my Sunday Post every week, but sometimes I forget to save links.