Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
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Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!
Today is all about our summer TBR. Now, normally, this is the time where I make a list of all cute contemporaries I want to read because for some reason summer means contemporaries for me. But not this year. This year, because of moving and adulting and stuff, I have an unfortunate backlog of a lot of books that already came out earlier in the year that I REALLY want to get to. SO the summertime, when life usually gets a little less busy, seems like the PERFECT time to catch up.
Here are twelve books on my Summer TBR:
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
This has been my most anticipated book since before it was even ever announced. I’ve been wanting more Nikolai since I first read about him all those years ago. So naturally I got this book the day it came out. And naturally I have not even started it since….
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
It’s a heist story set in 1889 Paris featuring a band of lovable characters. NEED I SAY MORE? Except then there was all the hype and I got a bit intimidated and haven’t even started it.
Slayer by Kiersten White
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was one of my very first tv obsessions. To this day I still love the tv show with all my heart. To revisit the world of vampires and slayers and get to know new characters is just a lovely bonus.
The Tiger At Midnight by Swati Teerdhala
This cat-and-mouse game inspired by ancient Indian history and Hindu mythology has been on my TBR for too long!
If I’m Being Honest by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
All I needed were the words ‘inspired by ‘Ten Things I Hate About You”. And of course ‘Taming of the Shrew’, but really all I hear is Ten Things I Hate About You. Reminder that I still need to read this duo’s previous novel as well!
Again, But Better by Christine Riccio
I already love Christine’s booktube channel, so I’m super intrigued by her first novel! Plus, the theme is just so universal: haven’t we all wanted to do certain parts of our lives over again – again, but better?
We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal
Ancient Arabia + woman masquerading as a man + magic + Prince of Death = I WANT IT! And I’ve wanted it for too long already.
Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
“They’re not the heroes we deserve. They’re just the ones we could find. Nobody panic.”
Misfits in space. Misfits in space! Misfits in space!! Read it now! Read it now! Read it now!
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad
The cover drew me in and the fact that it’s a historical, feminist fantasy set along the Silk Road is what sold it to me.
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Another whimsical fantasy by Margaret Rogerson AND an enemies-to-lovers AND the power of libraries? The only question is why I haven’t even started this yet.
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
The plan is to read this gorgeous f/f fantasy in time for the sequel releasing in November. I can do that right?
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
After falling in love with Brigid Kemmerer’s writing earlier this year, this Beauty and the Beast retelling only got an even higher spot on my TBR!
Tell Me:
Have you already read and loved some of these?
If so, which one should I definitely start with?
What books are on your summer 2019 TBR?
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I’ve read several of these and enjoyed them all but I need to catch up on at least half of these. Not sure if I’ll get them done this summer though. Tis the dream LOL Good luck!
Haha yeah, it’s a dream but who knows?
Good luck with your reading too!
I’ve heard AMAZING things about ‘Dark and Lonely.’ I don’t think I’ve seen anyone (on booktube) say a bad thing about it. Makes me more excited! Hope you enjoy Emily and Austin’s; I didn’t love their first novel, but I hear this one is way better, and of course, like you, I’m curious to read Christine’s.
Hope things are settling down for you, Lindsey. Happy summer reading. 
Ah yeah I’m so excited for Dark and Lonely cause I’ve also only heard good things! Sorry you didn’t enjoy the first novel of Emily and Austin, here’s hoping I may enjoy it more… Thanks Rissi, and happy reading to you too!
Gilded Wolves is on my list this week, too. I have it requested from the library but may not be able to get to it. Good luck on your list. My TTT Summer reading list
Here’s hoping we both will get to Gilded Wolves this summer!
I think Slayer looks super fun.
And those last three covers- Sorcery of thorns, Girls of Paper and Fire and A Curse So Dark -look awesome together haha. I love all the covers lately!
You’re so right, those covers look awesome – separately AND together
Ooh! What a list! I really hope you love these books when you get around to them. I’m excited to see what Christine’s is like.
Thanks! I just started reading Christine’s book first so already jumping into my list haha
My list is very short. Still, I love reading these even when I’m not participating (I just published another author interview on my blog instead). You might want to take a look – Jane Davis is an amazing author!
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
My first thought was “What? You get to stop adulting?” but then I saw that you moved. I hope you get to read these. I hope to get to King of Scars and A Sorcery of Thorns at some point.
Haha, no unfortunately there is no end to adulting, just a little less of it hopefully now that the renovating and moving is over
Hope you’ll get to King of Scars and A Sorcery of Thorns soon!
Great list! I hope you enjoy King of Scars.
We Hunt the Flame, The Candle in the Flame, Sorcery of Thorns, Girls of Paper and Fire and A Curse So Dark and Lonely are all books I’d like to read soon, too!
Thanks! Hope we’ll both get to all these books soon!
I’m really excited for Sorcery of Stones – I’ve been hearing amazing things about it, and I really liked the author’s debut, so I’m fully expecting to love this novel. I’m also excited for King of Scars, but I think I might wait until the second novel is out, and binge them haha, I hate waiting for sequels. Hope you’ll love all these novels!
I loved An Enchantment of Ravens too, so I’m also excited for Sorcery of Thorns! Haha, you’re right, I hate waiting for sequels too, but on the other hand… it’s Nikolai… so not sure what I’ll do
I’ve been seeing A Curse So Dark and Lonely around a lot lately, and people seem to really be enjoying it! Hope you enjoy all your books and get some good reading time in this summer!
Yeah, I’ve seen nothing but great reviews, so I have high expectations
Hope you’ll have an amazing reading summer too!
Looks like a lot of great fantasy books. I usually read a lot of thrillers during summer but fantasies make good beachy reads as well. Good luck on getting through your tbr and happy reading!
Thanks! I usually keep the thrillers for fall, but summer sounds perfect for that too
Again But Better looks great. I had to add that one to my TBR!
I just started that one
I have a copy of Sorcery of Thorns so hopefully I can read that soon. I also really want to read Aurora Rising as well.
Hope we’ll both get to Sorcery and Aurora soon!
Some really good books on here! Aurora Rising was FAB, definitely recommend reading that one! Girls of Paper and Fire & A Curse So Dark and Lonely were reeeeeally good, and I’m currently reading We Hunt the Flame. About 30% in, and really liking it! Happy reading! ??
Ahh so glad you enjoyed or are enjoying those books! Can’t wait to get to them
i haven’t read any of these but almost all of them are on my goodreads’ TBR! definitely need to catch up sometimes soon. i hope you get to read them and enjoy it
Hope we’ll both get to all of these soon then! Happy reading!
I hope you like Slayer! It’s such a good book.
Thanks, glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Haha this is basically the same list I would create of amazing new books I missed. But adulting is overrated
Haha I just missed them because I have too many other books to read! But I do want read The Guilded Wolves, We Hunt The Flame, Aurora Rising, Sorcery of Thorns, Girls of Paper and Fire, and A Curse So Dark and Lonely. I actually have copies of all of these haha
Adulting is totally overrated, haha
Hope we’ll both get to all of these amazing books soon. Happy summer reading!
Oh great list. I really want the Bardugo book. *grabby hands* I so hope you enjoy it!
Haha same grabby hands here
Hope you’ll enjoy it too!
I’m loving this list! I am also such a huge BTVS fan as well, so I had to get Slayer for my collection and read it eventually. Good luck on your TBR!
Thanks, hope Slayer lives up to both our BTVS expectations
I really hope to read a lot of these. Sorcery of Thorns will be my next kindle read. Hope you enjoy all of these!
Thanks, hope you’ll enjoy Sorcery of Thorns!
I haven’t read any of these, but I love 10 Things I Hate About You, so I might have to check out If I’m Being Honest! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
10 Things I Hate About You is amazing, so hopefully If I’m Being Honest will live up to our expectations
Sorcery of Thorns! I just got that but I need to read all the other things first haha. Though it does seem a great fall read too
I still need to purchase The Candle and the Flame at some point. It sounds so good.
Haha yeah knowing me Sorcery of Thorns will probably become a fall (or winter, oops) read anyway
If I’m Being Honest and Aurora Rising are two I really want to read!
My TTT post!
They do sound great! Hope you’ll get to them soon
Aurora Rising and A Curse So Dark and Lonely made my list this week too. I’m also hoping to get to King of Scars. I can’t believe I’ve put that one off for so long.
Haha I’m just happy to hear I’m not the only one who hasn’t gotten to King of Scars yet
Hope it’ll live up to both our expectations!
HELLO TO ALL OF THESE BOOKS. Some I’ve read (Again, but Better) the rest are on my TBR, too. I won a copy of Slayer (and a few other books) during a giveaway back in, like, May, and I’m SOO excited to get to it. And for you to get to it–and the other titles on here–ASAP because I definitely look forward to hearing your thoughts! Happy reading!
Haha, I just (like yesterday) finished Again, But Better so I’m moving ahead one step at a time on this massive TBR
Hope you’ll enjoy Slayer!!