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Hi everybody! Since the year is about halfway over (seriously, where does the time go?), it’s the PERFECT time for the Mid Year Book Freakout Tag! So come and join me while I freak out about books (what else is new?)
This tag is created by ReadLikeWildfire and Ely Jayne
At this moment I have read 28 books of my total goal of 50 books to be read this year and am 5 books ahead of schedule. Woah, how did that happen?
(I know how that happened – long commutes are the perfect audiobook time.)
Let’s get started!
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2019.
THE HYPE IS REAL! I fell in love with Evelyn’s story so much and I can only recommend this book to every single person I know.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2019.
Don’t make me choose okay? The Wicked King was amazing and really upped the ante on this cat-and-mouse game Jude and Cardan are playing. And Demon Magic and a Martini was epic Annette Marie, a little darker than before but still equally funny and sexy.
3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to.
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I’ve been very vocal about my love for Nikolai Lantsov, my excitement that he was finally getting his own book and my need to read it NOW! And then… I didn’t read it? I guess partly because I’ve been so busy and I want to take my time for this and really appreciate the book. And partly because I’m totally scared that it won’t live up to my sky-high expectation or that my favorite character will be…diminished somehow? Either way, I need to woman up and READ THE DAMN BOOK!
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
Like I could ever choose just one…
5. Biggest disappointment.
It’s my own fault, because I love The Hating Game soooo much that I hyped up Sally Thorne’s new book so much in my head that it was doomed from the start. But this one just didn’t do it for me. I couldn’t get into the story, didn’t really love the characters and thought it was pretty forgettable overall.
6. Biggest surprise.
I know it shouldn’t have surprised me. I adore The Song of Achilles so I know Madeline Miller writes amazing characters and epic stories and I heard nothing but good things from fellow readers. But still…there was a voice in my head saying I wouldn’t like this one as much. That it wouldn’t live up to the beauty that was The Song of Achilles. So imagine my surprise when it turned out that not only the hype was real, but I also fell so in love with the story of Circe that it became an instant favorite.
7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
After Evelyn Hugo, I fell in love with Daisy Jones. After Letters to the Lost, I fell in love with More Than We Can Tell. So that’s not bad for authors I only read for the first time this year.
8. Newest fictional crush.
How about two crushes for the price of one? Because as much as I love Khai, I’m equally crushing on his brother Quan and can’t wait for his very own book!
9. Newest favourite character.
Evelyn Hugo is the most epic, most complex, most intriguing character of all time. That is all.
10. Book that made you cry.
I know I’m very late to this party, but I finally read The Hate U Give this year. Or listened to, rather, because I listened to the audiobook in my car, which I do not recommend because I was sobbing while driving during multiple parts. Not very safe. But from the comfort of your home? HIGHLY RECOMMEND! (keep tissues handy)
11. Book that made you happy.
This book was just a much-needed ray of sunshine. The chemistry, the banter, the emotions, the imagination of a world-that-could-be… All of these gave me a big, happy smile while reading.
12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
Well… technically I haven’t read the book yet, so I can’t judge whether it’s a great book to film adaptation, BUT I can judge the movie and it was sweet and awesome and inspiring so all the points to Dumplin’!
13. Favourite review you’ve written this year.
Haha, review? I’ve kind of lost track of writing reviews this year so far (awesome book blog huh?), but I did write a few for an Xpresso Book Tour and of those, my favorite is the one for Going Off Script.
14. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)
I can’t help it, it’s so pretty and shiny that I can’t stop looking at it! (Which coincidentally is all I’ve done with the book since no reading has been involved yet whatsoever)
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
Umm, too many too count? Entire posts are dedicated to this, but let’s start with the three above.
Great Tag! I really want to read Red, White & Royal Blue but still haven’t gotten a copy. I want to read Circe too soon.
Thanks! Hope you’ll get to RWRB and Circe soon
«Circe» by Madeleine Miller was an amazing read. I did feel overwhelmed by the amount of epic stories that the author was able to squeeze in this rather short book, but the beautiful writing and detailed characters made up for it. <3 By far, the best and most memorable book I've read this year.
There really were so many epic stories told in Circe, but it all flowed so beautifully into eachother that I didn’t mind either
Glad to hear you loved it too!
I’m glad the Seven Husbands hype is real. I have a feeling I’ll love that book. Now I need to find a copy.
I hope you’ll find a copy of Evelyn Hugo soon and that you’ll love it just as much as I did
I didn’t like Dumplin the book a TON, but I did really love the movie.
I still need to read The Hate U Give!
Glad you enjoyed the Dumplin’ movie! Not sure if I’ll end up reading the book, but at least I’m happy I saw the movie
Hope you’ll enjoy THUG!
Long commutes are perfect for reading.
This is the second time today that I’m seeing The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo on the favourite- book-read-in-2019-so-far prompt. Must take a look at it ASAP!
Happy readings!
Tânia @MyLovelySecret
Oh, definitely recommend The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! Hope you’ll enjoy it when you get to it
I loved Evelyn Hugo! TJR can basically do no wrong.
I did love both Evelyn Hugo and Daisy Jones so I’ll urgently need to check out more TJR
I agree with you about The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. That book and Daisy Jones & the Six, also from TJR, are my two favorite reads of the year so far.
Daisy Jones and the Six was so much fun too! I haven’t read any more TJR, but I definitely need to check more of her books out.
The Wicked King was incredible – can’t wait for The Queen of Nothing!
Same, I’m so so happy we get to read Queen of Nothing just a bit earlier than expected