Though mingling and networking hasn’t exactly been relevant to life in 2020, I still highly related to this quote in general. If there was ever any quote that perfectly expressed my feelings about mingling, the painful awkwardness of small-talk and my preference of meaningful conversations, it’s this one!
Mingling is the actual worst and I hate it.
Ugh, same! I try to either avoid it or escape as quickly as possible
Love this quote! And yes, it does make perfect sense. I am a very social person and love people, but I do love my friends I can just be with and be quiet.
I do a similar Wednesday Post where I share quotes from any specific book. I call it Wednesday Wisdom. I don’t get to it weekly, I do a Wondrous Words Wednesday as well.
Maybe I’ll make my Wednesday Wisdom post a link-up next year. Wil think about it!
I will send you the link to the ones I’ve done already:
Wednesday Wisdom
Yes, exactly! Not being a fan of mingling doesn’t mean you don’t love people!
Your Wednesday Wisdom posts seem fun, I’ll need to check them out.
Ugh, I hate small talk! I am so bad at it!
Same! I’m always in awe of people who make it seem so easy and natural – I’m usually an awkward mess at it
OMG, yes. I related to this quote so much when I read this book. I remember highlighting it in my copy.
Yes, it’s such a relatable quote – I have always hated when I needed to mingle for work and usually escaped as soon as I could
Gorgeous post!! Haha I love the quote – I read yes no maybe so really recently and I thought it tackled issues (including socialising!) really well. Here’s my review
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed Yes No Maybe So.