Top Ten Tuesday

Spring Cleaning Time! Nine Books I’m Cleaning Off My TBR

20210309 Spring Cleaning

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Today’s a spring cleaning freebie, which came in handy because I’ve been meaning to clean up my TBR for ages. I’ve been growing my Goodreads TBR list for a few years now, but I’ve realised that after that long the list contains A LOT of books that could be removed.

Some I don’t even remember adding, some I read bad reviews for and don’t want to read anymore, but a very large part are honestly just books I’ve lost interest in. What appealed to me a few years ago doesn’t necessarily still appeal to me. And though I’m terrible at letting go of books, I’ve also learned that there are so many books out there, so why waste time on a huge and confusing TBR full of books that I’m not actually interested in anymore?

So I took a quick look and here are already nine books I decided to remove from my TBR:

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge

This Romeo and Juliet retelling sounds intriguing, but somehow I have lost interest in reading it so off my TBR it has to go (for now).

The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

This story about a girl who can kill with a single touch sounds interesting enough, but I’ve just lost interested and there are too many other books waiting for me.

Would Like To Meet by Rachel Winters

I read some reviews about this rom-com that made me think I may not enjoy this one. And though I don’t remember exactly why, if I’m not gonna pick it up any time soon, I just need to let this book go for now

Kitsune by Nicolette Andrews

I actually started this read and stopped halfway. I wasn’t feeling it but kept the book on my TBR to maybe pick up again later. That was 2 years ago, so now it’s really time to let it go.

War Storm by Victoria Aveyard

Even if part of me feels silly for reading THREE books in a series and then never finishing it with only one book still to go, I just… don’t care about this series anymore and I have a feeling the ending would only disappoint me anyway.

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

I still like the idea of an East Asian fantasy reimagining of the Evil Queen Legend but I’m just not in the mood lately for a dark villain origin story and I think my mood will not change quickly so I’m putting this one on the sideburner for now.

Hello, I Love You by Katie M. Stout

As you may know, I LOVE k-pop and so I was intrigued by this book about an American girl who goes to a Korean boarding school and falls for a Korean pop star. BUT I’ve read several reviews that all say the same thing: that this book does not give a real look into Korea or the kpop culture but is instead about an annoying girl who looks down on everything Korea and kpop and yet SAVES the kpop industry. Umm, no thank you.

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia

I haven’t been feeling YA contemporary romances lately, and honestly I’m not even sure why I added this to my TBR to begin with since I’m kind of burned out on the rich girl falls for bad boy trope (If the bad boy is supernatural though, that’s a whole other story for some reason *shrugs*)

The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee

A futuristic Gossip Girl, a huge tower, a mysterious fall, spoiled rich kids. Meh. I’m getting really repetitive, but really I’m just not that interested in this story anymore.

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Tell Me:
Did you read any of these? Any book you loved and think I should still give a try?

Lindsey xoxo

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  1. I read ‘Hello’ a long time ago, and remember thinking it was cute, but don’t remember details. Also read “The Thousandth Floor,” and don’t think I loved it. It has ALL THE DRAMA (of course), but nothing that made me really interested. 🙂

    1. Hmm I’m not indeed sure I’d like The Thousandth Floor since I’m not a fan of drama for the drama if that makes sense 🙂

  2. Anne Bennett says:

    Sometimes it is hard to remember why we placed books on the list in the first place, huh? Good for you. My TTT Spring Cleaning post

    1. Yes, exactly!

  3. I haven’t read any of these but I wanted to read The Sin Eater’s Daughter for some time, but I lost interest.

    I ended up skipping Bright Smoke Cold Fire,and the Thousand Floor because of the reviews I read for those. I realized I just wouldn’t like them.

    1. Yes, I think my tastes have changed and they’re not my thing anymore. Maybe someday, but for now I’ll let them go 🙂

  4. I read A Forest of a Thousand Lanterns a few years ago. It was fine but I didn’t like it enough to pick up the next book and carry on with the series.
    My TTT: Book’s I’ve taken off my TBR.

    1. Hmmm if a book doesn’t get you excited to read more then it’s probably best to let it go.

  5. I can definitely relate. I was going to read Bright Smoke Cold Fire at one point too but honestly? I think it was just that cover that drew me in. 🙂

    1. The cover is really pretty though. But not pretty enough for me to read anymore 🙂

  6. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I have no idea if I’ll go with cleaning my TBR 🤣

    1. Haha, it’s a tough job indeed 🙂

  7. I lost interest in Hello, I Love You, too.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Glad to hear I’m not the only one 🙂

  8. Yes, let go of The Red Queen series! I was so disappointed by it, and I never actually finished it either! I got two books in and gave up!

    1. I made it to book three and honestly, I should have also just stopped at book 2.

  9. lydiaschoch says:

    Good for you for knowing your limits!

    My post:

    1. Thanks!

  10. Marianne Maurer says:

    It’s always nice to clear off books from the TBR shelf. Mind you, I’ve just ordered quite a few, so it will grow again. LOL

    My TTT.

    1. Haha, I know the feeling 😉

      1. Marianne Maurer says:

        I can imagine. 🤣

  11. Molly's Book Nook says:

    I also lost interest in The Thousandth Floor and the Red Queen series. I actually recently unhauled both of them lol Sometimes we just lose interest! Happy reading your other books 😀

    1. Indeed, sometimes we lose interest and that’s okay, plenty of other books out there 🙂

  12. Great list! Life is too short to read books we’re not in the mood for. I loved the sound of Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, too, but I saw enough reviews to know I probably wouldn’t enjoy it.

    1. Indeed, no time for books we’re not into!

  13. I gave up on the Red Queen series after Book 2, it made me so mad!
    My TTT:

    1. I made it to book three, but still wasn’t convinced!

      1. Sounds like I made a good call stopping after 2 then!

  14. I have read The Sin Eater’s Daughter and wasn’t a fan!

    1. Good to know, then I feel less guilty about removing it from my TBR 😀

  15. I read Would Like to Meet, but I couldn’t even tell you what it was about now. It wasn’t one that stuck with me, so probably okay to unhaul.

    1. Hmm indeed if it didn’t stick it probably isn’t really worth the effort.

  16. Oh dear, my goal was to reduce my TBR pile, and now I find Kitsune on your list, and really want to read that now! 😂
    ~ Lex

    1. Haha, hope you’ll enjoy that one 😉 Let me know if you read it and think I should still give it a try!

  17. I deleted my TBR list on Goodreads last year. It had thousands of titles on it and most of them were books I had lost interest in, so I started my TBR list over from scratch. It was so liberating! Now my lists are nice and organized and only contain books I really, really want to read.

    Good luck with these books!

    Happy TTT!


    1. Ooh I have to say, starting from scratch does sound pretty appealing 🙂

  18. I haven’t read any of these myself so unable to write a more substantial comment. I do see some pretty covers if that counts? 😀 Happy reading! My TTT

    1. Pretty covers always count 😉

  19. I wholeheartedly agree with dumping series you are no longer interested in. I just purged several like that from my own TBR, including the Red Queen series.

    1. I’m both sorry and glad to hear that I’m not the only one purging the Red Queen series 😉

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