Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!
Today’s topic is all the book covers that made me want to read a book. Now, obviously there’s more than just a cover that makes me want to read a book, but a cover is still a good first impression. Like the cover, click the link, read the blurb, squeel in joy, add to cart… that’s usually more or less how the decision making process goes. So here are some book covers that got my attention and ultimately made me want to read the book:
The “I recently developed a thing for romantic fantasy covers” section
Honestly, I’m not sure why because I feel like all of these covers look so similar, but yet every time I see one of them I’m like “ooh, what’s this about?”

A Dance With the Fae Prince by Elise Kova
Of Goblins and Gold by Emma Hamm
Daughter of Darkness by Juliana Haygert
The “I apparently also have a thing for badass heroines on covers” section
It all started with Throne of Glass and Graceling and now I can never say no to badass heroines on covers.

The Song of the Marked by S.M. Gaither
Kill The Queen by Jennifer Estep
Daughter of Sparta by Claire M. Andrews
The “What can I say, it’s just soooo pretty!” section
This is a pretty varied section, but one thing they all have in common? I think they’re so pretty and I could look at them for hours. (Especially Lore Olympus, that is just breathtakingly pretty)

The Butterfly Project by Emma Scott
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
Lore Olympus: Volume One by Rachel Smythe
The “I can’t say no to dark backgrounds and bright typography” section
There’s just something about this combo that speaks to me every single time.

Payback’s A Witch by Lana Harper
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske

Tell Me:
Have you read any of these? Any favorite covers?

I love a good cover. I will TOTALLY buy a book if the cover grabs me! I love those last four…
Same about the covers! Typography covers always seem to draw me in 🙂
I though Axie’s was really cute! Definitely need to read more about that one as I cannot remember what it’s all about. Fun way to break up your selections, too. 🙂
Thanks Rissi! I definitely have high hopes for XOXO, hope the story will be as cute as the cover 🙂
Love the way you organised this – and love a Badass Heroine cover!
How did you find Winterwood? It is lurking on my TBR at the.moment.
This is my TTT this week, half covers and half titles.
Badass heroine covers are pretty badass 🙂
Winterwood is still on my TBR as well, but I have high hopes!
I love those typography covers. Elise Kova always gets the best covers (but the book I read by her I didn’t like at all so I am hesitant to read anything else by her)
Typography covers rarely fail in my opinion 🙂
Elise Kova covers are indeed always so gorgeous! I only read the one book by her so far, and that was okay so I’m still curious to try more. Sorry to hear she didn’t work for you though!
Great list! Those wings on Dance with the Fae Prince are SO PRETTY.
That cover definitely brings the pretty <3
I love the cover for Winterwood!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-titles-that-made-me-want-to-read-the-book/
It’s indeed such a nice cover!
Great picks! I love the covers of A Dance With The Fae Prince, Daughter of Sparta (I have a copy of this one!) and Payback’s A Witch. 😍
Ooh, I’m already curious for your thoughts on Daughter of Sparta!
So many great covers!
They are so pretty 🙂
Pretty!! I like the cover for A Marvelous Light.
It is indeed such a marvelous cover 😉
Ooo! The Butterfly Project! I forgot how beautiful that cover was. It was such a great book, too! Have you read her Full Tilt duet? You don’t have to read it before reading The Butterfly Project, but the MC from this one makes an appearance or two in that duet. I loved those books.
It is such a gorgeous cover! I can’t wait to read it, so I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it! Good to know about the Full Tilt duet, I added those to my TBR too 🙂
Just have tissues ready for the first Full Tilt book…
Great list of books! A stunning cover will always grab my eye and cause me to pick up the book to read the blurb.
When you get the chance, I hope you come over and check out my post: http://readbakecreate.com/15-book-covers-that-scream-summer/
Covers are indeed super powerful that way!
I thought the first four books were all written by the same author… 😅 Those covers are REALLY similar.
Here’s my list this week.
Haha yeah, they all look so alike, but still I’m intrigued every single time 😀
I adore the title of your post & wish I’d thought of it haha! My TTT
Haha thanks! 🙂
I totally requested A Marvellous Light on Netgalley partly for the cover (which I realise sounds weird because it’s an e-book) but the cover definitely attracted me to it in the first place.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/08/03/top-ten-tuesday-327/
I totally understand, I was drawn to it because of the cover at first too!
Such a pretty cover, I love how colourful it is!
Me too, it’s so vibrant!
XOXO has such a gorgeous cover!!
It’s indeed so pretty!
That old cover of Pestilence is still my favorite! And A Dance with the Fae Prince is so beautiful!
I know, I’m not a fan of the new cover of Pestilence 🙂
These are all so pretty! I do love some fun typography.
Happy TTT!
Typography can be so much fun indeed!
We definitely have a similar test in covers! That Winterwood one is so pretty and I cannot wait for Lore to come out! I preordered it months ago 🙈
Winterwood and Lore are both indeed so pretty! Can’t wait for Lore either 🙂
I’m not surprised you liked certain covers on my list. As I said on my page, you certainly would like “The Island” by Victoria Hislop.
Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.
I couldn’t believe those first four were all different series! Fantasy novels have some of the best covers. I haven’t read any of these but they are beautiful. I featured the Mercy Thompson series on my list, I love those covers (most of them).
Haha yeah, they look so similar indeed!
Great selection of covers. I’m also a big fan of the black/dark backgrounds with bright fonts. So eye catching!
Dark backgrounds and bright fonts is definitely one of my favorite kind of covers!