Hi everybody, and welcome to my July wrap up!
Well, this was a weird wrap up because it seems like the month FLEW by and yet I don’t feel like I read, watched or listened to THAT much? But I did re-read quite a few books, and that’s always something I enjoy doing so I’m happy with that Also, for some reason, every book I read this month has a very similar color scheme? Total coincidence, but realizing it made me smile (it’s the little things). Anyway, let’s get into my July wrap up!

So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens
I highly recommend So This Is Ever After if you’re looking for something fun and light-hearted, that’s also a little different and isn’t afraid to turn the typical fantasy tropes upside down. You can’t go into this taking it too seriously or looking for highly intricate political storylines, but if you go into it ready to have some fun, enjoy the host of magical characters and their banter, and are ready to both swoon and make fun of two oblivious idiots in love, then So This Is Ever After is the perfect read for you!
Rating: 4 stars | Read full review
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall (Re-Read)
Boyfriend Material was one of my absolute favorite reads of 2020, and with the sequel Husband Material coming out in August, I did a re-read to prepare myself. And wow, I still ADORE this book so, so much. My only nitpick (then and now) is that the ending felt a little abrupt, but hey we’re getting a sequel so YAY! Still love the banter and the romance between Luc and Oliver so much.
Rating: 5 stars
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
This historical fantasy has been on my TBR since its release last year and I FINALLY picked it up. Though the story started off a little slow and it honestly took me a while to get invested in the world, characters and romance, once I got invested (a little before the halfway point), I was IN. Robin and Edwin own my heart and the world still has so much potential. I’m already looking forward to the sequel featuring Maud (Robin’s sister) releasing in November.
Rating: 4 stars
The Spell Weaver trilogy by Annette Marie (Re-Read)
With Blackfire coming out sometime end of this year, beginning of next year, I’ve been wanting to re-read the Steel & Stone and Spell Weaver series to prepare myself for that. I had originally planned to start with Steel é Stone, if for no other reason than I also read it first during my original reading. But then Stephanie @ Bookfever was reading the Spell Weaver series and convinced me that Lyre is too amazing a character to postpone re-reading any longer. So I dove back in and wow, I still love this series so much! I think Lyre’s Aphrodesia-powers worked on me because I COULD NOT STOP READING. The slow-burn romance, the character development, the action, it’s all just so amazing.
Rating: 5 stars

Top Ten Tuesday

My Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2022
10 Summer Romance Books To Get In That Summer Mood (If You’re Not Already)
The 10 Best Books I’ve Read in 2022 So Far
Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read
Can’t Wait Wednesday

In The Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune {Can’t Wait Wednesday}
Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read
Quote It Wednesday

Tag Thursday

Mid Year Book Freakout Tag – 2022 Edition
July seems to be a quieter month when it comes to music releases, as I didn’t discover that many new favorites. I mostly relistened to the same songs, but these 3 new songs did make my playlist too!
Panic! At The Disco – Middle Of A Breakup
If all songs on the new album are gonna be as amazing as this one, it’s gonna be a pretty perfect album!
aespa – Girls
I will never get enough of girl power songs.
Itzy – Sneakers
Umm.. not a lot? While I watched A TON of tv in June, I barely watched anything in July? Not sure how, but okay. I watched a few random episodes of Only Murders In The Building, Love Viktor and I started my yearly rewatch of Romance Is A Bonus Book
July flew by and I think it’s because I’ve been super focused on work-stuff. With the summer holidays it should (theoretically) be a calmer period, but with colleagues taking time off and myself preparing for a 3-week holiday in August (CAN’T WAIT!), I’ve been trying to make up for all the lost time in advance and that’s been keeping me busy. We’ve also had a few days of intense heat (well, 38° is pretty intense for Belgium) and during those days I did nothing except stay inside in a dark room with a fan and try not to move too much.
Things that made me happy this month:
- Attended TWO weddings, which are always fun (especially after 2 years of no celebrations)
- Went to TWO concerts – I saw Metallica on the Werchter festival beginning of July and went to an Ed Sheeran concert with my mother at the end of July. Both were amazing.
- THREE WHOLE WEEKS OF HOLIDAY! I haven’t had 3 consecutive weeks off since I’ve been in school so I’m really looking forward to it. We’re not travelling anywhere this year, but we may do some day trips to the coast or stuff like that.
- Quite a lot of anticipated bookish releases: Husband Material, Fence vol 5, The American Roommate Experiment and Love on the Brain!
- The 3rd season of Never Have I Ever releasing!
- A BlackPink comeback?
How was your July? What did you read? What did you listen to and what did you watch? What are you looking forward to in August?

It wasn’t I who convinced you, it was Lyre and his aphrodisia, remember
Ohh yes that was it, haha !
Omg, 3 weeks of holiday sounds amazing and I hope you have a grand time!
I’ve heard so many great things about Boyfriend Material and it’s still on my TBR so I can’t wait to read it. I hope you have an amazing August!
Thanks so much, my 3 weeks just started and I’m so excited
I hope you’ll enjoy Boyfriend Material when you get to it. Have an amazing August too!
Weddings and concerts are two things I miss! We’ve been watching Only Murders in the Building – I really wish we didn’t have to wait a week between episodes!
I know, it was both super weird and super nice to go to events like that again, like the past two years didn’t happen somehow… Only Murders is so much fun!
Your book covers make for a gorgeous graphic. I refuse to believe you didn’t plan that. LOL I kept planning to reread Boyfriend Material but finally decided to just wing it. I started Husband Material this morning.
So envious of your upcoming holiday! Enjoy.
Haha it would be awesome if I planned it, but I’m also loving the very lovely coincidence
Hope you’re loving Husband Material!
Wow, that is a good color scheme!
And ooh Metallica!
Have a great break!
Thanks so much!
I am loving the colour theme you had going – everything fits so well it could have been done on purpose!
Haha thanks!
I say this every time but I really need to get back to Annette’s books! Also I hope you are enjoying your holiday!
Thanks Sophie! I hope you’ll love the rest of Annette’s books if you get back into them!
Even though you don’t feel like you read, watched, or listened to much in July, it sounds like you still had quite the busy month! I hope you enjoy your holiday!
Haha yes, it was still okay, I guess it feels like less because most of them were re-reads
Thanks so much!