Top Ten Tuesday

Books I’m Worried I Might Not Love as Much the Second Time Around

20240312 Books I’m Worried I Might Not Love as Much the Second Time Around

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Today’s topic is ‘Books I’m Worried I Might Not Love as Much the Second Time Around’ and I came up with ten books I LOVED when I first read them but however have not re-read since. They are all YA contemporary reads and while I’ll always consider them favorites, I just don’t read that many YA contemporaries at the moment anymore, so I can’t help but wonder if I’d still love these the same if I were to re-read them today…

Guess I’ll need to try and see! (This post actually did make me want to re-read some of them, so maybe soon I’ll be able to give a definite answer as to whether or not I’d still love them).

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Tell Me:
What’s a book you’re worried you might not love as much the second time around?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I know this feeling about not reading as much YA. I added Stephanie’s and should have included Jenny’s, too.

    1. Glad to know I’m not alone in not reading as much YA anymore, Rissi!

  2. I’ve seen Anna and the French Kiss on several lists tonight. Fun compilation.

    1. Thanks!

  3. I totally get this feeling.

    1. Glad to hear I’m not alone!

  4. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I still have to write mine but I’d say Fifty Shades of Grey!

    1. That’s a good pick too, I’d probably also like it a lot less upon re-read!

  5. I rarely read YA these days either!

    1. It happens, maybe some day we’ll read more YA again, but until then I just follow my mood 🙂

  6. I re-read Shatter Me not too long ago and didn’t like it as much as I did the first time. But it kinda makes sense now that I’m older.

    1. That’s a good one, I think I’d also like it less than I did before. And I did love it the first time.

  7. I really liked FANGIRL when I read it. I don’t know what I would think know, but I don’t re-read books very often so I don’t have to worry about it 🙂 LOL

    Happy TTT!


    1. Haha the benefit of not re-reading often is indeed that you don’t have to worry about it! 🙂

  8. I loved I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN so much too. But I’ve forgotten a lot of it. So I need a reread.

    1. I definitely could use a re-read for I’ll Give You The Sun too!

  9. I want to read Tash Loves Tolstoy.

    1. I hope you’ll love it! (Sorry, your comments apparently ended up in my spam folder!)

  10. An interesting list. I want to read Anna and the French Kiss. I’ve seen it on a couple of lists today!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I hope you’ll love it if you decide to try it!

      1. Thank you 😊

  11. I think I enjoyed Anna and the French Kiss the first time I read it, but the more and more I thought about the cheating aspect of it the more I liked it less.

    1. Yes, I think upon re-read the cheating aspect would frustrate me a lot more too!

  12. I have not read any of these. I am just not a huge re-reader anyway, so it’s hard for me to want to re-read a book.

    1. The benefit of not being a re-reader means then you also don’t worry about not liking a book as much anymore upon re-read though 🙂

  13. masterspj says:

    I am another who doesn’t reread books, if I have recently it’s because I forgot I read it. Or it’s anthology that contains short stories I’ve read before.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. I do love rereading, but if you don’t then at least you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll still like the book! 🙂

  14. I loved the first three books on your list, but I haven’t read any of the others. I’m not a huge fan of Rainbow Rowell, but Fangirl was one I really loved and I’m worried I might not like it as much on a reread either.

    Haze @ The Book Haze

    1. Fangirl felt so relatable when I first read it! But I am indeed worried it might have lost some of its appeal for me over the years.

  15. Interesting take on the prompt! I moved away from YA several years ago so my feelings for it have probably shifted.

    1. Thanks! I do occasionally still enjoy a YA contemporary but it’s way less frequent than I used to.

  16. I’ve really enjoyed some Jenn Bennett books, but I agree, I don’t think I could reread a lot of YA contemporaries at this stage of my life!

    1. Same, I did love them and maybe someday I can re-read and still love them again. But right now, I think I’d better not re-read.

  17. I almost put Fangirl on my list this week too. I loved that one the first time around and am afraid since I’m not reading much YA these days, a re-read would be disappointing.

    1. Yes, I feel the same way, I did love it but I’m a bit worried a re-read would be disappointing too.

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