Top Ten Tuesday

Ten Spring 2024 Releases On My TBR

20240319 Ten Spring 2024 Releases On My TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Since it’s almost officially spring (FINALLY!) today we’re highlighting our spring TBR. As usual, I’m focusing on all the new releases I want to read this season. Let’s go!

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

Release date: 2 April 2024
2024 will be the year I finally read Abby Jimenez and this sounds like a great one to start with! (a great full novel that is, because I just read a novella by her)

The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

Release date: 9 April 2024
Leigh Bardugo is an auto-buy author for me and this sounds so unique, I’m intrigued already.

Funny Story by Emily Henry

Release date: 23 April 2024
I’m not saying I have high hopes for this one, but I am saying I think this may be a contender for my favorite read of the year 🙂

A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall

Release date: 25 April 2024
How gorgeous is this cover and how gorgeous does this story sound?

Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur

Release date: 30 April 2024
This sounds so fun and it definitely helps that the hero looks like Steve Harrington…

This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune

Release date: 7 May 2024
I’ve had mixed feelings about Carley Fortune’s previous books (loved one, disliked another) but I’m eager to read her next release!

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

Release date: 14 May 2024
I automatically put all new Christina Lauren books on my TBR because I always end up loving them, and this one sounds like another fun rom-com featuring one of my favorite tropes (fake dating/marriage)!

The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen

Release date: 14 May 2024
I’m not a big thriller reader, but I am super intrigued by this thriller by Sarina Bowen. It still promises romance, so I think it might be a nice mix of thriller and romance for me.

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

Release date: 11 June 2024
I’m already loving that the main character loves rom-coms. This sounds fun and emotional and amazing.

A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

Release date: 25 June 2024
I’ve been adoring Ashley Poston’s brand of quirky magical contemporary romances already, but now a book where a romance reader finds herself inside her favorite book setting? And falls for the grumpy bookstore owner in said fictional town? I mean, how much more perfect can this sound?

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Tell Me:
What are you planning to read this spring?
Do we have any anticipated releases in common?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I CANNOT wait for Katherine’s! Sounds fun and looks it too (those colors!). Also Ashley’s looks darling and Abby’s looks so charming and colorful. 🙂 Hope you enjoy these, Lindsey!

    1. Thanks so much, Rissi! The covers indeed look so pretty and colorful, hope I’ll lvoe the stories too! 🙂

  2. I should check out Abby Jimenez and I’m looking forward to the new Carley Fortune book as well.

    My TTT:

    1. Hope we’ll both love those reads!

  3. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    The Rom-Commers, Funny Story and the Familiar will aslo be on my list!

    1. Hope we’ll both love them, Sophie!

  4. The Familiar has been on several lists this week. Hope you like it!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, I hope so too 🙂

  5. Oh my, such a good season for new releases! Really looking forward to the new Abby Jimenez book!

    1. Yes, spring is a good time for a book lover 🙂 I’m looking forward to the Abby Jimenez release too!

  6. I can’t wait to read The Familiar. I’ve enjoyed all of Leigh’s books so far and hope this one will be a winner as well!

    1. Me too, I’m so curious about The Familiar and have high hopes for it too!

  7. Is The Familiar a standalone, or part of the Ninth House universe? And agree with you on A Letter to the Luminous Deep – great cover, great premise!

    1. It’s a standalone I think. Maybe a series, but not a part of the Ninth House series. Definitely curious about it!

  8. I have a feeling you are going to love Just for the Summer, The Five Year lie, The Rom-Commers, and A Novel Love Story. I’m really curious about Cathrall’s book. It’s everywhere today and that cover is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, I’m definitely super excited for those books! And yes, I’m so curious about Cathrall’s book too, hope we’ll both love it!

  9. I’m curious about A Novel Love Story.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Me too, hope we’ll both love it!

  10. Looks like some fun RomComs on your list. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get a chance to read them.

    1. Thanks, I’m definitely looking forward to them!

  11. The Five Year Plan made my list today, too. Fingers crossed we will both love it!

    1. That should be The Five Year Lie… not Plan. lol

      1. Haha yes, I hope we’ll both love that one!

  12. Oh, so many fab looking books on here! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks so much!

  13. Oh, what a great list! With such eye-catching covers too! I want to read The Familiar and the Katherine Center book as well. I hope you enjoy all of these!


    1. Thanks so much!

  14. We have several in common!! I hope we enjoy them all. I’m so excited for Funny Story but sad I didn’t get an ARC bc I’ll have to wait for the library. haha

    1. Thanks, I hope so too! And hope we’ll both get to read Funny Story soon 🙂

  15. I hope you love them! I’m terrible at keeping up with new releases. 🙂

    1. Thanks! I’m good at adding new releases to my TBR, reading them is another thing though 😀

  16. I’ve heard so much about Truly, Madly, Deeply since the start of this year and it sounds amazing! I’m also very excited for Poston’s new book 🙂 I hope you enjoy all these reads!

    1. Truly, Madly, Deeply does sound so amazing – hope we’ll both love it!

  17. A Novel Love Story, Funny Story and The Familiar are on my list too this week. I’ve already read A Letter to the Luminous Deep, I can see why people like it but I really struggled with the writing style.

    1. I’m sorry to hear you struggled with the writing style of A Letter to the Luminous Deep – I’ve indeed seen some mixed reviews already so I’m curious to see what I’ll think.

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