Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s topic is ‘Authors I’d Love a New Book From This Year’. I struggled a bit with this because most authors I love either recently released a new book or have one coming up later this year.
In the end, I did find 7 authors I love, who (at the time of my research) have not yet released any book in 2024 nor have any information about upcoming books in 2024 available already.
Here we go:

Mariana Zapata
Mia Sosa
Rosie Danan
Beth O’Leary
Margaret Rogerson
Helen Hoang
Madeline Miller

Tell Me:
Are any of these authors you love and would love a new book from too?

Why I haven’t read either of the books by Beth on my shelf I’ll never know. They sound like such fun and unique reads. I think I own the one about roommates and maybe “The No-Show,” too.
Oh, I loved both The Flat-Share and The No-Show, hope you will too!
We can always use more Greek mythology books from Miller!
Yes, they’re always amazing!
Great choices! I love Helen Hoang. Happy Tuesday!
Thanks, I love Helen Hoang too!
Ooh, I had Hoang and Miller on my list today as well. We need more books from them!
I also totes agree about needing more Margaret Rogerson. Great list!
Fingers crossed we’ll get new books from them all this year!
I hope at least one of these authors surprises you with a new book soon.
Thanks, I hope so too
I almost added Zapata to my list, too. I’d love to see something new from her.
It does feel quite long already since her last release so fingers crossed something new is coming this year
I would love a new book from Margaret Rogerson and Madeline Miller, too!
Fingers crossed we’ll get new books by them soon!
Rogerson and Miller!! Definitely need more from both.
Fingers crossed we’ll get new books soon
Zapata is one that always surprises us with releases. I also hope we get another soon, and I hope she goes back to romance. I wouldn’t mind books from Sosa and Huang as well.
Deanna, I’m so happy to hear from you! Definitely missed you around the blogosphere and hope you’re doing well!
Yes, I definitely hope we’ll get a surprise release from Zapata this year! I enjoyed Gracie and the Grump overall but I agree that she really shines with her romances so I also hope she releases another one
Ooh, yes! I’d love a new Madeline Miller. As someone who studied Classics as an undergrad, I really appreciate Miller’s attention to detail–no easy task, with the variety of source material there is to work with!
So true, her books definitely have to take up a lot of research time, but the end result is genius!
I have Madeline Miller on my list too! And I love Beth O’Leary, I definitely wouldn’t mind reading more books from her!
Here’s hoping we’ll get more books by them soon!