Top Ten Tuesday

Favorite Book Quotes From Recent Reads

20240514 Favorite Book Quotes From Recent Reads

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re talking about favorite book quotes and I LOVE QUOTES! I’ve done quite a few quote posts throughout the years:

So for today’s posts I decided to just feature ten quotes I loved from recent reads (I read all of these in 2024). No theme or anything, just ten random quotes that stuck with me for a variety of reasons. Let’s go:

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Tell Me:
Did you read any of these books? Do we have any favorite quotes in common?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I see lots of hype and praise for Abby’s books, but never read one. Each time I see one featured on a list like yours though I’m curious about them anew. 🙂

    1. Just For The Summer was my first Abby Jimenez book and I did really enjoy it, hope you will too if you decide to try her books!

  2. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I have read 5 of them and these are great quotes! And I know you do love quotes Lindsey 🤣

    1. Haha, thanks Sophie! 🙂

  3. Choosing empathy is a great thing to do.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. It really is! (though it can be hard sometimes)

  4. Great quotes! Love the ones from the Letters of Enchantment duology 😍 I didn’t enjoy the Bridgerton book as much as I expected to but I do love that quote!

    1. The Letters of Enchantment duology is so beautifully written, so I couldn’t help but feature it twice! I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the Bridgerton book as much as you had expected, hopefully the show adaptation will be better for you then.

  5. I love the quote from House of Flame and Shadow! 😀

    1. It’s such a fun quote indeed!

  6. The Christina Lauren quote! Lol. Yes, give me cupcakes too please.

    1. I just related so much with that, haha 😀

  7. I really like the one about anger vs. empathy. I have something going on in my family right now where I’m constantly having to remind myself of this principle! It’s not easy sometimes.

    Happy TTT!


    1. It’s definitely not an easy principle, I also try to remind myself of it sometimes.

  8. Love these.. I have more than a few of these on my TBR.

    1. Hope you’ll love any of these you read!

  9. Being a librarian, I personally adore the first quote the most. *wink* Happy Tuesday!

    1. Haha, glad to hear you love that one as a librarian 😀

  10. Lauren Always Me says:

    I have to read Divine Rivals asap! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hope you’ll love it!

  11. Love the Abby Jimenez quote – it’s how I try to live my life.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. It’s definitely something to strive for!

  12. I love the first two quotes on your list. They’re both pretty accurate.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thanks!

  13. I’m really impressed with all the quotes you have saved!

    1. Thanks so much!

  14. Great choices! I’ve read 4 of the books on your list, and it reminded me I still need to read Ruthless Vows.

    1. I hope you’ll love Ruthless Vows!

  15. These are such great quotes. I’m especially drawn to the Bride quote, and it makes me wanna read that next. I’ve also just recently read Funny Story and there are so many funny quotes there, I loved it!


    1. I hope you’ll love Bride! I did really love the friendship aspect there. And yay, glad to hear you loved Funny Story too!

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