Top Ten Tuesday

Bookish Wishes: Books I’d Love To Add To My Physical Shelves

20240611 Bookish Wishes Books I'd Love To Add To My Physical Shelves

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s topic is bookish wishes and I’m listing the books that I’ve already read as an ebook or audiobook but loved so much that I’d love a physical copy for my bookshelves as well.

Emily Henry books

I’ve loved all of these so much so I’d really like them on my shelves just so I can look at them lovingly every time I pass by.

Mariana Zapata books

Again, I loved these reads, but I’d love even more for a physical copy to grace my shelves.

Christina Lauren books

Again, I don’t have ANY physical copy of a Christina Lauren book and I’d like to fix that.

And also all of these…

And many more 🙂

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Tell Me:
Do you often wish you had a physical copy of books you read as ebook or audiobook?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Emily Henry’s books DO look happy. Those colors and even the titles are just so fun. Plus, I like that even illustrated, you get some personality from the characters, too. 🙂

    1. So true, all the covers look so much fun!

  2. Iron Flame has been on a few different lists this week!

    1. It’s definitely a popular one!

  3. All the time! I really want the Off-Campus books by Elle Kennedy as physical books.

    1. Oh that’s a good one! I loved those as ebooks, but a physical copy would indeed be nice 😀

  4. The Emily Henry books look so inviting. I really need to her!

    1. Hope you’ll love her books when you’re able to give them a try!

  5. Yes, absolutely, sometimes if I read something in audio or ebook, or borrowed from the library, and I really loved it, I will definitely add it to my shelves! I love the consistency of the Emily Henry covers!

    1. Glad to know I’m not alone in double-buying favorites 🙂 The Emily Henry books indeed look so nice together!

  6. If I love a book from my Kindle, library, etc. I will definitely buy it for my bookshelves! I am trying to fill my shelves full of favorites. The Emily Henry book spines look so satisfying on a shelf, too!

    1. So true about the Emily Henry book spines! 🙂

  7. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I listened to all Emily Henry’s books!

    1. Me too! 🙂

  8. Yes, there are several books on my wishlist that I have read the ebook and wished I owned a physical copy!

    1. Glad to hear I’m not alone! 🙂

  9. I don’t tend to re-read books, so I rarely want a physical copy of a book I’ve read in a different format.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. That’s totally understandable if you don’t re-read 🙂

  10. I have not read Zapata but I have been meaning to! I agree with Henry. I adore her books and they are so fun to look at!!

    1. If you love slow-burn contemporary romances, I’d definitely recommend Zapata 🙂 Emily Henry is a definite favorite too!

      1. I have her on my list!! Definitely plan to read one of hers someday. 🙂

  11. OMG yes to all the Emily Henry books! And a great selection on everything else too. I’ll have to check out Zapata, I haven’t read anything by her but they all look interesting!


    1. If you love slow-burn contemporary romances, I’d definitely recommend Zapata 🙂

  12. While I appreciate ebooks and audiobooks and use both often, I still prefer physical books. There’s just something about seeing them all lined up on a bookshelf that fills me with joy 🙂 Especially if they’re old favorites.

    Happy TTT!


    1. So true that seeing your books on a bookshelf is a very special feeling!

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