Top Ten Tuesday

Books I Had Such Strong Emotions About I May Have Sobbed A Little

20240604 Books I Had Such Strong Emotions About I May Have Sobbed A Little

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re talking about books we had very strong emotions about and I chose to feature an emotion I usually tend to avoid when reading books and that is *sadness*. It’s true, I usually prefer books that make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

But it’s not always as simple as just choosing a ‘happy’ book over a ‘sad’ book. Some happy books have sad moments. And some sad books have happy moments.

Sometimes a book can make you feel all warm and fuzzy one moment and then hit you with all the sadness the next chapter. Sometimes a book can make you feel sad because you’re just so hooked into the story and empathizing with the characters when they go though hardships. And then the payoff when they then do get their HEA can feel worth it. And sometimes you may know that a book will make you feel sad but it’ll also make you feel hope so that does make it feel worth it. And sometimes you’re just craving a good cry…

So below is my eventual selection. All of these books gave me such strong emotions and made me sob a little while reading them. Some even made me sob a lot. But all of them also balanced the sadness with hope and love.

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Tell Me:
Did any of these books also make you sob a little (or a lot)?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Seeing how clever and what fun everyone is having with this topic makes me wish I’d tried harder this week with my list. 😉 I just shared some DNF books that I’m pretty sure I already shared, mainly because I was too writing lazy to try and remember the books that made me feel all the good things. But I guess even a DNF book makes us have strong feelings.

    1. Thanks, Rissi! So true that even a DNF can make use feel strong feelings, though they’re usually not positive ones 🙂

  2. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    Happy Place, Queen of Air and Darkness and CC certainly did!

    1. Glad to know I wasn’t alone in my tears 🙂

  3. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books says:

    What a great take on the topic. Big yes to Wolfsong, Love and Other Words, and The Simple Wild. I definitely shed some tears over those.

    1. Thanks! I loved those books so much (even if they did make me cry) 🙂

  4. I like tearjerkers, too.

    1. Sometimes we just need a good cry 🙂

  5. Sometimes reading a sad book and crying your heart out can be so cathartic! Actually, it always is for me and so even though I feel absolutely shattered while reading, I love them all the more 😂 Loved SoA, Simple Wild and Wolfsong so much!

    1. It can indeed be so cathartic and yet I still tend to avoid them most of the time 😀

  6. I am planning on reading Wolfsong this summer!

    1. I hope you’ll love Wolfsong!

  7. The No-Show hit me hard in the feels once I got to that certain point.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. It definitely hit hard for me too!

  8. I do enjoy books that bring out all the feels!

    1. They’re the best 🙂

  9. The Simple Wild definitely made me cry!

    1. Me too!

  10. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders says:

    The Song of Achilles is one I love too!!

    1. It’s an amazing read!

  11. The Song of Achilles definitely gave me strong feelings! I’ve read three other books on your list too, and loved them (The No-Show, Just Last Night, Happy Place) but The Song of Achilles was on a different level for me!


    1. The Song of Achilles definitely brought up ALL the emotions!

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