Monthly Wrap Up

May 2024: The Month I Think I Read My Favorite Book of the Year (Also, Bridgerton)

May 2024: The Month I Think I Read My Favorite Book of the Year (Also, Bridgerton)

Hi everybody, happy June and welcome to my May wrap up!

While I don’t think my reading (and blogging for that matter) are quite up to normal yet after being sick and slumpy last month, I also think I may have read my favorite book of the year this month (Funny Story) so all in all, I call that a win! Also, there has been some great TV this month, so let’s just dive into my wrap up!

What I Read

Funny Story by Emily Henry

I’m just going to come out and say it: Funny Story is my favorite Emily Henry book to date. And that’s saying something, because I’ve loved all of them so far. Also, I think it may be my favorite book of the year. But there’s something about Funny Story that just tugged at all my heartstrings and made me utterly obsessed with the book and the characters while I was reading, and also long after I finished reading. I still feel all warm and gooey inside because of this story and have to restrain myself daily not to just start all over again from chapter one.

Rating: 5 stars | Read full review

Grim and Bear It by Juliette Cross (Stay A Spell #6)

I have loved this entire paranormal romance series but while reading the final installment it occurred to me that while I highly enjoy the romance aspect of the books, the side plots/mysteries never really interest me much and I forget pretty much everything about it as soon as the book is over. But the romances are all pretty fun!

Rating: 3,5 stars

Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert (Dark Olympus #6)

Every time I start a new Dark Olympus book something about it makes me think ‘maybe this will not be a book for me’ (in this one it was the puppy play I wasn’t sure about) but then EVERY SINGLE TIME, Katee Robert absolutely knocks it out of the park and has me loving every aspect of the story and being obsessed with characters I never thought I’d love before (in this one it was Orpheus).

Rating: 4,5 stars

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

I love Christina Lauren so I was eagerly awaiting their latest release! I loved the island setting and the family dynamics and the romance was one again swoon-worthy. That said, it wasn’t my favorite Christina Lauren romance, and I can’t quite put my finger on why that is, but it was still a highly enjoyable read.

Rating: 4 stars

A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen

This book had an amazing premise: Norse mythology, viking vibes and a slow-burn forbidden romance. And yes, I did enjoy those aspects. But there was just something off with the pacing of this book. The first 20% started off strong and had me intrigued. And the final 20% was also quite captivating (though I did see the plot twist coming from miles away). But the middle 60% felt like it dragged. It was a whole lot of internal monologue about the same thing over and over again without coming to any conclusion. It’s the second Danielle L. Jensen book that I had this feeling about (I also wasn’t a fan of Bridge Kingdom) so maybe I’m just not connecting with the author’s writing style. I’m in doubt about whether or not I want to read the sequel when it comes out.

Rating: 3 stars

Blog Features

Top Ten Tuesday

Favorite Book Quotes From Recent Reads
Authors I’d Love a New Book From This Year
Books I Was Super Excited About But Still Haven’t Read

Can’t Wait Wednesday

Under Loch and Key by Lana Ferguson {Can’t Wait Wednesday}
The Wraith King by Juliette Cross {Can’t Wait Wednesday}

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: 22 May 2024

What I Listened To

You mean, OTHER than Taylor Swift right?

Stray Kids – Lose My Breath (feat. Charlie Puth)

I love Stray Kids, and I love this collab. A LOT.

What I Watched

The Idea of You

I did not read the book (even though it’s been on my TBR forever) but I couldn’t wait to watch this movie and I LOVED IT! Even if the premise sounds a little fan-fictiony, I have to say that the romance felt so real to me, I enjoyed every minute of this movie and also, Anne Hathaway is a goddess.

Bridgerton (Season 3 pt 1)

Like most of the world, I binged all 4 episodes of part 1 in a single weekend and am now impatiently awaiting part 2! I loved the season so far, I’m loving the Polin romance and I also love Francesca so much. I’m even enjoying the friendship between Eloise and Cressida and while I do hope Eloise and Penelope make up, I also hope the Eloise-Cressida friendship remains and they will not turn Cressida into the one-dimensional villain in part 2.

Fallout (Season 1)

My husband and I started this randomly one evening despite not knowing much about it, just that we’ve seen it around, and then fell in love. This is such a witty, violent, funny and thoughtful show. One of our favorites of the year so far!

Life Update

May has been one of those months that has flown by. The weather in Belgium has not been great, so that has been a little meh and my reading and blogging are still not up to 100%, but overall it’s been a good month.


  • 3 days in Disneyland Paris with my family-in law! The weather was sunny two days and cold one day (I bought myself a ‘Grumpy’ sweatshirt to get warm 🙂 ), the waiting lines were very long but overall I had a blast and I already want to go back.
  • We had a few long weekends.
  • Had one dinner with friends and a few more dinners with family.
  • Some great TV and some great books.


  • Bridgerton part 2, of course!
  • Bookish releases I’m looking forward to: Leather and Lark, A Novel love Story, The Rom-Commers, Tangled Up in You and Not In Love
  • Hopefully, some spring or even summer weather? Please and thank you 🙂

How was your May? What did you read? What did you listen to and what did you watch? What are you looking forward to in June?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Ahh, Disneyland Paris! I’m so jealous! I need to get started on Bridgerton.

    1. It was so much fun, I hope you’ll get to see it too one day! And I hope you’ll love Bridgerton 🙂

  2. Work needs to give me a break so I can watch Bridgerton. I’ve gotten way behind with TV. I hope you have a great June!

    1. There should definitely be some tv-related holidays in every work package 🙂 Thanks, wishing you a great June too!

  3. I’ve started Bridgerton from the start, hoping to get the timing right that I can watch Season 3 in its entirety. I’ve purposely tried to avoid any spoilers so I get the full feels.

    1. That’s a great idea! I hope you’ll enjoy the watch and will remain spoiler-free!

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