Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! I’m sorry I missed last week, I’ve been slumping like bad and I just couldn’t for the life of me think of a post listing 10 things I loved about something… I know, slumps suck!
But I’m determined to not miss two weeks and so today we’re featuring debut novels we enjoyed (a debut novel is an author’s first published book). And I actually found quite a lot of debut novels I enjoyed! So much that I only managed to cut it down to 12. So here we go:

Tell Me:
Have you read and loved any of these debuts?

Oh, dear! I should have included Holly’s. I did enjoy that one. Beth’s is still on my bookshelf so hopefully next time I write up a list of favorite debuts, I can add hers. 🙂
I hope you’ll love The Flatshare, it’s one of my favorites 🙂
I have read all of these, except for 3. Number 6 is on my TBR still and I have never heard of numbers 11 and 12.
My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2024/07/23/top-ten-tuesday-introductions-to-authors-i-enjoyed/
Glad we have so many reads in common!
Excellent choices! I still must make my list but some of yours will probably be on it!
Thanks, Sophie!
I’ve heard excellent things about The Cemetery Boys.
It was really good indeed!
I forgot about Simon Vs! I was obsessed with that book when it first came out.
Me too, I think I already read it three-four times 🙂
The Night Circus is one of my all-time favorites!
It’s an amazing read indeed!
I forgot so many of these are debuts 😂 But I did have Flatshare and SoA on my list today. I also adored Winter’s Orbit which I read last month and it was my fave of the month! I hope you’re able to find something that helps you shake off the slump, Lindsey! 💜
Thanks so much Dini! And haha, I definitely had to double-check a lot of these to see whether or not they were a debut 🙂
I almost put A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda on my list too! I am so mad I didn’t even think about The Night Circus! It is my favorite book of all-time!
The Night Circus is such a good read indeed!
Someday I really should read The Love Hypothesis.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I hope you’ll love it when you do!
I loved seeing The Night Circus, The Flatshare, and The Love Hypothesis on your list. 😀 I recently finished Where the Crawdads Sing and I loved it until the last couple of pages. I also loved Simon and would’ve included it had I focused on YA novels. I need to read the rest. 😀 Great list and thanks for stopping by my blog.
I’m glad to hear we have The Night Circus, The Flatshare, The Love Hypothesis and Simon vs in common!
I enjoyed reading The Flatshare, even though it wasn’t my first Beth O’Leary book, and it definitely won’t be my last. I can’t wait until her next book is released next year.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I’m also looking forward to the new Beth O’Leary! Though I also still need to read The Wake-Up Call.
Sorry to hear you are in a slump! I hope you are able to get past it soon. I think I ended up with 11 on my list. Have a great week!
Thanks so much!
I’m yet to read Song of Achilles, must get to it soon. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/the-10-best-books-i-read-in-the-last-10-years/
I hope you’ll love it!
So many good reads on here! I really like picking up debuts because I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I know a lot of people like tried and true, but I enjoy an experiment!
It’s definitely a good feeling to pick up a debut and end up loving it!
Ah some great books on here.