Top Ten Tuesday

12 Debut Novels I Enjoyed

20240723 12 Debut Novels I Enjoyed

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! I’m sorry I missed last week, I’ve been slumping like bad and I just couldn’t for the life of me think of a post listing 10 things I loved about something… I know, slumps suck!

But I’m determined to not miss two weeks and so today we’re featuring debut novels we enjoyed (a debut novel is an author’s first published book). And I actually found quite a lot of debut novels I enjoyed! So much that I only managed to cut it down to 12. So here we go:

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Tell Me:
Have you read and loved any of these debuts?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Oh, dear! I should have included Holly’s. I did enjoy that one. Beth’s is still on my bookshelf so hopefully next time I write up a list of favorite debuts, I can add hers. 🙂

    1. I hope you’ll love The Flatshare, it’s one of my favorites 🙂

  2. I have read all of these, except for 3. Number 6 is on my TBR still and I have never heard of numbers 11 and 12.

    My TTT:

    1. Glad we have so many reads in common!

  3. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    Excellent choices! I still must make my list but some of yours will probably be on it!

    1. Thanks, Sophie!

  4. I’ve heard excellent things about The Cemetery Boys.

    1. It was really good indeed!

  5. I forgot about Simon Vs! I was obsessed with that book when it first came out.

    1. Me too, I think I already read it three-four times 🙂

  6. The Night Circus is one of my all-time favorites!

    1. It’s an amazing read indeed!

  7. I forgot so many of these are debuts 😂 But I did have Flatshare and SoA on my list today. I also adored Winter’s Orbit which I read last month and it was my fave of the month! I hope you’re able to find something that helps you shake off the slump, Lindsey! 💜

    1. Thanks so much Dini! And haha, I definitely had to double-check a lot of these to see whether or not they were a debut 🙂

  8. I almost put A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda on my list too! I am so mad I didn’t even think about The Night Circus! It is my favorite book of all-time!

    1. The Night Circus is such a good read indeed!

  9. Someday I really should read The Love Hypothesis.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I hope you’ll love it when you do!

  10. I loved seeing The Night Circus, The Flatshare, and The Love Hypothesis on your list. 😀 I recently finished Where the Crawdads Sing and I loved it until the last couple of pages. I also loved Simon and would’ve included it had I focused on YA novels. I need to read the rest. 😀 Great list and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. I’m glad to hear we have The Night Circus, The Flatshare, The Love Hypothesis and Simon vs in common!

  11. I enjoyed reading The Flatshare, even though it wasn’t my first Beth O’Leary book, and it definitely won’t be my last. I can’t wait until her next book is released next year.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. I’m also looking forward to the new Beth O’Leary! Though I also still need to read The Wake-Up Call.

  12. Sorry to hear you are in a slump! I hope you are able to get past it soon. I think I ended up with 11 on my list. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much!

  13. I’m yet to read Song of Achilles, must get to it soon. Happy reading! My TTT

    1. I hope you’ll love it!

  14. So many good reads on here! I really like picking up debuts because I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I know a lot of people like tried and true, but I enjoy an experiment!

    1. It’s definitely a good feeling to pick up a debut and end up loving it!

  15. Ah some great books on here.

    1. Thanks!

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