Top Ten Tuesday

10 Bookish (& Bloggish) Confessions

20241008 10 Bookish (& Bloggish) Confessions

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re talking bookish confessions! I decided to give you all 5 bookish and 5 bloggish confessions and I’m also embarassingly honest here so… please don’t judge me too harshly, thank you!

Bookish Confessions

  1. No matter how hard I try to avoid it, if I try to read after 9 PM, I fall asleep.
    All of those bookish memes about people starting a book at night and then finishing it in the morning? Never gonna be me.
  2. I often (accidentally, though not really) look up spoilers for a book I’m reading, BEFORE I finished it.
    I will look up a title on social media before I finished it, because I want to see what other people think about it or I want to see fan art. And naturally, I often get spoiled while doing that. Yet, I never can fight the urge…
  3. I sometimes skip ahead and skim the pages
    I’m sorry, I’m an impatient person! To be fair, when I do this, it’s usually because I’m tired of a certain type of scene happening too much in a book. Sometimes it’s a fight scene. Sometimes it’s a smut scene. I like them the first, second or third time, but when it keeps happening, I tend to skim them…
  4. I always ask for books for gifts but that doesn’t mean I will read them soon
    I wish I could say it’s because I technically already read them because I ask for physical copies of books I read as ebook or audiobook and loved (and often it is). But unfortunately, that’s not always the case. I have received books as gifts that I hadn’t read yet and still haven’t read, many years later…
  5. While I like recommending books, I do not like actually lending books to friends
    Does that make me a bad friend? It’s just that I’m worried they might not read it right away and not bring it back and keep it for months and months and then I have to remind them and… it’s just uncomfortable, okay?

Bloggish Confessions

cat blogging
  1. I can only blog on a big screen
    Does that make me old? I guess it does a bit… But I just can’t blog or blog hop on my phone. It’s reserved for my computer, which is probably a big reason for confession nr 2…
  2. I struggle with blog hopping and blog planning
    I’ve been blogging for about 8 years and I still haven’t figured out the perfect way to blog hop and blog plan. I know blog hopping is important and I love it… but it also takes up so much time. I want to do it more often, but for now I usually only manage one evening a week. And yes, that makes me feel guilty. And I also struggle with preparing blog posts in advance. Sometimes I have a few posts ready in advance. And other times I’m just rushing the evening before to still get a post up on time.
  3. I feel like I’m just winging it most of the time
    Again, even after 8 years of blogging I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time when it comes to the technical part of blogging. I learned a lot in 8 years, yes. And some days I feel like I’ve got in under control. But other days I remove my caching plugin and I get too anxious to install one back because I’m scared I’ll mess everything up. (True story)
  4. The social media aspect of blogging does not appeal to me at all anymore
    I love browsing other people’s bookstagrams, booktoks and booktubes. I’m in awe of their talent and creativity and sometimes I wish I could do it myself. But in the end, I (probably) never will. I love writing blogs. But being too personally present on social media gives me anxiety. So I’m sticking to browsing.
  5. I often consider quitting blogging (but always end up saying nah, not yet)
    All of the above do make me think “maybe I should just stop blogging” on a regular basis. I also often think or “should a hobby cause this much stress?”. But when it comes down to it, I would miss blogging and this lovely blogging community way too much. And I’d rather blog less than not at all. So, at least for now, I’m sticking around 😉

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Tell Me:
Are you a book insomniac who stays up all night reading or do you fall asleep like me? And when it comes to blogging, are you a ‘big screen only’ blogger like me, or are you able to blog on the go on your phone like one of the cool kids?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I mainly use social media to auto share my blogs LOL

    1. Haha I used to only do the auto share too so I get it completely 🙂

  2. This was such a great read. I’m a big screen person too. Even though I acknowledge how much easier it would be to blog hop on my phone…I just can’t.

    1. It would be so much easier to blog hop on my phone throughout the day indeed! But I just can’t do it either… Glad to hear I’m not alone at least 🙂

  3. Loved this post! Big screen person here too and I’m definitely a (book) insomniac, haha. I only read at night. Social media doesn’t appal to me neither.

    1. Glad to hear I’m not the only big screen person 🙂 I am definitely in awe of your ability to read at night though 😀

  4. I fall asleep if I read after 9 pm, too.

    1. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in that 🙂

  5. Lots of these are so relatable! For me, bloggish confession 2 & 3 are the most relatable cos even after all these years, I’m still just winging it and oftentimes I wonder how I ever get things done 😂

    1. Haha I am glad to hear I’m not the only one winging it 😉

  6. I identify with a lot of your bloggish confessions! I definitely can only blog on a computer screen. And yeah, I sometimes actively seek out spoilers when I’m reading a book!

    1. Thanks, I’m glad I’m not the only one 🙂

  7. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I also fall asleep if I try to read a book past 9 PM and… I can relate to so many of what you said!

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone in that, Sophie!

  8. I can only blog or blog hop on a big screen too. Thinking about doing it on my phone is giving me the ick.

    1. It’s just way more comfortable to do on a big screen! I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way 🙂

  9. I can RELATE to some of your blog confessions. I consider “giving up” mine at times, but since I am trying to combine a kind of hobby and turning it into “something” I stick with it. I also hear ya’ about social media. I’m in AWE of the talent people have. I used to take all the book photos but haven’t in years now and am always just a click away from giving up my social media pages, which would be WAY easier than my blog since that’s where I put 95% (vs. social media) of my attention/time. I also prefer a nice screen for visiting blogs/writing too. I don’t do any of that on a phone.

    1. I’m glad you can relate Rissi! I did love taking book photos once upon a time too but in the end I didn’t want too much time to be taken away from blogging itself.

  10. If I’m reading after 9:00 pm, then it’s a good book and I’m up until midnight. That’s why I try to stop reading at 8:00 pm.

    I agree with you about blog hopping. But don’t feel guilty! We all do what we can. No pressure.

    You have great stats without social media so you’re doing great. I only have an Instagram because it’s easy for me to make a brief review from my longer one. In general, I can’t stand social media and that’s the only account I have.

    I ran a pretty successful blog in the past and quit for 10 years so I get that you would miss blogging. I’m always sorry that I didn’t keep my original blog up and wiped it as well as I could off the WWW.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad I’m not alone in struggling with blog hopping and social media. I can imagine you miss your old blog, and it’s definitely amazing that you’d miss it so much to go back to blogging after 10 years!

  11. I have trouble falling asleep, so I have never fallen asleep reading a book. But, I need my sleep and have to go to sleep around 9, so I am no longer one of those people who stay up super late reading. I also ONLY blog on my computer, and same for the blog hopping. I don’t like doing stuff like that on my phone. I can relate to the pressure of social media and blog hopping as well. Have a great week!

    1. As much as I love books and reading, I’ll also still always choose sleep over reading because I need that sleep! 😀

  12. I also do not like to lend out my books… to pretty much all but one person. haha. I find your confessions so relatable too! I always wonder if I should quit. The times I’ve taken extended time off (after each kid), I’ve missed it so much. I got rid of a lot of memes and just do Tues/Wed. that helped some. I’m not reviewing everything I read, unless it’s an ARC. I also will never put my face on social media. haha. I do a lot on my bookstagram, but it’s all canva or shots of my bookshelves! I could never do tiktok.. they are awesome, but not with my anxiety! lol

    1. I’m so glad to hear you can relate! Yes, I miss blogging so much every time I take a break, it’s how I know I don’t want to quit. Like you, I also cut down on my posting and don’t review everything anymore, and it’s helped a lot.

  13. Excellent list! I, too, struggle with blog hopping and making rounds to other blogger sites…but it’s because I work full time and have a husband and 12-year old. By the time I’m done with work and family, it’s really hard to pay attention to my blog and others’ blogs. I feel bad, but I do have to sleep! LOL!

    1. Sleep is so important too, I totally understand! It’s definitely hard sometimes to still pick up the energy to blog hop after a long day. But luckily, the blogosphere is very nice and understanding 🙂

  14. I also only do my blogging stuff on a big screen (unless I’ve got a post built ready to post and realize I’ve done left the house without posting it, I’ll hop on the phone to hit publish and link it). I hope you have a great week.

    Here’s my TTT if you wish to visit –

    1. Glad to hear I’m not the only one who only blogs on a big screen (unless for emergencies, indeed)!

  15. I will never lend out my books ever again! I used to when I was younger and I almost never got them back. I have the same issues with my blog. I love it but it takes up so much time. I have to remind myself that it’s for my personal self-care and it’s fun, and it’s okay if I miss posting sometimes. I still feel guilty but at least I can say things that make me feel better. 😂


    1. I love how we all relate that blogging is time consuming and how we all have each other’s back when there is a little less time to post… and yet we still feel guilty when we miss a post ourselves 😀

  16. I love your answers–esp blogging only on a computer or laptop. I can’t do it on Jetpack on my phone. No! I also prefer to read blogs on my computer’s larger screen

    1. Yes, I’m so relieved to hear I’m not the only one who can’t blog on their phone!

  17. It’s funny how I TOTALLY relate to some of these (only being able to blog on a big-screened computer, for example) and totally not to others (skimming a book or looking for spoilers)! It’s the variety of readers/bloggers is what makes the book blogosphere so fun for me.

    Lending books is not my favorite either because most people are NOT good about returning them. I only loan books I’m okay with losing because that’s generally what happens!

    Happy TTT!


    1. So true about the variety of readers/bloggers!

  18. I also sometimes look up spoilers to books I’m reading

    1. Glad to hear I’m not alone 🙂

  19. I have never tried using my tablet or phone for my blog. I’ve actually found it easier to use my husband’s chromebook over my laptop. Why? Because his has a much larger screen. LOL!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Haha I definitely agree that when it comes to blogging, bigger screens are always better 😀

  20. I hate reading on my phone, so I only blog hop on my laptop. I guess I’m old too. I need a big screen. 🙂

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