Top Ten Tuesday

How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time

20241022 How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re talking about how our reading habits have changed over time. As someone who’s been a reader since childhood, my reading habits have definitely changed a lot. Thankfully, the love of reading has always remained and that’s the most important šŸ™‚ Here are a few recent changes in my reading habits (like, compared to 5 or so years ago):

25 bookish facts about me
  1. I used to be a big YA contemporary reader, but the last few years I’ve found myself fluctuating towards adult fiction more and more. I still enjoy YA on occasion, but it’s no longer the biggest chunk of my reading.
  2. I used to read only physical books. But a few years ago I started listening to audiobooks more (because they’re so handy and helped me read during commutes and while doing chores) and also picked up more ebooks (because they take up less space and the delivery time is immediate which is perfect for impatient little creatures such as me). And honestly, nowadays I barely ever pick up a physical book anymore.
  3. I used to build my own personal library of physical books. I had three bookshelves and wanted to expand. Then, I had to realize I didn’t actually have the space to expand, let alone keep my three bookshelves. So I unhauled 2 out of 3 and now I only have the one bookshelf left. (I still dream about my own personal library though. Maybe one day.)
  4. I used to buy A LOT of books and wasn’t very picky about which ones. I was just constantly buying new books that caught my attention without thinking about whether or not I’d actually even read or like them. But now, I am VERY picky about buying books. I only buy 1 or 2 ebooks at at time and then I’m reading those next. I don’t buy anything else until I finished those books. And I (mostly) only buy physical books if I already read them in ebook or audio and love them so much I want a copy for my shelf. (Exceptions are possible though, I am only human šŸ™‚ )
  5. I used to be big on TBRs and challenges and anything that needed me to plan my reading. Then I realized I’m a major mood reader so I just stopped forcing myself to follow a plan and now I only buy/read what I’m in the mood for at that moment.
  6. I used to be obsessed with reading series. Then I figured out that waiting ages in between books did not help my memory and as a result of fading memories, did not help my chances of actually finishing a series. Nowadays, I’m mostly into standalones.
  7. I used to be able to read in the evenings. Nowadays, I fall asleep if I try to read after 9 PM. Reading during the day or in the weekend is my only option now šŸ™‚
  8. I used to read ebooks exclusively on my phone. I had the Kindle app on my phone and I was constantly reading books on my phone. But as you can imagine, my eyes did not appreciate that very much and after a while of them complaining loudly, I caved and bought an actual Kindle. My eyes are very thankful.

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Tell Me:
Do we have any reading habits in common?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I had a Kindle Fire, but it quite or broke and I never replaced it. I’m still a physical book reader/buyer. šŸ™‚ I think part of this is because I sit in front of a screen so much writing and doing other things, so when I read, I want to enjoy something that doesn’t involve a screen. šŸ™‚

    1. I totally see how it can be nice to switch to a physical book after sitting in front of a screen already all day!

  2. 1 and 7! But 7 doesn’t occur to me in the summer months. In fall and winter, I barely get anything done once the sun has set. I fall asleep, super annoying.

    1. Yes, in summer it is definitely easier to read in the evenings than winter! I guess the darkness makes me fall asleep faster and probably also the fact that I like to cozy up under a nice warm blanket to read, that probably won’t help šŸ™‚

  3. I also used to buy any and all books! I would hear someone talk about it once, and then just buy it and it was a terrible habbit!

    1. Yes, I used to do the same! Or buy books based on the cover… Not always a great idea šŸ™‚

  4. I’m the opposite of a mood reader. I like to plan my reading for the month ahead, especially if it includes ARCs. And I love reading challenges although I often set myself unrealistic goals and wonder why I failed. Answer: I set unrealistic goals!

    1. I love that you can plan your reading! I do love challenges to, but I keep failing them even if I set easy goals šŸ™‚

  5. I get sleepy around that time of day, too, especially when the sun sets at 5 pm!

    And Iā€™ve also moved away from the YA genre.

    1. Yes, winter time is absolutely horrible when it comes to getting any reading done at night šŸ˜€

  6. I am a little more picky about what books I buy compared to when I was younger, but I also use my library a lot more now, so I don’t have to buy as many. I’m somewhat of a mood reader, but I also like to have small TBRs or do easy challenges.

    1. Using the library is definitely a good idea to help buy less books! I do love challenges, and maybe I should try some of the easier ones every once in a while.

  7. I prefer physical books over e-books and audiobooks, but I am trying to listen to more audiobooks. I like buying books, but now I want to be sure I love them before buying, so I’m going to get a library card. I’m not much of a structured reader either. I do have a TBR, but that’s just to keep track of books I want to read. I generally choose a book I am in the mood for.

    If you’d like to visit, here’s my TTT:

    1. Good luck with the audiobook goal! A library card is indeed a good idea to test-read books before buying them šŸ™‚

  8. Great list, Lindsey! I’ve seen the YA comment on a few blogs that I’ve checked out today. I also had it on my list and it’s a bittersweet feeling thinking that I’m growing out of that genre. šŸ˜‚ I also find myself reading a lot more ebooks these days compared to physical books and I’ve been buying much less of them nowadays (but still buying, lol)!

    1. So true that it’s a bittersweet feeling to be growing out of the YA genre! But who knows, maybe one day we’ll be back to reading all the YA šŸ™‚

  9. Great that you got that Kindle! And #1, #2 and #6 really resonate with me too, they totally caught me by surprise when I was thinking through this week’s TTT theme

    1. It’s definitely surprising sometimes to see how much our reading habits have changed!

  10. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I used to be able to read at night too but not anymore LOL

  11. I struggle to read when it’s dark out too. But there are times that it helps me relax enough for sleep.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. Man, I wish reading in the evening would put me to sleep. It would be nice to have something that actually helps me not be so nocturnal.

    I hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  13. Great list! I have discovered Iā€™m a mood reader too. I actually think all of the forced reading – read on deadlines, reading challenges, reviewing expectations, etc. – all turned me into a mood reader. Now I struggle a little to read what Iā€™m told to. Maybe Iā€™m just a rebel now. lol!

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