WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: 6 November 2024

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“WWW” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Taking On A World of Words.

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new WWW Wednesday! For this post, we’ll be answering three questions (the 3 Ws):

  1. What did you recently finish reading?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?
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Just Finished Reading
City of Gods and Monsters by Kayla Edwards

I just finished reading City of Gods and Monsters by Kayla Edwards in ebook format.

I really wanted to love this urban fantasy series. It’s been compared to Crescent City and I was looking for a similar series with a big cast of characters to love. But this was not for me – I just had too many issues with it. While the main male character was interesting and I liked that we had dual POV, the main female character had zero personality. There are too many characters in it, so I got lost among them all pretty quickly, but also none of them even stood out remotely. This had potential for amazing found family vibes and friendship groups but it just did not deliver and even felt childish. I mean, there was a scene where one of the friends was found back alive after being kidnapped and presumed dead, and all the so-called best friends talk about is which boy they think is hot. Where is the depth? Where are the real emotions? Nope, I feel sorry that I read all 700+ pages and did not just DNF this…

Phantasma by Kaylie Smith

I just finished reading Phantasma by Kaylie Smith as audiobook.

THIS WAS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO ROUND UP MY HALLOWEEN SEASON. But also, wow, I LOVED this book. This dark fantasy romance is described as Caraval meets Throne of the Fallen, and is about a necromancer working together with a phantom to survive a deadly competition that is based on the nine circles of hell and is set in a cursed manor. It is both eerie and spicy and the romance is just all sorts of goodness. Highly recommend!!

Currently Reading

I am currently reading The Nightmare Before Kissmas by Sara Raasch as ebook.

This is adorable and fun and cute and sweet and just the perfect palate cleanser for me in between some darker fantasy romances.

Reckless by Lauren Roberts

I am currently reading Reckless (The Powerless Trilogy #2) by Lauren Roberts as audiobook.

Though I had some issues with the first book in this trilogy (subpar worldbuilding), it also had some things that made me love it regardless (an amazing swoonworthy romance). So yes, I decided to continue the series and I am looking forward to all the pining in this one.

Reading Next

As usual, I’m a huge mood reader so who knows what I’ll be reading next? Until the moment I pick up a book, not even me knows. I’m also starting to crave rereads (as I usually do near the end of the year) so maybe I’ll focus on that a bit more until the end of the year. Here are a few possibilities I’m thinking of (both new and rereads):

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Tell Me:
What are you currently reading?
Have you read any of these books already?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I want to read The Nightmare Before Kissmas so bad!!! I am glad you are enjoying it!

    1. I did really enjoy The Nightmare Before Kissmas, hope you will too!

  2. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    You sold me The Nightmare before Kissmass😂

    1. It was a fun and adorable read, perfect for that period in between Halloween and Christmas 😉

  3. The Nightmare Before Kissmas sounds so adorable! Glad you’re enjoying it so far!

    1. It was a really fun and adorable read – and the perfect mix of Halloween and Christmas (though mostly Christmas) 🙂

  4. I can’t wait to read Nightmare Before Kissmas! Phantasma also sounds fantastic so I think I might be adding that to my radar list. Keen to see what you’ll think of Juliette Cross’ new book. I have that on my radar as well but haven’t been in the right mood to pick it up yet. Happy reading!

    1. The Nightmare Before Kissmas was a fun and cute palate cleanser for me 🙂 I ADORED Phantasma though so I’d definitely recommend that one. I’ll probably pick up The Wraith King next, I’m curious about it too!

  5. Sounds like I’ll have to read Phantasma! And I’m glad you’re enjoying The Nightmare Before Kissmas. 😀

    1. I definitely recommend Phantasma!! And The Nightmare Before Kissmas was pretty cute 🙂

  6. Oh, gosh! 700 pages… yeah, I get it though. I need to be better about DNF’ing too. I’m glad Phantasma worked out for you though!

    1. Yes, I keep thinking it’ll get better and that I just need to give it a chance… and to be fair, there were some parts where I thought it was getting better… until it wasn’t.

      1. I have been there so understand completely!

  7. I might have to check out Phantasma. I’ve been eyeing it, but I’m pretty wary of “romantasy” these days, because of the boom it is having. It can be so hard to find a romantasy that’s actually worth reading and not just an editor/publisher rushing to fit the current market demands. Glad to hear this one was worth it!

    1. I really loved Phantasma! I thought the haunted manor and the competition were so fun and unique. Though fair warning, it is quite steamy and romance heavy too!

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