Top Ten Tuesday

One-Sentence Reviews For My 10 Most Recent Reads

One-Sentence Reviews For My 10 Most Recent Reads

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s topic is ‘Books I never reviewed’ so I decided to give you one-sentence (ish) reviews for my 10 most recent, unreviewed reads.

I always want to write more reviews but it can be difficult to get reviews written and posted in a timely manner and I think this is a nice alternative to still get my thoughts out there, in a concise way.

So here we go!

Onyx Storm
Children of Fallen Gods
Truly Madly Deeply
Lights Out
The Spellshop
Daughter of No Worlds
Under Locke
The Wraith King
The Nightmare Before Kissmass
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Tell Me:
Have you read any of these? If yes, what did you think about them?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I’m seeing a lot of The Spellshop on various lists! Must be a well loved book for many. 🙂

    1. I can definitely see why it gets all that hype 🙂

  2. Unfortunately, these are eligible since they are in pictures, so I can’t really say something useful about this post. It’s not accessible to screen reader users.

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll take this into account and format this kind of post differently in the future.

  3. Cute way to knock off a bunch of reviews all at once. Sometimes I write short reviews in the tanka style.

    1. Tanka is such a fun way to write a review!!

  4. Love this!

  5. I struggle to get reviews out, too!

    1. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in that!

  6. Ridoc is definitely my favorite and I’m anxious all the time about him haha help 😂

    1. I know the feeling! He’s just such an amazing character <3

  7. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    It was a wonderful idea Lindsey!

    1. Thanks Sophie!

  8. Great sentence reviews! I tried to do that this week but I ended up doing more paragraph reviews 😂 I can’t wait to read Bellefleur, Rasch and Durst’s books. I was keen to check out Cross’ book but I haven’t seen very positive things about it so I think I’m bumping it down the list, lol.

    1. Thanks! Hope you’ll love any of these you can’t wait to read! Though I’m afraid I would indeed recommend bumping The Wraith King down the list… it’s a bummer since I loved her other series!

  9. Looks like mostly stellar reads.

  10. The Spellshop is super cute.

    1. It’s adorable indeed!

  11. I haven’t read any of these but you’re making me want to!

    1. I hope you’ll love any you decide to try!

  12. I love your twist on this week’s prompt. And the way you describe The Spellshop makes me want to read it right now!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. Nice one-sentence reviews. I love it! I haven’t read any of these…

    Happy TTT!


  14. One sentence reviews are the best!! I need to read the rest of the Broadbent series. I actually ordered the paperbacks off amazon yesterday, since they will be out of print soon.

    1. I indeed heard they will get updated with new covers and all, so good idea to get the paperbacks now! (I actually like these covers, I feel like they have such a nostalgic fantasy feel to them 🙂 )

      1. Yes, I love them too. I don’t know if the rest will come in bc they have a late March arrival. I got book 1 today and it’s stunning!!

  15. I’ve read a few! I loved Fourth Wing and need to read on in that series. Great one or two sentence reviews!

    1. Thanks! I hope you’ll love the rest of the Fourth Wing series!

  16. Literary Feline says:

    I think this is a great idea. It really is hard sometimes to make time for review writing. I doubt I will ever be timely, but I really should just give myself permission to do more posts like this. I haven’t read any of these, but not for lack of wanting to. Several are on my TBR and wish list. Spellshop and The Nightmare Before Kissmas are high up there.

    1. So true, I think we shouldn’t always aim for the lengthy reviews, as they take up so much time, but these kind of mini reviews can be great too.

  17. This is such an interesting and wholesome list. The Spellshop is on my list and I’m glad to hear good things about it.

    1. I hope you’ll love The Spellshop!

  18. These are great one sentence reviews. I always feel like I am supposed to say more.

    1. I actually thought this would be more difficult but I quite liked it, I’ll definitely try to do more of these 🙂

  19. I’m jealous of your ability to share short thoughts on the books you’ve read. I tried for mini reviews with mine and they ended up being pretty lengthy, lol.

    I loved Lights Out also! He was so stinkin’ adorable and his relationship with her cat had me smiling throughout the book.

    Daughter of No Worlds was also really amazing. I haven’t read the second book yet, but I need to.

    I haven’t read Onyx Storm. It keeps staring at me from my bookshelf. 😅

    1. Haha thanks! I think I actually quite prefer the mini format as otherwise I tend to ramble 🙂
      So glad to hear you also loved Lights Out! And yes, I smiled so much during this book, almost feels weird to call it a dark romance 😀
      Hope you’ll love the rest of the Daughter of No Worlds series, and Onyx Storm!

  20. I love Flawless and Onyx and Storm is on my tbr.

    1. I hope you’ll love Onyx Storm!

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