Hi everybody, and welcome to my (belated) May wrap up! As you may have noticed, I’ve been a little less active on the blog lately and that’s because I’ve been a little overwhelmed with life-stuff …

Hi everybody, and welcome to my (belated) May wrap up! As you may have noticed, I’ve been a little less active on the blog lately and that’s because I’ve been a little overwhelmed with life-stuff …
Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! With the new TV season starting, today is all about binge-worthy TV shows! (Because it doesn’t always have to be about books). …
Hi guys, and welcome to my August wrap up! So I know it’s pretty standard to say that time flies, but seriously, where did August go? I am seriously so confused, like why is time …
Hi guys, and welcome to my July wrap up! As you may recall, I announced my first-ever semi-hiatus at the beginning of July. It was a tough decision, but I had been in a slump …