Hi and welcome to my first wrap up of 2017! January has been pretty busy reading and blogging wise, so I hope you’re ready for a looong post I have read 12 books, 3 …

Hi and welcome to my first wrap up of 2017! January has been pretty busy reading and blogging wise, so I hope you’re ready for a looong post I have read 12 books, 3 …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! The last one for 2016… Can you believe it’s the end of 2016? This year has flown right on by. It also means that next month I …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! Let’s get this out of the way first: HOW ARE WE DECEMBER ALREADY? How fast is this year going by? I know I pretty much say this …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS! Hope everyone will have a super day! Come tomorrow it will be over. My favorite month of the year has already …
Let me start of this post with two little comics that I feel completely ‘get’ my feelings about Halloween. And Comics by the amazing Sarah Andersen. Needless to say, I’m obsessed with Halloween. My birthday …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! September has been a pretty blessed book month. There were so many great book releases, among which were some of my most anticipated books. I started of …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! August was actually a pretty great month. I went on holiday to Italy and it was amazing. I saw the Amalfi Coast, which has been on my …
Hi and welcome to a new monthly wrapup! July has been… again… a bit underwhelming readingwise. I had a lot of other things to do and reading got a little bit procrastinated. I hope August …
And it’s time yet again for a monthly wrap up! #obligatorytimefliescomment First of all, I’d like to quickly discuss my results in the Tome Topple Readathon! As you may know, I participated in this readathon, …
Can you believe it’s already June? Yesterday I was still decorating the Christmas tree and today it’s June! Time does fly! May’s been pretty weird readingwise. I didn’t get a lot of reading done because …