WHAT IT’S ABOUT: The heartrending conclusion to Saber and Zak’s story… Ten years ago, everything that mattered to me was torn away—and I let it happen. But this time, I’m not a scared teen or …

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: The heartrending conclusion to Saber and Zak’s story… Ten years ago, everything that mattered to me was torn away—and I let it happen. But this time, I’m not a scared teen or …
WHAT IT’S ABOUT: I’m learning to embrace who and what I am, but there’s one thing I can’t face: the night Zak betrayed me. But even with the mysteries of our shared past hanging between …
WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Everyone is keeping secrets. Zak won’t reveal what really happened between us ten years ago. Ríkr’s been hiding so much I scarcely recognize him anymore. But the biggest secret belongs to my …
WHAT IT’S ABOUT: I’m not your average girl. My best friend is my switchblade. My favorite hobby is using it on the cruel, the abusive, and anyone who gets on my bad side. I’m a …
“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, which encourages fellow bloggers to spotlight upcoming releases that we’re excited about. However, as Jill is no longer actively posting, from now on I’ll …